New World

Best Void Gauntlet Builds for PVE and PVP (Update 1.2.1)

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New World - Best Void Gauntlet Build for PVE and PVP

This is a guide on the best Void Gauntlet builds in New World. Read on to see the recommended stats, skills, armor, and playstyle guides of the best and latest Void Gauntlet builds for PVE and PVP as of Update 1.2.1!

Void Gauntlet / Rapier DoT Build

Void Gauntlet & Rapier DoT

Build Purpose
General (PvP & PvE)
Strengths Weaknesses
・High Burst DPS
・Can inflict lots of debuffs
・Good movement and defensive options
・Split stat allocation
・Needs a bit of mastery to use Rapier
・Needs mana management

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Intelligence → Dexterity → Constitution

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Void Gauntlet ImageVoid Gauntlet Rapier ImageRapier
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon Stats: Scholar
Shield Icon Type: None
Stats: -
Headwear Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar
Torso Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar
Gloves Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar
Boots Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar

Build Playstyle

This build will have you use the Void Gauntlet as your DPS weapon, while the Rapier will be used as mobility and defensive weapon to fend off enemies that try to rush you.

We will be mainly trying to land Orb of Decay to your opponents and detonating it afterward to get two stacks of Void Essence for your Glimpse of the Void. To make this easier for us, we will be using Petrifying Scream near the opponent to root them. Try to land Baleful Tether to weaken them and maximize the burst damage you deal with an opponent. Another way of making it easier to land your Void Gauntlet skills is by getting a parry against your opponent's attack with Riposte, stunning and allowing you to do your combo easily.

If you're in a rough situation, use Fleche to get out of your enemy's range or use it as a way to charge towards your enemy, making it easier for you to land Petrifying Scream. Try to land Tondo to inflict the Bleed status effect during fights.

Void Gauntlet / Life Staff DPS Heal Build

New World - Void Gauntlet / Life Staff DPS Heal Build

Build Purpose
General (PvP and PvE)
Strengths Weaknesses
・Good for keeping party members alive.
・DPS on top of heal.
・Mana problems.
・Very Squishy.

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Focus → Constitution

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Void Gauntlet ImageVoid Gauntlet Life Staff ImageLife Staff
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon.png Stats: Sage
Headwear Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Sage
Torso Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Sage
Gloves Weight: Light
Stats: Sage
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Sage
Boots Weight: Light
Stats: Sage

Build Playstyle

This build balances dealing damage through Void Gauntlet's Spells and supporting your team by healing and granting buffs.

Life Staff Passive Heals

Life staff will be your healing tool during fights. Place down your Sacred Ground whenever possible and apply Beacon to have a passive heal going. Use Light's Embrace only as an emergency tool if you have trouble healing.

Void Gauntlet as the DPS

Not only does Void Gauntlet's spells damage opponents, but it heals allies as well! Void Blade will be the spell you'll be using a lot as your DPS tool, as it also inflicts DoT to your enemies.

Angle your Orb of Decay, especially during tank pulls when you use it to maximize the number of enemies getting damaged and to heal your tank or party members when it comes back. Essence Rupture will also help with healing whenever someone attacks the target under its effect.

Void Gauntlet / Ice Gauntlet CC Build

Void Gauntlet & Ice Gauntlet CC

Build Purpose
General (PvP & PvE)
Strengths Weaknesses
・Both weapons scale off Intelligence
・High Burst Damage
・Lots of CC and AoE
・Requires good mana management
・Requires proper set-up for combos

Build Stats and Skills

Stat Priority Intelligence → Constitution

Stats obtained through armor are not accounted for in this table.

1st Weapon 2nd Weapon
Void Gauntlet ImageVoid Gauntlet Ice Gauntlet ImageIce Gauntlet
Active Skills
Passive Skills

Best Perks and Equipment

Perks and Equipment Stats
PerksBest Perks
Weapon Icon Stats: Scholar
Shield Icon Type: None
Stats: -
Headwear Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar
Torso Icon Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar
Gloves Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar
Leggings Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar
Boots Weight: Light
Stats: Scholar

Build Playstyle

This build uses the ice and void gauntlets to inflict crowd control effects and deal heavy damage to opponents. Void Gauntlet will be your primary weapon against your opponents. Orb of Decay is a powerful tool against enemies as it is an AoE attack that can also explode using the Detonating Orb perk.

If you hit an opponent and detonated it correctly afterward, it can acquire two stacks of Void Essence, which can potentially reset all your skills. Successfully landing a Petrifying Scream at your opponent will disable their movement and make it easier to land your combo. Applying Baleful Tether prior will also help maximize the DPS to delete a chunk of their health or kill them outright.

Then we use the Ice Gauntlet mainly as a support weapon as It can fill your mana back, place down AoE to slow opponents, and inflict DoT and crowd control effects to your opponents. This makes it easier for you to land your Void Gauntlet skills, making it an ideal support weapon to pair it up with.

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