Star Wars Jedi Survivor

How to Beat The Massiff

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Jedi Survivor - How to Beat The Massiff
The Massiff can be found in Yurt Barracks from the Lucrehulk meditation circle on Koboh in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Learn where to find the Legendary Enemy, how to beat the Massiff, and the Massiff rewards!

The Massiff Location

How to Get to The Massiff in Yurt Barracks

The Massiff Location Walkthrough
Fast Travel to Lucrehulk Core and turn to your left.
Go right from the first door then turn left.
Climb up the ledge then jump to the opposite side.
Use Force Lift to Open the Door.

Where to Find The Massiff

Map Location In-Game Location
Koboh - Yurt Barracks

How to Beat The Massiff

How to Defeat The Massiff Strategies

Parry Its Attacks

Most of The Massiff's attack patterns are obvious and can be easily parried if they are blockable. Parry as much as you can to deplete his shield and deal damage.

Avoid Unblockable Attacks

Its unblockable attacks are tricky to avoid because of its long wind-ups and unpredictability. You can simply dodge and move away as soon as The Massiff turns red when attacking.

The Massiff Rewards

Skill Point Reward

Skill Point Massiff
If you can defeat The Massiff, you can pick up the Skill Point inside his area. This grants you one full Skill Point to use.

All Skill Point Locations

Part of Legendary Enemy Achievement

Achievement Unlock Condition
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Silver TrophyI’m a Living Legend Defeat all legendary adversaries
All Legendary Enemy Locations

Killing the Massiff is required to complete the I’m a Living Legend achievement, which is obtained by defeating all Legendary Enemies.

All Legendary Enemy Locations

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Related Guides

Bosses Jedi Survivor

List of All Bosses

All Bosses in Star Wars: Jedi Survivor

Story Bosses
K-405 The Ninth Sister
Zeik Dagan Gera
Skriton AT-ST
Reprogrammed Magnaguard Drya Thornne
Tague Louesh Rayvis
Rick, The Door Technician Urgost, Fist of Rayvis
Bode Akuna Darth Vader
Final Boss
Legendary Enemies
Rancor Spawn of Oggdo
D-L1T Frenzied Jotaz
Masiff The Mire Terror
Beetu Deetu E3-VE3
Vile Bilemaw Golden Skriton
Sutaban Alpha Gorocco Matriarch
Optional Bosses
Sebb Eshan Prince Patren
Urjef Mekor Vashtan Wolfe
Hytho Pixx Mads Gresh and San Dersen


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