Star Wars Jedi Survivor

All Shattered Moon Collectibles

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Shattered Moon is one of the planets you can roam and visit in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Read on to learn more about all the collectibles that can be found on this planet, and more!

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Shattered Moon Walkthrough
Shattered Moon Part 2
Shattered Moon Collectibles

All Shattered Moon Collectibles

All Shattered Moon Collectibles
Chests Stim Upgrades BD-1 Scans
Force Echoes Datadiscs Priorite Shards
Health Essences Force Essences


In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Unique Metal
Type: Weapon Cosmetic
Area: Automated Forge
Where to Find: Found when you land on the platform after performing a wall run past the maintenance droid in the Automated Forge.
Collectible: Harmony
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: Automated Forge
Prerequisite Skill/Ability: Slice - BD-1
Where to Find: Found in the area where you fight the Reprogrammed Magnaguard.
Collectible: Model 13
Type: Blaster Cosmetic
Area: Republic Research Laboratory
Where to Find: Outside the area where you unlock the ability to traverse the balloons, before moving forward, grab onto the first balloon and look back and up to find a platform with the chest.
Collectible: Duelist
Type: Cal Cosmetic
Area: Array Channel
Where to Find: After defeating the group of droids and Raiders, grapple across the corner before crossing the laser and wall run your way through. You'll find the chest on the platform above.
Collectible: Stim Upgrade
Area: Assembly Staging
Where to Find: Past the three ziplines and a series of wall runs, grapple on to the zip and drop down. Enter the building, grapple on to the ledge on your right, and take the zipline across. You'll find the chest at the end of the path.
Collectible: Ground Pulse
Type: Music Track
Area: Assembly Staging
Where to Find: From the shortcut that leads to the workbench, move forward and take a left past the green laser wall. You'll find the chest behind the obstacle by the wall.
Collectible: Harmony
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: Automated Forge
Where to Find: From the Automated Forge meditation point, go inside the building and turn right. Jump on the square pillar ahead, then jump to the pillar on the right. The chest should be on the platform to your right.
Collectible: RSKF-44
Type: Blaster Cosmetic
Area: Republic Research Laboratory
Where to Find: Fast travel to Republic Research Laboratory meditation circle. Head into the main chamber, then turn left and grapple to yellow balloon to reach the next platform. Use the Electro Dart on the machine across to open the red chest on the platform.
Collectible: Slice: Droideka
Area: Republic Research Laboratory
Where to Find: On the room with the laser where you can use BD-1's Koboh Grinder, use it to gain access to the green laser gate on the second floor.

Stim Upgrades

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Stim Upgrade
Area: Assembly Staging
Where to Find: Past the three ziplines and a series of wall runs, grapple on to the zip and drop down. Enter the building, grapple on to the ledge on your right, and take the zipline across. You'll find the chest at the end of the path.

