New World

Lodestone Vein: Locations and Maps

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This is a guide on Lodestone Veins in New World. Read on to see possible locations of Lodestone Veins, including the necessary trade skill and tools to harvest them!

Lodestone Vein Basic Information

Lodestone Vein
Lodestone Vein ImageLodestone Vein
Gathering Lv. Tracking Lv. Req. Tool
Mining Lv. 105 Mining Lv. 155 Pickaxe

Lodestone Vein is a Mining resource node that requires the Pickaxe to harvest. With the tool equipped, walk up to the resource node and press the E key to gather and add it to your inventory.

Lodestone Vein Locations

Lodestone Veins are greenish rocks that is covered by a red glowing veins. You can differentiated this vein from the rest with its greenish tint and its mellow red glow.

You can find them in the highlands and are usually found on rocks. See the section below to learn all the Lodestone Vein locations.

Resource Node Maps
First Light Windsward Everfall Monarch's Bluff
Cutlass Keys Brightwood Weaver's Fen Ebonscale Reach
Restless Shore Great Cleave Edengrove Mourningdale

Click a link to take you to that zone's map!

First Light Lodestone Vein Locations

First Light has difficult nodes to get to as they are far from the Settlement. They can be found along the shore.

Windsward Lodestone Vein Locations

Windsward has just two Lodestone locations with one of them being fairly close by the settlement.

Everfall Lodestone Vein Locations

Everfall has two Lodestone Vein location nearby each other that are pretty close to each other.

Monarch's Bluff Lodestone Vein Locations

Monarch's Blluf has one of the best places to farm the Lodestone Vein. There are four spots that are near each other that you can cycle between for optimal farming.

Cutlass Keys Lodestone Vein Locations

There are plenty of Lodestone Veins near the region's settlement and are usually at the base of a mountain. The areas also contain enemies so you may need to defeat them first before mining the resource node.

Brightwood Lodestone Vein Locations

A lot of the Lodestone Veins in Brightwood can be found along sheer cliff faces. While plentiful, they will be hard to farm due to their unfavorable locations. Enemy-wise, most of these places are safe as only the caves in Reida's Burrow and Corlew's Mine will have enemies.

Weaver's Fen Lodestone Vein Locations

There is only one location in Weaver's Fen where Lodestone Vein can be harvested. You can find it on a small rock formation east of Fenton Hamlet. The area has no enemies, making it an easy spot to farm for the resource node.

Ebonscale Reach Lodestone Vein Locations

Lodestone will only spawn in the Stormcourt Shipment area within Ebonscale Reach. It can be located to the south of the main settlement and is guarded by level 57+ Lost enemies. Unlike normal Lodestone, the ones here will spawn inside mining carts, making some a bit harder to spot when elevated.

Restless Shore Lodestone Vein Locations

You can find Lodestone Veins surrounding the region's settlement as well as the northern areas. In case all of the resource nodes near the settlement are gone, you can head to Neptune's Fury northwest of the settlement or the unmarked area south of Rabbit Island to mine the Lodestones.

Alternatively, you can unlock the Shrine of Sisyphos and mine the Lodestone Veins on Festering Flotsam and Neptune's Fury.

Great Cleave Lodestone Vein Locations

There are a number of areas where players can find Lodestone in Great Cleave. The path from Catara Falls to Nulllcavity will have a lot of Lodestone to farm. Alternatively, 5-player groups or a level 60 player can brave the Svikin's Stand elite area for a ton of Lodestone.

Edengrove Lodestone Vein Locations

There will only be one area that has Lodestone in Edengrove. You can find this general area by heading northwest from Leyroot Grove and past the small body of water. The Lodestone veins can be found lining a small incline.

Mourningdale Lodestone Vein Locations

Lodestone will spawn within two general areas in Mourningdale. The Mourning Bridge area will have Lodestone spawning along the road to its north. However, the easier location to farm is to the east. Simply fast travel to the New Balefire spirit shrine and the veins should be immediately south of you.

Lodestone Extracted Resources

The table below shows the available resources that you can obtain from Lodestone Vein.

Resource Node Available Resources
Lodestone Vein IconLodestone Vein

Lodestone can be refined into Lodestone Bricks at a Stonecutting Table. Lodestone Bricks are a material for certain crafting recipes.

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List of All Resource Nodes


Mining Resource Nodes
Iron Vein Silver Vein Gold Vein
Platinum Vein Orichalcum Vein Starmetal Vein
Lodestone Seeping Stone Boulder

Alchemy Stones

Mining Resource Nodes
Shockspire Blightcrag Earthcrag
Scorchstone Lifejewel Soulspire

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