Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Red Dragonborn Subrace Guide and Best Classes

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Red Dragonborn is a subrace of the Dragonborn Race in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Read on to learn more about the Red Dragonborn their strengths and capabilities, the best class for them, and more!

Red Dragonborn Overview

Red Dragonborn Overview
Baldur Red Dragonborn
Despite no ancestral links to the mighty creatures, these dragonborn share the bright scarlet likeness and roiling, burning breath of red dragons.

Red Dragonborn Starting Abilities

Red Dragonborn Features

Feat Description
Base Racial Speed The distance your race can move per turn. (9m)
Draconic Ancestry You have draconic ancestry. (Resistant to Fire damage)

Red Dragonborn Cantrips

This subrace has no starting cantrips outside of a chosen starting spellcaster-type class.

Best Class and Background for Red Dragonborn

Best Classes for Red Dragonborn

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Best Backgrounds for Red Dragonborn

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List of Races List of Subraces
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All Races

List of All Races
Elf Race IconElf Tiefling Race IconTiefling Drow Race IconDrow
Human Race IconHuman Githyanki Race IconGithyanki Dwarf Race IconDwarf
Half-Elf Race IconHalf-Elf Halfling Race IconHalfling Gnome Race IconGnome
Dragonborn Race IconDragonborn HalfOrc Race IconHalf-Orc

All Dragonborn Subraces

BaldurBlack Dragonborn BaldurBlue Dragonborn BaldurBrass Dragonborn
BaldurBronze Dragonborn BaldurCopper Dragonborn BaldurGold Dragonborn
BaldurGreen Dragonborn BaldurRed Dragonborn BaldurSilver Dragonborn
BaldurWhite Dragonborn


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