New World

List of Rings

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is Game8's hub for all available Rings in New World. See the lists of Rings across all tiers here!

New World Rings

Tier 1 Rings

Rings Tier
Tier I Tier II Tier III
Tier IV Tier V

Click a link above to take you to that section.

There are no available armor in this category

Tier 2 Rings

Rings Tier
Tier I Tier II Tier III
Tier IV Tier V

Click a link above to take you to that section.

There are no available armor in this category

Tier 3 Rings

Rings Tier
Tier I Tier II Tier III
Tier IV Tier V

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Amber Ring ImageAmber Ring Amethyst Ring ImageAmethyst Ring Aquamarine Ring ImageAquamarine Ring
Carnelian Ring ImageCarnelian Ring Diamond Ring ImageDiamond Ring Emerald Ring ImageEmerald Ring
Jasper Ring ImageJasper Ring Malachite Ring ImageMalachite Ring Moonstone Ring ImageMoonstone Ring
Onyx Ring ImageOnyx Ring Opal Ring ImageOpal Ring Pearl Ring ImagePearl Ring
Ruby Ring ImageRuby Ring Sapphire Ring ImageSapphire Ring Topaz Ring ImageTopaz Ring

Tier 4 Rings

Rings Tier
Tier I Tier II Tier III
Tier IV Tier V

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Brilliant Amber Ring ImageBrilliant Amber Ring Brilliant Amethyst Ring ImageBrilliant Amethyst Ring Brilliant Aquamarine Ring ImageBrilliant Aquamarine Ring
Brilliant Carnelian Ring ImageBrilliant Carnelian Ring Brilliant Diamond Ring ImageBrilliant Diamond Ring Brilliant Emerald Ring ImageBrilliant Emerald Ring
Brilliant Jasper Ring ImageBrilliant Jasper Ring Brilliant Malachite Ring ImageBrilliant Malachite Ring Brilliant Moonstone Ring ImageBrilliant Moonstone Ring
Brilliant Onyx Ring ImageBrilliant Onyx Ring Brilliant Opal Ring ImageBrilliant Opal Ring Brilliant Pearl Ring ImageBrilliant Pearl Ring
Brilliant Ruby Ring ImageBrilliant Ruby Ring Brilliant Sapphire Ring ImageBrilliant Sapphire Ring Brilliant Topaz Ring ImageBrilliant Topaz Ring

Tier 5 Rings

Rings Tier
Tier I Tier II Tier III
Tier IV Tier V

Click a link above to take you to that section.

Pristine Amber Ring ImagePristine Amber Ring Pristine Amethyst Ring ImagePristine Amethyst Ring Pristine Aquamarine Ring ImagePristine Aquamarine Ring
Pristine Carnelian Ring ImagePristine Carnelian Ring Pristine Diamond Ring ImagePristine Diamond Ring Pristine Emerald Ring ImagePristine Emerald Ring
Pristine Jasper Ring ImagePristine Jasper Ring Pristine Malachite Ring ImagePristine Malachite Ring Pristine Moonstone Ring ImagePristine Moonstone Ring
Pristine Onyx Ring ImagePristine Onyx Ring Pristine Opal Ring ImagePristine Opal Ring Pristine Pearl Ring ImagePristine Pearl Ring
Pristine Ruby Ring ImagePristine Ruby Ring Pristine Sapphire Ring ImagePristine Sapphire Ring Pristine Topaz Ring ImagePristine Topaz Ring

New World Related Guides

Armor Partial Banner

List of Armor

Armor Types
Heavy Armor IconHeavy Armor Medium Armor IconMedium Armor Light Armor IconLight Armor Amulet IconAmulet
Earring IconEarring Ring IconRing Bag IconBag


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