New World

List of Quests

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - List of Quests
This is the quest hub for New World. Read on to learn more about Main Quests, Sidequests, Factions Missions, and Town Board Missions that you can find across Aeternum!

Main Quests

New World - Main Quests

Main quests are missions that progress New World's overarching story. These quests allow players to experience Aeternum's lore and master the different game mechanics in preparation for end-game content!


New World - Sidequests

Sidequests are optional missions given by settlement NPCs all over Aeternum. If you find yourself too underleveled to progress the main story, consider doing a handful of these as they net you a lot of XP, Gold, and Territory Standing.

Faction Missions

New World - Faction Missions

Types of Faction Missions
PvE Missions PvP Missions

Faction missions are quests you can accept from your chosen faction's representative in each settlement. Completing these will reward you with Faction Reputation, Tokens, and/or Influence, as well as XP for every quest!

PvE Missions

New World - PvE Missions

Types of PvE Missions
Hunting Animals Hunt a number of the specified animals within the provided location. You will be asked to collect or gather unique droppables from them.
Assasination Kill a high-value target in one of the region's many hostile locations. These will be stronger versions of the area's enemy type.
Mob Clearing Defeat a certain number of enemies within a given area. They will often be a specific type of enemy.
Gather Unique Items Collect a number of unique items from chests or coffers within a given area.

PvE faction missions will have players completing different map objectives for their chosen factions. Upon completion, you will be rewarded with Faction Tokens and Faction Reputation.

Faction Tokens can be spent on Faction-exclusive gear while Faction Reputation increases your rank within your chosen faction. Higher ranks mean access to higher-tier gear for purchase!

PvP Missions

New World - PvP Missions

Types of PvP Missions
Gather Intel Retrieve a letter from a location within the region, and deliver it to the specified container.
Stabilize Stand inside a specified area for a given amount of time. PvP must be flagged at all times.
Disrupt Capture or destroy (hunt or gather) resources within the region to deny enemies from using them.

There are only 3 types of PvP missions but each faction will have different names for them. For example, Stabilize is Patrol Areas for Marauders, and Sanctify for Covenant.

This type of mission will flag players for PvP, making them extra dangerous but also highly lucrative. Players must complete objectives without dying, fast traveling, or unflagging themselves from PvP.

Success will reward these brave adventurers with Faction Reputation, Tokens, and Influence! Influence rewards will increase your faction's control of a region, making PvP missions a staple for territory holders and destabilizers.

Town Board Missions

New World - Town Board Missions

Types of Town Board Missions
Hunting Animals Hunt a number of the specified animals within the provided location.
Explore and Find Explore a specified location and gather unique items from the coffers and chests inside it.
Crafting Unique Items A unique recipe will show up in the specified crafting station. Players must gather raw materials in order to craft it.
Profession Craft or Gather actual in-game items (such as consumables) and donate it to the town.

Town Board Missions are community driven quests available at every settlement's town board. These quests work to improve the quality-of-life within a settlement by upgrading its many crafting and refining stations, maintaining settlement upkeep, and activating different bonuses for visiting players. On top of that, you get significant XP for helping out!

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