Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Adamantine Mace Weapon Guide and How to Get

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The Adamantine Mace is a Mace you can get in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn more about the Adamantine Mace, including its stats, effects, as well as how to get it, and more!

Adamantine Mace Overview

Adamantine Mace Info
Damage 1d6
Weapon Type
Effect Diamondsbane: If an adamantine weapon hits an object, the hit is always critical.
Lethal Weapon: This weapon ignores Bludgeoning Resistance.
Weapon Enchantment +1
Unlockable Skills/Spells
Rarity Weight Price

How to Get Adamantine Mace

Craft in the Adamantine Forge

Adamantine Mace Location
Can be obtained after finding a Mithral Ore and the appropriate Mould in the Ancient Forge. Use the Adamantine Forge to craft this weapon by placing the Ore in the crucible and putting the Mould in the chamber.

Adamantine Forge Guide

Mould Location

The Mace mould can be found on a table near the Ancient Forge waypoint. The table is also near the cliff you jump onto if you used the platforms to get to the Adamantine Forge.

Mithral Ore Locations

Near the Stairs of the Adamantine Forge

Go down the stairs that lead to the Adamantine Forge. Look towards the northeast and you'll see a Mithral Vein. Jump your way down towards it but prepare to be ambushed by some enemies.

You will encounter five Magma Mephits and they are resistant to fire, cold, and poison. They explode on death so try to not let them get close. They can also disarm so if you have an Eldritch Knight on your party, use Weapon Bond before combat.

Southwest of the Ancient Forge Waypoint

Map Location

World Location

Head southwest from the Ancient Forge Waypoint. Get up the platform and you'll see another Mithral Vein. Use Feather Fall or other mobility spells to safely get across. You can make your way back up by teleporting to the Ancient Forge Sigil from your map.

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