New World

All Lion Locations

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

All Lion Locations
This is a location guide to all the spawn points of Lions in New World! Read on to find all Lion locations, areas with the most spawn points, and all kinds of Lion drops!

Lion Basic Info

New World - Primal Lion.png Lion Type Predator
Size Small

Lion are highly aggressive creatures. They are a bit large than wolves and hit harder as well. Their attacks can cause bleed as well so avoiding their strong attacks is key to taking them down.

Where to Find Lions

Lions live around forests so explore these areas if you wish to locate lions.

Lion Maps
Cutlass Keys Windsward Everfall

Click a link above to take you to that map's section!

Cutlass Keys

Cutlass key's lions are located Southwest of the settlement. Beware of traversing the edges of the islands as these areas are populated by alligators instead.


Windsward's Lions are mostly situated on the southern edges of the region. They are separated in three major spawn points where the rightmost area is cut off from the two other spawn point by mountains.


Everfall's lions are located South East of the region's edge. There are only two spawn points but they are near each other so this is a good place to hunt lions.

List of Lions and Required Skinning Levels

Animal List
Amber Lion ImageAmber Lion
(Lv. 21)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! 211
Edgeflow Lion
(Lv. 58-60)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Island Leopard
(Lv. 32-33)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Lv. 70 Coming Soon!
Mountain Lion
(Lv. 58-60)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Primal Lion ImagePrimal Lion Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Tawny Puma ImageTawny Puma
(Lv. 22)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! 222
Timeless Lion
(Lv. 59-61)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!

This section is currently under construction. Come back later for updates!

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