Star Wars Jedi Survivor

All Lightsaber Parts and Components Locations

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Jedi Survivor - All Lightsaber Parts and Components

Lightsaber Parts allow you to customize the look of your primary weapon in Jedi Survivor. Learn all available lightsaber components, all lightsaber part locations, and where to find all emitters, grips, pommels, and switches!

List of All Lightsaber Parts and Components

All Lightsaber Parts and Components
Patience Justice Harmony
Diligence Detachment Temperance
Assembly Serenity Scrapyard
Hunter Edgehawk Cere Junda
Persistence Duelist Eno Cordova
Hermit Rebel Hero Jaro Tapal


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Patience Cosmetics


Planet: Coruscant | Area: Rooftops
Chest can be found on the platform you land on when you arrive on the Rooftops of Coruscant.
Jedi Survivor - Patience Cosmetics


Planet: Coruscant | Area: Rooftops
Chest can be found on one of the platforms you reach as you move away from the first Meditation Point..
Jedi Survivor - Patience Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Foothill Falls
From the Mountain Ascent Meditation Point, turn around and head towards the pond. Dive in and you'll find the chest at the bottom.
Jedi Survivor - Patience Cosmetics


Planet: Coruscant | Area: Renovation Site 4733
Head past the area where you fall into a group of Stormtroopers and climb the cube. Follow the path past the first wall run then, turn around and wall run again above. You'll find the chest in the corner.

Patience Lightsaber Parts


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Justice Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: Trailhead Pantheon
Force pull the cord to open the door. Let go of the cord and pull the large cube just below the door to stop it from closing. You'll find the chest inside.
Jedi Survivor - Justice Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: Blustery Mesa
Found once you reach the windy area after hanging from and crossing the bridge.
Jedi Survivor - Justice Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: The Archive
Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Cost: 4 Jedha Scrolls
Jedi Survivor - Justice Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: The Archive
Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Cost: 3 Jedha Scrolls

Justice Lightsaber Parts


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Harmony Cosmetics


Planet: Shattered Moon | Area: Automated Forge
Found in the area where you fight the Reprogrammed Magnaguard.
Jedi Survivor - Harmony Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Alignment Control Center
Enter the cave past the Mogul and drop down inside the hole to your right. You'll find the chest inside the room below.
Jedi Survivor - Harmony Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Devastated Settlement
Once you unseal the second updraft, use it to fly towards the area with small ground spaces.
Currently Unavailable


Planet: Shattered Moon | Area: Automated Forge
From the Automated Forge meditation point, go inside the building and turn right. Jump on the square pillar ahead, then jump to the pillar on the right. The chest should be on the platform to your right.

Harmony Lightsaber Parts


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Diligence Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Forest Array
From the Meditation Point, head to your right after opening the Orb Coupler and climb the platforms to the top. You'll find the chest by the edge.
Jedi Survivor - Diligence Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Forest Array
From the center, set the Orb Couplerto face towards the east opening. Walk across and you'll find the chest infront of you.
Jedi Survivor - Diligence Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Basalt Rift
From the Meditation Point, head past the archway and the Stormtroopers all the way to the lowest level and take a left before the sleeping Bilemaw. You'll find the chest inside a cave on your right.
Jedi Survivor - Diligence Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Chamber of Reasons
After taking the "Dead End" Force Echo, stay near the Orb and pull the lever to bring the elevator up. Cross the bridge and head towards the second Orb you got and bring it back with to. Head back to the bridge and throw the Orb to the opening above the bridge. You'll find the chest inside on your right.

Diligence Lightsaber Parts


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Detachment Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: Wayfinder's Tomb
Head to the top of Wayfinder's Tomb and head for the broken bridge leading towards Arid Flats Meditation Point. You'll find the chest at the end but you'll need the Upgraded Ascension Cable.
Jedi Survivor - Detachment Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: The Archive
Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Cost: 3 Jedha Scrolls
Jedi Survivor - Detachment Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: The Archive
Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Cost: 2 Jedha Scrolls
Jedi Survivor - Detachment Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Fogged Expanse
Open the door with a Mogu inside and defeat it. Follow the path forward and you'll find the chest below the ceiling vines.

Detachment Lightsaber Parts


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Temperance Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: Timeworn Bridge
After unlocking the shortcut zipline at the other side of the bridge, ride it halfway and drop down. You'll find the chest on your left.
Jedi Survivor - Temperance Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: The Archive
Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Cost: 3 Jedha Scrolls
Jedi Survivor - Temperance Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: The Archive
Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Cost: 2 Jedha Scrolls
Jedi Survivor - Temperance Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: Desert Ridge
From the Desert Ridge Meditation Point, follow the path towards Arid Flats and hug to your left side until you reach 2 Ascension Cable Droids. Take the path upwards and ride the flying mount and you'll find the chest across at the high platform.

Temperance Lightsaber Parts


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Assembly Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: The Archive
Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Cost: 4 Jedha Scrolls
Jedi Survivor - Assembly Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: The Archive
Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Cost: 3 Jedha Scrolls
Jedi Survivor - Assembly Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: The Archive
Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Cost: 3 Jedha Scrolls
Jedi Survivor - Assembly Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: The Archive
Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Cost: 2 Jedha Scrolls

Assembly Lightsaber Parts


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Serenity Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: The Archive
Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Cost: 4 Jedha Scrolls
Jedi Survivor - Serenity Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: The Archive
Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Cost: 3 Jedha Scrolls
Jedi Survivor - Serenity  Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: The Archive
Can be bought from Sister Taske's Shop near the elevator.
Cost: 2 Jedha Scrolls
Jedi Survivor - Serenity Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: Desert Ridge
Found in a dead-end cliff in Desert Ridge next to a Zipline Shortcut

Serenity Lightsaber Parts


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Scrapyard Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: Desert Passages
Found in the Desert Passages. Pull the two Orbs on the second floor to unlock a room on the first floor where you'll find the chest behind the ruin that the Anchorite is studying.
Jedi Survivor - Scrapyard Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: The Archive
Once you have the Upgraded Ascension Cable, use it to launch to the top floor of the archive. Head into the room then slide down the wall to land on the chest.
Currently Unavailable


Planet: Jedha | Area: Veiled Hangar
Take the elevator behind the training dummy and you'll find the chest on your left by the corner in the dark.
Currently Unavailable


Planet: Jedha | Area: The Archive
From the Meditation Point, face towards the Mantis and enter the door on your left. Climb up the walls, and jump across the gap and you'll find the chest at the end.

