Star Wars Jedi Survivor

List of All Bosses

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Jedi Survivor - List of All Bosses
There are 17 boss fights in the main story of Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Read on for a list of all bosses, including bounty hunters, legendary enemies, and optional bosses, as well as where to find them!

All Story Bosses

Boss Planet Chapter Description
K-405 IconK-405 Coruscant A variant of the KX-series security droid, these baton-wielding counterparts were designed primarily to train Imperial stormtroopers in the use of the electrobaton. Their movements, therefore, are similar to Scout Troopers, but with a mechanical mastery of the form which, combined with a reinforced chassis, makes them far more dangerous.
Ninth Sister IconNinth Sister Coruscant The powerful and imposing Ninth Sister has only grown more rage-fueled and vengeful in the years since first facing Cal Kestis. A mechanically-enhanced Dowutin, her brute strength alone can overpower foes, but she also possesses a natural empathic ability to read the minds of others. This combined with her mastery of the Force and raw, rage-driven strength make her one of the deadliest warriors in the Inquisitorius.
Zeik IconZeik Koboh These warriors knew a life of crime and battle long before they were Bedlam Raiders. Such experience and skill is rewarded with responsibility and equipment: armed with a pronged electrostaff and a jetpack. Raider veterans can bring pain and misery to their opponents from both land and air.
Dagan Gera IconDagan Gera Koboh Dagan Gera is a Jedi of the High Republic, freed from two centuries of stasis in bacta. Seemingly fallen to the dark side, he attacks wildly, but with all of the expertise of a former Jedi of the Order.
Skriton IconSkriton Jedha Jedha is home to many dangerous creatures, but few are as ruthless and unpredictable as the skriton. A lopsided creature, the skriton's left claw is huge and incredibly powerful. Not only is it able to crush its prey easily, but it can also resist several heavy strikes. Its movement is erratic and hard to predict, making the skriton one of the deadliest creatures on the planet.
AT-ST IconAT-ST Jedha The All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST) is a better-armed and armored evolution of the Republic army's reconnaissance transport. Preserving its predecessors lightweight bipedal form, the AT-ST is designed to swiftly scout out and disable smaller threats that may prove challenging for the much larger AT-AT. They are equipped with chin-mounted blaster cannons and side-mounted ordnance launchers, giving them superiority
Magnaguard IconReprogrammed Magnaguard Shattered Moon Created by Holowan Mechanicals, the IG-100 MagnaGuards were some of the most proficient battle droids in the Separatist army. Primarily used to defeind high-ranking Separatist leaders, their electrostaffs were capavel of holding their own against Jedi lightsabers. Their surprising agility, combined with their ability to persist even with lost limbs, gave even the fiercest Jedi warriors a challenge.
Drya Thorne IconDrya Thornne Shattered Moon Only the most dedicated of Bedlam Raiders are seen by Rayvis as worthy enough to be gifted with a lightsaber from his own collection. This warrior wields a single saber in conjunction with an armament of blasters and grenades, as well as a portable cloaking device, making them exceptionally lethal.
Tague Louesh IconTague Louesh Koboh Part 2 Rayvis saw fit to reward the finest and most loyal of Bedlam Raider warriors with their very own lightsabers - totems the Gen'Dai had taken from Jedi quarry in ages past. This lieutenant, armed with a double-bladed saber, also employs a wrist-mounted grappling hook to both traverse the battlefield and attack opponents.
Dagan Gera IconDagan Gera Koboh Part 3 Dagan Gera's purpose is reignitewd since his awakening in the forest, and he now pursues a path back to Tanalorr with dogged zeal. Now fully recovered from years of sedation inside the bacta tank, he brings the full skill of one of the Orders' finest warriors to bear.
Rayvis IconRayvis Shattered Moon Part 2 As a long-lived Gen'Dai, Rayvis has watched civilizations rise and fall as the centuries passed, yet his loyalty to Dagan Gera has not once wavered in all the years he has servedd him. A brutal and skilled fighter, Rayvis attacks with an array of weaponry, from a custom-made flail to rocket barrages. Bound by his warrior's code, there are few who have stood against him and lived.
Rick IconRick, the Door Technician Koboh Part 4 The scout trooper is a variant of the Imperial stormtrooper, often dispatched alongside their standard counterparts to assist with reconnaissance and patrol. Their lighter armor gives them increased mobility, while their electrobaton is ideal for crowd control. Their skill in melee combat allows them to go toe-to-toe even against a lightsaber, however briefly.
Urgost IconUrgost, Fist of Rayvis Koboh Part 4 For many Raiders, the electrohammer is a blunt instrument. For Urgost, it is the brush with which he paints his art. Rayvis saw something in Urgost - a measure, perhaps, of his own warrior code, and took it upon himself to provide tutelage in the way of such an unwieldy weapon. As such, Urgost now employs the electrohammer as if it were an extension of his own arms.
Dagan Gera IconDagan Gera Koboh Part 4 Dagan Gera has never been closer to returning to Tanalorr, and his power is returned fully - he is a skilled warrior with both his lightsabers and the Force. Such is his power, he can manipulate even the strongest of minds.
Bode Akuna IconBode Akuna Jedha Part 3 Bode Akuna has betrayed everyone to keep himself and his daughter safe. Revealed to be a Jedi who escaped the Jedi Purge, Bode attacks with both his blaster and a lightsaber taken from Dagan's fallen body. Years of clandestine operation have made him a most unpredictable and lethal warrior.
Darth Vader IconDarth Vader Cere Level There are very few who have ever managed to escape the clutches of Darth Vader, and those who do gain only a short reprieve. A master of the Force and all its facets, this mechanized human attacks with relentless power, never tiring and never stopping until his prey is utterly destroyed.
Bode Akuna IconBode Akuna Tanalorr Bode has come too far to falter at the last moment. Among the ancient stones of Tanalorr, he will fight with a former Jedi's power to defend his daughter, with nothing off-limits in the desperate quest to keep Kata safe.

