Star Wars Jedi Survivor

How to Beat Ninth Sister Boss Fight

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Jedi Survivor - How to Beat Ninth Sister Fight
The Ninth Sister is an imperial Inquisitor that Cal has fought during the events of Fallen Order and a returning boss in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Read on to learn how to beat Ninth Sister, and Ninth Sister Rewards!

How to Beat Ninth Sister

Ninth Sister Fight Strategy

Dodge to the Side to Evade Unblockables

The Ninth Sister's unblockable attacks reach far and dodging backward may not avoid the hitbox of her unblockables. Dodge sideways to avoid damage from her unblockables and prepare to dodge when the Ninth Sister glows red.

Parry Attacks to Deplete Her Stamina

Aside from attacking, parrying is the most efficient way to deplete the Ninth Sister's stamina, allowing you to land free hits whenever she is stunned from stamina depletion.

The Ninth Sister's attacks slow and have big wind-ups that are easy to see, use this to your advantage to parry perfectly.

How to Parry

Use Focus Parry To End The Fight

To end the fight, players must follow to prompt to use focus parry. Following the Focus Parry prompt will lead to a cutscene that ends the fight with the Ninth Sister.

All Lightsaber Skills

Ninth Sister Rewards

Access to Dual Wield

Dual Wield Unlock
Fighting the Ninth Sister until her third phase unlocks the Dual Wield stance that is needed to defeat the Ninth Sister and progress the story.
You will be able to use the Dual Wield stance from this point onwards and will allow you to unlock the skill tree for this stance.

All Lightsaber Styles and Stances

Who is The Ninth Sister?

Ninth Sister Background

The Ninth Sister Overview
The Ninth Sister Jedi Survivor
Type: Galactic Empire Enemy Planet: Coruscant
The powerful and imposing Ninth Sister has only grown more rage-fueled and vengeful in the years since first facing Cal Kestis. A mechanically-enhanced Dowutin, her brute strength alone can overpower foes, but she also possesses a natural empathic ability to read the minds of others. This combined with her mastery of the Force and raw, rage-driven strength make her one of the deadliest warriors in the Inquisitorius.

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