New World

List of Dungeons: How to Enter Expeditions and Rewards

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

New World - List of Expeditions
This is a guide on all the available Dungeons (Expeditions) in New World. Read on to see all the existing dungeons in Aeternum, how to enter them, and why dungeons are a great source of XP and loot rewards!

List of Dungeons (Expedition)

All New World Dungeons

Lv. Expedition Location Req. Tuning Orb
25+ Amrine Excavation Windsward Amrine Tuning Orb IconAmrine Tuning Orb
35+ Starstone Barrows Everfall Starstone Tuning Orb IconStarstone Tuning Orb
45+ The Depths Restless Shores Depths Tuning Orb IconDepths Tuning Orb
45+ Dynasty Shipyard Ebonscale Reach Dynasty Tuning Orb IconDynasty Tuning Orb
45+ Lazarus Intstrumentality Reekwater Lazarus Tuning Orb IconLazarus Tuning Orb
65+ Garden of Genesis Edengrove Genesis Tuning Orb IconGenesis Tuning Orb

How to Enter Dungeons

Progress the Main Story Quest

New World - Destiny Unearthed Quest

In order to unlock Dungeons, you must progress through the Main Story until you have reached the Destiny Unearthed quest. This quest allows you access to the first dungeon, The Amrine Excavation.

Acquire a Tuning Orb

New World - Tuning Orb

To be able to enter expeditions, at least one member of the party must possess the corresponding Tuning Orb, which can be acquired either by crafting via the Stonecutting Table or Quests.

List of Tuning Orbs

Reach the Recommended Level

New World - Reach the Recommended Level
All players are also recommended to meet a specific level before entering a particular expedition. The enemies in the dungeons are tough, so you may want to level up before diving in!

Leveling Guide: Leveling Exploits and How to Level Up Fast

Form a Party

New World - Form a Party
Forming a party is crucial when embarking on an expedition as certain dungeons require a minimum number of players. We recommend a party with at least a healer, tank, and DPS for a balanced team composition.

You can team up with other players who are waiting outside the dungeon or form a party with friends. You can also check out our Party Finder board below to find people who want to join in!

Party Finder Board

Dungeon Rewards

Powerful Weapons for Your Level

As you level up, good weapons and trinkets will be hard to come by. Expeditions will bridge this deficit by offering you the chance to significantly boost your gear score with weapon and trinket rewards that are scaled for your level bracket.

As an example, the Amrine Expedition boasts amazing Tier 3 rewards that can carry you from levels 25 to 35 easily. This is why it is a required expedition to progress the main story quest.

Rare Crafting Materials

Expedition monsters and locations will have rare crafting material drops that allow you to make powerful weapons and armor. You will need these, not only to upgrade your loadout for progression, but also as a way to earn a lot of crafting EXP.

Remember, crafting unique weapons will almost always result in more crafting EXP than bulk crafting, especially at later levels (60-100+). Try running expeditions to boost the slow pace of crafting progression, later on.

EXP and Gold

New World - Expeditions

Expeditions are also a great way for leveling up, especially if you have a dedicated group of friends to run it with. Unlike normal content which caters to solos more often than not, Expeditions encourage team play and it rewards you for it.

For groups looking for quick levels and item progression, expeditions are surely the way to go as even group farming for tuning orbs will be a breeze.

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