BD-1 Scans

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Monitoring Station
Area: Automated Forge
Where to Find: Found near the Force Tear in the Automated Forge.
Databank Entry: A station teeming with droid activity must be run efficiently, or...
Collectible: Droid Recharging Station
Area: Automated Forge
Where to Find: Found in the area with a lot of charging droids.
Databank Entry: An entire room was dedicated to the recharging of the facility's myriad maintenance droids. Since the Raider occupation, however, the battery station has been repurposed for battle droid use.
Collectible: Lifter Droid
Area: Assembly Staging
Where to Find: After falling down the pit full of Shiverpedes, grapple on to the flying droids and climb up the wall. You'll find the Scan on the corner.
Databank Entry: When maintenance droids saw to the regulation of the factory's systems, lifter droids took on the role of manual laborers, heaving construction materials to wherever they were needed.
Collectible: Destroyed Wall
Area: Assembly Staging
Where to Find: Found after the jumping upward puzzle with moving electric currents.
Databank Entry: The calamity that struck Koboh also ripped its moon apart. Racked by quakes and subsidence, sections of the facility were torn from their foundation and strewn about the interstellar flotsam.
Collectible: Wavelength Honing Controls
Area: Array Channel
Where to Find: Once you enter the large area with a beam, the Scan can be found on your right.
Databank Entry: As the Array beam reaches the emitter, several checks are initiated to focus the beam, calibrating its wavelength before it is directed at a target.
Collectible: Ionizing Calibrators
Area: Array Channel
Where to Find: Found after the section where you'll need to wall jump on wall with an electric current.
Databank Entry: Although shrouded in some mystery, it is believed the Array displaces Koboh Matter by ionizing energy fired through it. Stations throughout the beam chamber monitor the process.
Collectible: Laboratory Thermoregulator
Area: Republic Research Laboratory
Where to Find: Beside the Meditation Point.
Databank Entry: To control tests effectively, the inner laboratory's temperature is strictly regulated by a master control unit in the laboratory's atrium.
Collectible: Stabilizer Beam
Area: Republic Research Laboratory
Where to Find: Found on the lowest platform in the area.
Databank Entry: A series of modules ring the laboratory, feeding energy down ito the array's initializing chamber. Maintaining a constant flow of energy is seemingly vital to ensuring the entire array remains stable.
Collectible: Inoperable Console
Area: Republic Research Laboratory
Where to Find: Found just outside the workbench in the area.
Databank Entry: Rendered inoperable by time or sabotage, the proximity of these consoles to the innermost laboratory nevertheless guarantees that whatever information they held was likely of the most sensitive nature.

Force Echoes

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Ghosts in the Machine
Area: Assembly Staging
Where to Find: Past the three ziplines and a series of wall runs, grapple on to the zip and drop down. Enter the building and grapple on to the ledge on your right. You'll find the Force Echo by a box.
Databank Entry: Rayvis demanded the abandoned halls of the moon station be thoroughly exhumed, even if the Raiders themselves did not understand why.
Collectible: The Unconvinced
Area: Automated Forge
Where to Find: Head down the elevator and you'll find the Force Echo to the right of the stairs by the corner.
Databank Entry: Two High Republic scientists are discussing the stellar anomaly and their work on the facility. Despite a disagreement on the exact goal of their work, both are aligne in continuing the research.
Collectible: In The Name of Science
Area: Automated Forge
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, enter the door and follow the path left. You'll find the Force Echo inside the room by the corner.
Databank Entry: Two Republic scientists conduct tests with unacceptable resutls. The only path forwad, one suggests, is to further reinforce their apparatus.
Collectible: Broken Droid
Area: Superstructure Fabricators
Where to Find: Found just before the Drya Thornne boss fight.
Databank Entry: Someone, seemingly armed with an energy weapon, strikes down a maintenance droid in a rage, having not found what they were looking for.
Collectible: Dagan's Long Shot
Area: Superstructure Fabricators
Where to Find: Found next to the door after defeating Drya Thornne.
Databank Entry: Dagan and Santari's dream of Tanalorr requires an almost impossible task - to navigate the lethal Koboh Abyss, unaided, in order to record the safe passage for others. Dagan volunteers to be that pilot.
Collectible: One Stop Shop
Area: Array Channel
Where to Find: Enter the laser opening in the middle while the laser is off and you'll find the Force Echo in the corner on your left.
Databank Entry: As the needs of the moon station became clear, it was decided to house a fabrication factory on the moon itself, to better facilitate any required maintenance.
Collectible: Waking Giants
Area: Array Channel
Where to Find: Found inside a control room after defeat a group of droids and Raiders.
Databank Entry: For centuries on the moon station lay dormant and damaged. Rayvis and Dagan, however, are determined to breathe life into the facility once more.
Collectible: Pizza Merchandise
Area: Array Channel
Where to Find: Behind a green laser wall inside a laser hole down the middle.
Databank Entry: Rayvis prowls every hidden nook of the Array, assessing its remaining viability and latent potential.
Collectible: Disaster Strikes
Area: Republic Research Laboratory
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, move forward a bit and head down the path on the left. You'll find the Force Echo across the gap.
Databank Entry: When catastrophe struck Koboh's moon, the laboratory was not spared. Personnel within the lab could only take cover and hope, as their carefully-curated experiments shattered around them.
Collectible: The Plan
Area: Republic Research Laboratory
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, move forward a bit and head down the path on the left and climb up the wall on your left. You'll find the Force Echo at the left corner.
Databank Entry: Two Jedi of the High Republic find a quiet spot, away from prying eyes, to discuss their purpose on the Shattered Moon.
Collectible: Prized Merchandise
Area: Array Channel
Where to Find: While on the beam's path, the echo can be found on the right through a green laser gate.
Databank Entry: Rayvis prowls every hidden nook of the Array, assessing its remaining viability and latent potential.


