New World

Best Fire Staff Builds for PVE and PVP (Update 1.2.1)

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Fire Staff Builds

This is a guide on the best Fire Staff builds in New World. Read on to see the recommended stats, skills, armor, and playstyle guides of the best and latest Fire Staff builds for PVE and PVP as of Update 1.2.1!

Fire Staff / Ice Gauntlet DoT Build

Fire Staff / Ice Gauntlet DoT Build

Build Purpose
General (PvP and PvE)
Strengths Weaknesses
・High burst damage
・Passive DoT damage
・Effective vs groups of enemies
・Requires good positioning
・Requires mana management

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Intelligence → Constitution

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Fire Staff ImageFire Staff Ice Gauntlet ImageIce Gauntlet
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon.png Stats: Scholar
Headwear Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar
Torso Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar
Gloves Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar
Boots Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar

Build Playstyle

Use Fire Staff's Nuke + DoT

A build aiming to maximize non-channeling DoT skills of both the Fire Staff and the Ice Gauntlets. We make use of the Firestaff's single nuke skills like Pillar of Fire and Incinerate while applying passive DoT via Fireball. The Fire Staff is also our main Mana Regen tool with the help of Spell Focus and Flare so if we're not casting spells, we want to be using the Fire Staff as much as possible.

Follow up with Ice Gauntlet DoT

For the Ice Gauntlet, we'll rely on its DoTs as well. Ice Pylon and Ice Storm are two valuable skills we'll want to be using against mobs every time its off cooldown so we can maximize our DPS. Use both skills then return to using the Fire Staff and using Spells and Heavy Attacks to avoid depleting mana while not running out of damage! The last skill we want for the Ice Gauntlet is Ice Shower for the extra zoning tool but it can be swapped with Entombed depending on player preference.

Fire Staff / Life Staff Melee DoT Build

Fire Staff / Life Staff Melee DoT Build

Build Purpose
General (PvP and PvE)
Strengths Weaknesses
・High DPS
・More durable than other Fire Staff builds
・Strong in close-range fights
・Effective against groups
・Requires mana management
・Long-range options are weak
・Weak against high burst damage

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Intelligence → Focus & Constitution

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Fire Staff ImageFire Staff Life Staff ImageLife Staff
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon.png Stats: Mage
(Intelligence + Focus)
Headwear Icon Weight: Medium
Stats: Occultist
(Intelligence + Constitution)
Torso Icon Weight: Medium
Stats: Occultist
(Intelligence + Constitution)
Gloves Weight: Medium
Stats: Occultist
(Intelligence + Constitution)
Leggings Weight: Medium
Stats: Mage
(Intelligence + Focus)
Boots Weight: Medium
Stats: Mage
(Intelligence + Focus)

Build Playstyle

Use Flamethrower for close-range fighting

This is a melee range Fire Staff build aiming to make use of the Fire Staff's Flamethrower skill. We want to stay in the melee range as much as possible and keep our MP up to continuously fire our Flamethrower skill. A big problem with this setup is usually the HP of our character getting easily depleted as you're forced to stand on the frontline so to compensate, we opted for a Medium Weight build to avoid being paper-thin as well as slotting the Focus Staff for extra buffs and regeneration while we set our enemies ablaze.

Start with Beacon or Sacred Ground for a source of healing when about to fight close range with the Flamethrower, this way you can heal while dealing damage. Use Incinerate to push back enemies if you need space and Fireball for long-range pokes.

Fire Staff / Rapier Dive Build

New World - Rapier Fire Staff

Build Purpose
PvP (Duels)
Strengths Weaknesses
・Powerful in 1-on-1 duels
・Very high evasion and mobility
・Melee to mid-range reach
・Overwhelmed if faced against a mob
・Less effective against far-range targets
・Very low defense

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Dexterity → Intelligence

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

Rapier Fire Staff
Fire Staff ImageFire Staff Rapier ImageRapier
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon Stats: Sentry
Shield Icon Type: None
Stats: -
Headwear Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity + Intelligence)
Torso Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Gloves Weight: Light
Stats: Brigand
(Dexterity + Constitution)
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity + Intelligence)
Boots Weight: Light
Stats: Brigand
(Dexterity + Constitution)

Build Playstyle

This build focuses on getting close to your enemies by using Fire Staff's Burn Out and Rapiers Fleche.

To start, you want to engage by using your Fire Staff to cast Pillar of Fire to your enemies. Use heavy attacks and kite around your enemy as Spell Focus will help you regain your mana back. Once they're in range, cast Burn Out to get in on their face. After which, cast Incinerate to push them back. Switch to your Rapier, and perform a Fleche, Incinerate should give you enough distance to be able to use Interruption just before the end of Fleche's animation. If you can Evade their attacks accordingly, you'll be able to get the kill with Flurry as your finisher.

Be warned, Burn Out and Fleche have long cooldown times. Once you go in, you won't have any way to escape. Make use of Evade to dodge their attacks accordingly and punish every move whiffed by your opponent.

Fire Staff / Rapier Burst Build

New World - Rapier Fire Staff

Build Purpose
General (PvP and PvE)
Strengths Weaknesses
・High single-target DPS
・High mobility
・Has both close and long range attacks
・High risk playstyle

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Intelligence → Dexterity

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Fire Staff ImageFire Staff Rapier ImageRapier
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon.png Stats: Scholar
Headwear Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Trickster
Intelligence + Dexterity)
Torso Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Ranger
Gloves Weight: Light
Stats: Occultist
(Intelligence + Constitution)
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Assassin
(Dexterity + Intelligence)
Boots Weight: Light
Stats: Occultist
(Intelligence + Constitution)

Build Playstyle

This build focuses on poking your enemies with the Fire Staff from far away then get in close with Burn Out and Fleche to finish them off.

Poke with Fire Staff

You will start your fights will your long-range attacks like Pillar of Fire and Fireball to deal a lot of damage from afar, chipping away at your target's health with heavy attacks to reset cooldowns with Fiery Restoration. Once they are low enough and try to get away you can use Burn Out to chase and get in close.

Rapier Finisher

When you are in melee range against an enemy you will have to switch to the rapier. Using Riposte to counter enemy attacks and Evade to constantly reposition to get backstabs for critical hits. Fleche is going to be your finishing move with its high mobility and cooldown reset passive.

Fire Staff / Void Gauntlet DPS Build

Build Purpose
General (PvE & PvP)
Strengths Weaknesses
・Both weapons scale off Intelligence
・High Burst Damage
・Highly Immobile
・Requires Proper Mana Management

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Intelligence → Constitution

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Fire Staff ImageFire Staff Void Gauntlet ImageVoid Gauntlet
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon Stats: Scholar
Shield Icon Type: None
Stats: -
Headwear Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar
Torso Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar
Gloves Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar
Boots Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar

Build Playstyle

This build uses the Void Gauntlet as a secondary DPS weapon to pair up with the Fire Staff. They have the potential to delete an opponent so long as you manage to hit all of your skills.

We first use the Fire Staff as the ranged weapon between the two weapons. You want to position yourself away from your opponents and start casting from a distance. You will need to practice and use this weapon a lot, as casting Fireball and Pillar of Fire will require precise aiming and predicting your opponent's movement. If ever you're in a group fighting against a large pull or another enemy team, you can use Flamethrower to chip down their health because of its wide AoE.

We then use the Void Gauntlet to fend off any enemies that get too close. We use Void Blade as our primary tool to fight against enemies in close range and Petrifying Scream to root enemies and have our escape. To help with increasing the damage potential, we use Baleful Tether to weaken our foes.

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