Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Is Cal A Grey Jedi?

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Jedi Survivor Grey Jedi

Cal Kestis is one of the last few remaining survivors of the Jedi Order, but is he a Grey Jedi? Read on to learn more about what a Grey Jedi is and whether Cal fits this description!

Is Cal a Grey Jedi in Jedi Survivor?

Not Canonically

Is Cal a Grey Jedi

Cal Kestis may be a Jedi operating outside the existence of the Jedi Order, but his actions are still mostly motivated and aligned with the teachings and dogma of the Jedi.

Cal falls short on one of the core aspects of being a Grey Jedi though, at times, he is still a slave to his passions, unable to practice restraint and at one point openly accepts the lure of the dark side to let his anger and resentment towards Bode fuel his aggression.

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What is a Grey Jedi?

Falls in Between Jedi and Sith

What is a Grey Jedi

Grey Jedi Characteristics and Qualities
Checkmark Walks between the light and dark sides of the Force

Checkmark Operates independently of the teachings of the Jedi and the Sith

A Grey Jedi is as the name implies, a Jedi who operates in the grey moral area. They see the limitations imposed by both the dogmas of the Jedi and the teachings of the Sith. They accept the natural balance that the light cannot exist without the darkness.

A grey Jedi knows that in order to maintain balance and peace, one must also have the passion to preserve that peace.

There are no Grey Jedi's currently in Star Wars canon. However, some fans would argue Anakin's former padawan Ahsoka Tano and Obi-Wan's deceased master Qui-Gon Jinn fit the descriptions of Grey Jedi.

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