Scrapyard Lightsaber Parts


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Hunter Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Winding Ravine
Past the two Gorocco, use the flying mount to cross to the farthest platform and you'll find the chest near the shortcut.

Hunter Lightsaber Parts


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Edgehawk Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Water Treatment Works
Past some rocks blocking the way and you'll find the chest along the path on your left.
Jedi Survivor - Edgehawk Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Water Treatment Works
Head down the sewers, turn around and slash through the pipes. You'll find the chest on the path to the right.
Jedi Survivor - Edgehawk Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Water Treatment Works
Facing the entrance blocke by rocks, turn left, jump and dash towards the platform across and you'll find the chest ahead.
Jedi Survivor - Edgehawk Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Head towards the Rooftop Garden and climb the vines. Use the Reltor the fly towards the high platform behind the Rooftop Garden and climb up. You'll find the chest up top next to a group of Reltors.

Edgehawk Lightsaber Parts

Cere Junda

Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Cere Junda Cosmetics
Cere Junda


Planet: Jedha | Area: Veiled Hangar
Return to Jedha as Cal after the sequence where you play as Cere. The chest is found just before the entrance to the Archive.

Cere Junda Lightsaber Parts


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Persistence Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Chamber of Connection
In the Chamber of Connection, in a room blocked by vines. After the point where you use the switches to close the doors on the walls and lead the Koboh Matter across the wall, lead the Koboh Matter across the floor to the opposite door to open it and reveal this chest.
Jedi Survivor - Persistence Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Loading Gantry
From the Hangar Rafters meditation point, go through the door ahead on the right, turn right, and jump across the gap to the climbable wall and then through the green laser gate. Climb up the blue wall to find this chest.
Jedi Survivor - Persistence Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Viscid Bog
From the Gorge Crash Site Meditation Point, turn around and Life and Slam the door open. Follow the path through and half-way through the elevator, exit through the hole on the side and you'll find the chest by the edge of the cliff.
Jedi Survivor - Persistence Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Lucrehulk Core
In the room with some traveling large crates, jump across and the platform and destroy 4 ceiling turrets. You'll find the chest infront that requires you to use Life and Slam.

Persistence Lightsaber Parts


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Duelist Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Phon'Qi Caverns
Behind a purple door, which you must blow up by force pushing one of the exploding plants with mouths. After entering, climb up the walls to reach this chest.
Jedi Survivor - Duelist Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Phon'Qi Caverns
Behind a purple door, which you must blow up by force pushing one of the exploding plants with mouths (Bramliks).
Jedi Survivor - Duelist Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Phon'Qi Caverns
Inside the room where you fight Sebb Eshan, Life and Slam the large rock that's nearest to the entrance and you'll find the chest down the hole.
Jedi Survivor - Duelist Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Phon'Qi Caverns
Past the room where you fight a Rancor, drop down to the bottom floor past the Cavern Fungus and some exploding droids. Dive into the well and you'll find the chest at the bottom.

Duelist Lightsaber Parts

Eno Cordova

Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Eno Cordova Cosmetics
Eno Cordova


Planet: Jedha | Area: Wayfinder's Tomb
Found inside the Wayfinder's Tomb after completing the three puzzles and opening the tomb.

Eno Cordova Lightsaber Parts


Fallen Order - Hermit Lightsaber Cosmetics
Hermit Lightsaber
Pre-Order any edition of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Hermit Lightsaber Parts

Rebel Hero

Fallen Order - Rebel Hero Lightsaber Cosmetics
Rebel Hero Lightsaber
Purchase the Deluxe Edition of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Rebel Hero Lightsaber Parts

Jaro Tapal

Unlocked at the Start of the Game

Blaster Workbench

The Jaro Tapal Lightsaber set is the default parts attached to the lightsaber when you begin the game. This includes the emitter, switch, pommel, and grip.

Jaro Tapal Lightsaber Parts

How to Change Lightsaber Parts

Customize Lightsaber on Workbenches

Workbench Jedi Survovor

You can customize the different parts and colors of the lightsaber in any workbench you encounter. The easiest workbench to find is the one the backroom of the Mantis.

Lightsaber Customization Guide

Do Lightsaber Parts Have Perks?

Lightsabers Have No Perks

Cosmetics in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor do not offer any perks or stat benefits. This means that players can freely customize and personalize their characters since it does not affect gameplay!

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Related Guides

Lightsaber Jedi Survivor

Lightsaber Customization

All Lightsabers Cosmetics

Lightsaber Customization
How to Unlock All Lightsaber Colors Lightsaber Parts and Components

All Lightsaber Parts

All Jedi Survivor Lightsabers Parts
Jaro Tapal Patience
Hunter Edgehawk
Diligence Serenity
Assembly Justice
Detachment Temperance
Scrapyard Harmony
Persistence Duelist
Santari Khri Eno Cordova
Cere Junda Hermit
Rebel Hero -


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