In-game Location Map Location
Area: Automated Forge
Where to Find: Found near the Force Tear in the Automated Forge.
Area: Assembly Staging
Where to Find: Past the green laser wall, grapple on to the climable wall and it will break and cause you to drop down. Defeat the group of Shiverpedes and you'll find the Disc nearby.
Area: Automated Forge
Where to Find: Past the room full of Droids, take a left and you'll find the Disc outside on your left behind some boxes near the Maintenance Droid.
Area: Automated Forge
Where to Find: Past the three ziplines and a series of wall runs, grapple on to the zip and wall run again. Unlock the shortcut back to the workbench, take it and drop down mid-way to a platform. You'll find the Disc by the railings.
Area: Automated Forge
Where to Find: Past the three ziplines and a series of wall runs, grapple on to the zip and wall run again. Unlock the shortcut back to the workbench, take it and drop down mid-way to a platform. You'll find the Disc by the edge.
Area: Assembly Staging
Where to Find: After falling down the pit full of Shiverpedes, grapple on to the flying droids and climb up the wall. You'll find the Disc on your right by the corner.
Area: Assembly Staging
Where to Find: Past the room with a green laser wall, follow the path until you reach an area with passing electricity. Jump past the platforms and climb the platform on your left. You'll find the Disc by the corner.
Area: Republic Research Laboratory
Where to Find: After obtaining the Ascension Cable Upgrade, take the nearby balloon and jump towards the right. Climb up and activate the other ballons, you'll find the Disc at on top.
Area: Cargo Loading Deck
Where to Find: Found on the right side of the Mantis.
Area: Automated Forge
Where to Find: Past the three ziplines and a series of wall runs, grapple on to the zip and wall run again. Unlock the shortcut back to the workbench, take it and drop down mid-way to a platform. You'll find the Disc by the edge.
Fallen Order - Datadisc Map Image
Area: Assembly Staging
Where to Find: After the long zipline going from Automated Forge to Assembly Staging, head to the right. At the end of the path, the Datadisc will be on top of the boxes.
Area: Assembly Staging
Where to Find: Found on a digging droid after the jumping upward puzzle with moving electric currents.
Area: Array Channel
Where to Find: On a section where you'll need to wall jump through an electric current, slide down to bottom end of the wall to find the Datadisc.

Priorite Shards

There are currently no known Collectible of this type within this given location.

Health Essences

Map Location In-game Location
Area: Automated Forge
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, enter the door and move forward a bit. Force pull the small vent on your left. Walk the beam, turn around, and wall run. You'll find the Essence on the platform.

Force Essences

Map Location In-game Location
Area: Assembly Staging
Where to Find: After falling down the pit full of Shiverpedes, grapple on to the flying droids and wait for them to get high enough. You'll find the Essence by a ledge nearby.

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All Collectibles

All Collectible Types
Chests Stim Upgrades
Perks Skill Points
Perk Slots BD-1 Scans
Force Echoes Seeds and Plants
Priorite Shards Datadiscs
Jedha Scrolls Essences
Force Essences Health Essences
Treasures Fish
Recruits Force Tears
BD-1 Upgrades -

Collectibles by Planet

All Planets
Coruscant Koboh
Jedha Shattered Moon
Nova Garon Tanalorr


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