New World

All Sheep Locations

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

All Sheep Locations.jpg
This is a location guide to all the spawn points of Sheeps in New World! Read on to find all Sheep locations, areas with the most spawn points, and all kinds of Sheep drops!

Sheep Basic Info

New World - Brigand Pass Sheep.png Sheep Type Prey
Size Small

Sheep are docile creatures but unlike Rabbits and Turkeys, you'll require a higher level of tracking skill to see them on your Compass.

Where to Find Sheeps

Sheeps are often found on forests and mountains so scour far and wide to find these wooly animals!

Sheep Maps
First Light Monarch's Bluff Edengrove
Everfall Great Cleave Mourningdale
Weaver's Fen

Click a link to take you to that map's section!

First Light

If you're hunting Sheep for the early levels, there are only two real regions you can search for these animals. For First Light, they are located to the west of First Light's Settlement of to south-eastern edge of the area.

Monarch's Bluff

Monarch's Bluff is the other best place for finding sheeps in the early stages of the game. However, their spawn points aren't as abundant as First Light with a few patches east of Monarch's Bluff and the rest are found on the southern edges of the region.


Sheeps in Edengrove are scattered near the edges of the region. Thankfully, there's easy access to them thanks to the clusters near the two outposts. If you have fast travel points already set here, particularly for the Last Stand Outpost, you can just use these and get straight to hunting sheep.


Everfall Sheeps are at opposite sides of the region, so you'll have to just pick one side to hunt them in. While the sheeps on the western side of the region are a bit more scattered compared to those in the east, their proximity to the region's Settlement makes this the perferable option.

Great Cleave

Sheeps in Great Cleave spawn in only one general area, mainly Glass Lake. This should make for an easy time hunting since you won't have to venture to different locations, and it's also fairly near the western Outpost.


There's an abundance of Sheep in the eastern parts of Mourningdale. Though it may be difficult to traverse due to the slightly mountainous territory, the short distance from the region's Settlement makes this a great place to hunt sheep.

Weaver's Fen

While there are numerous Sheep in Weaver's Fen, they're a bit scattered and each spawn area is also populated with enemies. If you're only looking to hunt sheep and want a stress-free time, it's best to avoid this region for that purpose.

List of Sheeps and Required Skinning Levels

Animal List
Black Ram ImageBlack Ram
(Lv. 0)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Lv. 0 68
Brigand Pass Sheep ImageBrigand Pass Sheep
(Lv. 0)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 0 Coming Soon!
Monarch's Bluffs
Churro Sheep ImageChurro Sheep
(Lv. 0)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 0 Coming Soon!
Corsairs Rise Sheep ImageCorsairs Rise Sheep
(Lv. 0)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 0 38
Monarch's Bluffs
DevilDevil's Quarry Sheep
(Lv. 0)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 0 38
Monarch's Bluffs
Dusty Ram ImageDusty Ram
(Lv. 0)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Lv. 0 53
Fenwallow Sheep ImageFenwallow Sheep
(Lv. 0)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 0 Coming Soon!
Mourning Sheep ImageMourning Sheep
(Lv. 0)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 0 Coming Soon!
Pasture Sheep ImagePasture Sheep
(Lv. 0)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Lv. 0 53
Trestle Sheep ImageTrestle Sheep
(Lv. 0)
Gathering Lv. Gathering XP
Tracking and Skinning Lv. 0 Coming Soon!

This section is currently under construction. Come back later for updates!

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