Who is the Final Boss?

All Legendary Enemy Bosses

Legendary Enemy Location
Rancor IconRancor
Inside a tunnel in Sodden Grotto (Left side of Rambler's Reach Outpost Meditation Point).
Spawn of Oggdo IconSpawn of Oggdo
Use the Ascension Cable in Fort Kah'lin Meditation Point to climb watchtower and stand on the hatch to drop down the lair.
Beetu Deetu IconBeetu Deetu
Koboh: From the Southern Reach Meditation Point, follow the path to Rambler's Reach Outpost.
Golden Skriton IconGolden Skriton
Jedha: At the open area on the left side of Desert Ridge Meditation Point (Past the Path of Restoration).
E3-VE3 IconE3-VE3
Koboh: Behind the Green Laser Gate in Untamed Downs (Right side of Bygone Settlement Meditation Point).
Sutaban Alpha IconSutaban Alpha
Jedha: Behind the waterfalls and the Green Laser Gate in Trailhead Pantheon (Beside the Crypt of Uhrma).
The Mire Terror IconThe Mire Terror
Koboh: Use the zipline in Viscid Bog Meditation Point and cross the platforms to your right using Force Lift.
Massiff IconThe Massiff
Koboh: Behind the screen above the huts in Yurt Barracks.
Gorocco Matriarch IconGorocco Matriarch
Koboh: Behind the yellow door after breaking the wall near the Derelict Dam Elevator.
Vile Bilemaw IconVile Bilemaw
Koboh: Jump down the cliff after using the zipline in Fogged Expanse Meditation Point.
Urgost IconUrgost, Fist of Rayvis
Koboh: Part of the main story progression in Koboh Part 4.
D-L1T IconD-L1T
Coruscant: Activate the conduit on your left using Electro Dart after using the elevator in Hangar 2046-C.
Frenzied Jotaz IconFrenzied Jotaz
Coruscant: Enter the room on your left after using the Ascension Cable in Undercity Meats. Activate the conduit with Electro Dart.

All Legendary Enemy Locations

All Bounty Hunter Bosses

Top Bounties
Caij Icon.pngCaij Vanda
Kili Oso IconKili Oso - Jo the Cannibal IconJo the Cannibal
Regular Bounties
Korej LimKorej Lim Kip Ostar IconKip Ostar Meyen Corr IconMeyen Corr Raz IconRaz Corde IconCorde The Half
PR-85T IconPR-85T Mash IconMash - Yuhong IconYuhong Vaslyn Martz IconVaslyn Martz
Masi Finau IconMasi Finau KLE-0 IconKLE-0 Fenn Finau IconFenn Finau Gatt Medo IconGatt Medo Selfin Jook IconSelfin Jook

All Bounty Hunter Locations

All Optional Bosses

All Found on Koboh

Found in Derelict Dam
Vashtan Wolfe
Found in Diagnostics Corridor
Mads Gresh - San Dersen
Found in Phon'Qi Caverns
Urjef Mekor Sebb Eshan Prince Patren
Found in Generator Underbelly
Hytho Pixx

Above are bosses that are not needed to complete the story, the bounty questline, Legendary Enemy achievement, nor the tactical guide. However, they are listed as bosses after you defeat them.

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