New World

List of Ammo

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a list of all Ammo in New World. Read on to see lists of Ammo across all tiers and what they are used for.

List of Ammo

Tier 1 Ammo

Flint Arrow IconFlint Arrow

Tier 2 Ammo

Iron Arrow IconIron Arrow Iron Cartridge IconIron Cartridge

Tier 3 Ammo

Steel Arrow IconSteel Arrow Steel Cartridge IconSteel Cartridge

Tier 4 Ammo

Starmetal Cartridge IconStarmetal Cartridge Starmetal Arrow IconStarmetal Arrow

Tier 5 Ammo

Orichalcum Arrow IconOrichalcum Arrow Orichalcum Cartridge IconOrichalcum Cartridge

How to Use Ammo

Ammo items are exclusively used alongside New World's physical ranged weapons: Muskets and Bows. These items are further classified into two categories: Cartridges and Arrows, which are used up by Muskets and Bows respectively.

Each shot by these weapon types consumes one ammo. This includes their shot-based weapon skills such as Shooter Stance and Rain of Arrows.

How to Get Ammo

Ammo Can Be Crafted

Ammo can be crafted from a settlement's Workshop and requires the Engineering trade skill. It is important to note that certain ammo items such as Flint Arrows can be crafted from your Camp as well.

Looted From Enemies

Enemies across Aeternum can be looted for Ammo items. The most common ammo you can acquire across the board seem to be Iron Cartridges and Arrows. It is currently unknown whether better ammo types can also be looted from high-level enemies.

New World Related Guides

List of Resources

Resources by Type
OresOres IngotsIngots HidesHides
LeathersLeathers FibersFibers ClothCloth
Stone BlocksStone Blocks BrickBrick WoodWood
PlanksPlanks ConsumablesConsumables IngredientsIngredients
GemstonesGemstones Tuning OrbsTuning Orbs Alchemy ResourcesAlchemy Resources
Faction SealsFaction Seals Special ResourcesSpecial Resources Refining MaterialsRefining Materials
DyesDyes Repair KitsRepair Kits Crafting ComponentsCrafting Components
PigmentsPigments AmmoAmmo BaitBait
Cooking Recipes and Crafting SchematicsCooking Recipes & Crafting Schematics Salvageable ScrapsSalvageable Scraps Material GroupsMaterial Groups


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