New World

Factions Guide: Which Faction Should You Choose?

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World Best Faction and How to Change Factions

The Covenant, Marauders, and Syndicate are the three Factions that fight for control in New World. This guide will show you the benefits of joining a faction, how to increase your rank within them, which faction is the best, and more!

Best Faction to Join

Best Faction Poll

The Mauraders 172
The Syndicate 199
The Covenant 128

Choosing a Faction boils down to personal preference. For choosing a Faction, we recommend going with whichever aesthetic and lore suits you and your character best!

Let us know which Faction you think is best by voting in our factions poll, or by telling us in the comments section!

Comments Section

Join the Mauraders If You Seek Strength

The Mauraders are a band of warriors that focus on getting stronger, overcoming obstacles with brute force and skill. Join this Faction if you believe in fighting for glory and self-improvement!

Join the Syndicate if You Seek Knowledge

The Syndicate is a secretive group that uses wits and knowledge to fight for the pursuit of truth and progress. Join this Faction if you believe that your intellect is your strongest weapon!

Join the Covenant if You Seek Justice

The Covenant are holy soldiers that fight with a conviction for righteousness and justice. Join this Faction if you believe in fighting for what is right and just, even in the face of adversity!

Differences Between Factions

New World - Factions
The three Factions are the Marauders, Syndicate, and Covenant. The only notable differences between the Factions are the purchaseable equipment from each Faction store. The equipment sold by Factions have identical stats, but they come with different Perks depending on the Faction.

New - World - MaraudersMarauders New World - Marauders Faction
The Marauders are a ruthless military force hell-bent on establishing a free nation where anyone with the strength to do so can prosper and profit.
New World - SyndicateSyndicate New World - Syndicate Faction
The Syndicate is a secretive organization of boundless guile and intellect in search of forbidden knowledge to usher in a new age of enlightenment.
New World - CovenantCovenant New World - Covenant Faction
The Covenant is a divine order with cleansing the land of heretics and defilers so that its true holy nature and justice can be restored.

Faction Benefits

Get Access to Faction Armor & Gear

One of the biggest benefits of joining a faction has to be unlocking the Faction Shop. While it offers a lot of good selections for weapons and armor, the real game-changers are the unique and exclusive crafting materials you can buy using Faction Tokens.

Runes of Holding will unlock bag crafting, allowing you to increase your carrying capacity and grab more loot. Chisels will allow you to make tuning orbs - items needed to participate in New World's expeditions. Unlocking the shop is a must for anyone playing New World.

Unlock Companies and Territory Control

New World - Companies and Territory Control

Joining a faction will also allow you to make your very own Company - New World's version of a guild. Being part of and running a company will allow you to take part in the Territory Control feature of the game, where you fight in PvP to conquer in a region.

If you and your friends plan to govern and develop one of the many settlements scattered throughout Aeternum, joining a faction is the first step!

How to Create and Join a Faction Company

Fast Travel Discounts

New World - Fast Travel Discount

Another benefit of being a faction member is the Azoth discount for Fast Travel. As long as you are teleporting to a settlement or territory controlled by your faction, part of the Azoth cost will always be waived. This is particularly handy if you are traveling from a starter area, all the way to the high-level regions up north!

How to Fast Travel in New World

Global Luck and Gathering Speed Bonuses

Faction members will also have a global luck bonus and gathering speed bonus within territories controlled by their faction. Luck will increase your chances to find rare and epic items from chests, while gathering speed bonuses will allow you to farm more resources in a shorter amount of time.

Unlock Faction Missions

New World - Complete Faction Missions

Joining a faction will also unlock the ability to undertake Faction Missions. On top of regular quest chains, faction missions allow players to get familiar with New World's diverse PvE and PvP content.

Completing faction missions will reward players with extra XP and Gold, as well as Faction Reputation, Faction Influence, and Faction Tokens.

PvE Missions (Player versus Environment)

Types of PvE Missions
Hunting Animals Assasination
Crafting Resources Gathering Resources

PvE Missions will be one of the best ways to level up as you venture farther north. While they don't offer as much in the way of Faction Tokens, they have sizeable Gold and EXP rewards that will allow you to quickly level up (provided you are doing them in level appropriate regions).

PvP Missions (Player versus Player)

Types of PvP Missions
Gather Intel Deliver Message
Patrol Areas Deliver Items

PvP Missions give players Reputation and Influence. If the territory involved in the mission is under your Faction, gaining Influence reinforces your Faction's control over it. If it belongs to a different Faction, gaining Influence undermines the opposing Faction's control over it, making the Territory more vulnerable for war.

Note: Accepting PvP Missions will automatically flag you for PvP. Unflagging yourself will cause you to abandon the mission. Fast traveling will also reset the progress of your mission.

Unlock Massive PvP Battles

Lastly, joining a faction will allow you to participate in massive late-game PvP content called Wars. These are large, 50 versus 50 battles pits two warring factions against each other in a bid to control or retain their hold on a settlement.

PvP Guide: How to Enable PvP

Faction Ranks & Ranking Up

Faction Rank Benefits

New World - Which Faction to Join

Each Faction will have their own set of unique gear. In order to unlock unique looks and better stats, players will have to do Faction Missions to raise their Faction Reputation. High reputation will increase your rank within the faction, allowing you to buy the best kind of gear from the Faction Shop.

All Faction Weapons, Armor, and Resources
New - World - MaraudersMarauders New World - SyndicateSyndicate New World - CovenantCovenant

Faction Reputation Cap & Rank Up Quests

Faction Reputation Cap
Each Faction rank will have a cap for your Faction Reputation. Once you reach the cap you will not be able to gain any more Faction Reputation until you reach the next rank. Ranking up will require you to reach the reputation cap then completing the rank up quests that will become available.

Rank Reputation Req.
1 0
2 3000
3 11,000
4 26,000
5 49,000

How to Join a Faction

Once players reach Level 10 and have completed enough story missions, they will be asked to choose between one of the three Factions. Players will become official members once they complete their Faction initiation quest.

How to Switch Factions

Faction Change.jpg
Choosing your Faction is not a permanent choice! After you have already chosen a Faction you can head to the Bio menu and switch your Faction from there. The first faction change can be done at any time, but after that you will have to wait 120 days (a whopping 4 months) before changing your Faction again!

Note: You cannot switch to a faction with the most territories. This was implemented to prevent players from jumping ship and leaving underdog factions with a low population.

Steps to switch your Faction
Press ESC to open the player menu and select the Character tab
Press the Bio tab to open up the menu
Press Change Faction button.
Select the Faction you wish to change to and then press Change Faction button.

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