Star Wars Jedi Survivor

How to Beat Rayvis

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Jedi Survivor - How to Beat Rayvis
Rayvis can be fought during your second visit to Shattered Moon in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Read on to learn where you can fight Rayvis and how you can beat Rayvis in battle!

How to Beat Rayvis

Rayvis Fight First Stage

Rayvis Fight First Stage

Engage Rayvis in Melee Combat

Engage in Melee Combat
Rayvis will be using his specialized mace during this battle. His weapon can reach up to long distances and send shockwaves along your path, so just be consistent in closing the gap.

Keeping Your Distance Will Get You Shot

He also shoots you with his blaster when you stray too far from him. If this happens, just deflect the blaster shots with your lightsaber.

Parry His Attacks

Once you see the pattern of his attacks, parry any hits that would give you a chance to counter. Be resilient in finding an opening.

Rayvis Fight Second Stage

Rayvis Fight Second Stage

Avoid Performing Combos

Rayvis will try to find an opportunity to counter your combo attacks, so avoid performing consecutive hits on him.

Do Not Rush Head-On

Do not try to force an attack needlessly. Rayvis will overwhelm you with his attacks if you try to force an opening.

Guard and Parry

Guard and Parry
Always wait for a chance to counter his attacks. Be patient during the battle, and time your attacks accordingly.

Rayvis Location

During Your Second Visit to Shattered Moon

Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Rayvis Role Main Antagonist

You will be able to fight Rayvis as you go along the main storyline. Once you reach the top of the Republic Research Laboratory during your second visit to Shattered Moon, you will be able to face off against Rayvis.

Shattered Moon Part 2 Walkthrough

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