Star Wars Jedi Survivor

List of All Jackets

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Jackets are cosmetic items that provide customization options for Cal Kestis in Star Wars: Jedi Survivor. Read on to learn all the available Jackets for Cal, where to find them, how to equip and customize them, and if they have perks!

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List of All Jackets

All Jacket Locations

Cosmetic How to Get
Jedi Survivor - Bandolier Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Can be bought from Doma's Shop inside the building at the center of the area.
Cost: 4 Priorite Shards
Jedi Survivor - Bomber Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Hunter's Quarry
Reach the end of the cave at the far end side of the area.
Jedi Survivor - Commander Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: Arid Flats
Found by following the path by the rocky wall from the Anchorite Base Meditation Point.
Jedi Survivor - Corsair Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Can be bought from Doma's Shop inside the building at the center of the area.
Cost: 6 Priorite Shards
Jedi Survivor - Drifter Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Viscid Bog
On a platform in the swamp across from the hut where Vini and Zygg are found.
Jedi Survivor - Duelist Cosmetics


Planet: Shattered Moon | Area: Array Channel
After defeating the group of droids and Raiders, grapple across the corner before crossing the laser and wall run your way through. You'll find the chest on the platform above.
Jedi Survivor - Exile Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: Anchorite Base
From the Anchorite Base meditation point, walk forward a bit and jump up the ledge, and look to the left to see a wall that's slightly lower than those around it. Double jump to the top; you might fail a few times, but you can make it up. Follow the path to the end to find the chest.
Jedi Survivor - Frontier Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Can be bought from Doma's Shop inside the building at the center of the area.
Cost: 5 Priorite Shards
Jedi Survivor - Hunter Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Hunter's Quarry
Reach the high point of the area where you'll encounter a Gorocco.
Jedi Survivor - Mountaineer Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Untamed Downs
Find the large cave in the Untamed Downs. Defeat the Bilemaw guarding the area. Climb the vines in the central pillar. Jump towards the chest where an alien is sitting on top. Use your Jedi powers to convince Garra to move and claim the contents of the chest.
Jedi Survivor - Outrider Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Can be bought from Doma's Shop inside the building at the center of the area.
Cost: 4 Priorite Shards
Jedi Survivor - Pilot Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Beat Greez in Holotactics. Unlock Holotactics by recruiting Bhima and Tulli.
Jedi Survivor - Poncho Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Fort Kah'lin
Found in the cave after falling from a hatch in the area where you'll also find the Spawn of Oggdo optional boss.
Jedi Survivor - Survivor Cosmetics

Available from the start of the game.
Jedi Survivor - Tactical Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Derelict Dam
Head inside the cave and drop down the hole past the Raider and a BX Droid. You'll find the chest down the hall to your right.
Jedi Survivor - Wanderer Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Bygone Settlement
From the Bygone Settlement meditation point, jump to the wall you can run on and from there, continue along the platforming route to reach this chest at the end.

All Jacket Material Locations

Cosmetic How to Get
Jedi Survivor - Bomber Cosmetics

(Jacket Material)

Planet: Koboh | Area: Phon'Qi Caverns
From the meditation point, go ahead to the right, then Lift the object blocking the hole and go in. Take the door ahead to the right, and go down the hole on the right side. Find the chest at the end of the walkway.
Jedi Survivor - Commander Cosmetics

(Jacket Material)

Planet: Koboh | Area: Loading Gantry
From the Hangar Rafters meditation point, go through the door ahead on the right, turn right, and jump across the gap to the climbable wall and then through the green laser gate. Climb up the blue wall, and go through the orange door at the top. Climb across the walls ahead to reach the chest.
Jedi Survivor - Drifter Cosmetics

(Jacket Material)

Planet: Koboh | Area: Mountain Ascent
Found near the Crashed Tie Fighter Force Echo. Requires the Lift and Slam upgrade.
Jedi Survivor - Duelist Cosmetics

(Jacket Material)

Planet: Koboh | Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
After recruiting T-1N8, go to the house on the map and talk to T-1N8. Go inside and find it in the chest.
Jedi Survivor - Exile Cosmetics

(Jacket Material)

Planet: Koboh | Area: Marl Cavern
From the Fogged Expanse meditation point, follow the path on the map to the chest.
Jedi Survivor - Hunter Cosmetics

(Jacket Material)

Planet: Koboh | Area: Untamed Downs
On a cliff in Untamed Downs, overlooking Harvest Ridge. The jacket material is in a red chest, which requires you to use an Electro Dart on the mechanism to its right.
Jedi Survivor - Mountaineer Cosmetics

(Jacket Material)

Planet: Koboh | Area: Fort Kah'lin
Behind the droid tank in front of the Fort Kah'lin meditation circle.
Jedi Survivor - Tactical Cosmetics

(Jacket Material)

Planet: Koboh | Area: Bilemaw Den
Head inside the cave and down the hole and you'll find the chest in your right down the hall.
Jedi Survivor - Wanderer Cosmetics

(Jacket Material)

Planet: Jedha | Area: Penitent Chambers
Found at the highest point in the area that you'll need to wall jump to access after meeting with Merrin.

Materials are used to change the color scheme of the corresponding item.

Cosmetic and Material Locations are Interchangeable

Locations Interchangeable

On the left, the Jacket Material was acquired. On the right, the Jacket cosmetic was acquired in the same location.

The locations of a piece of clothing and its material used to change its color are interchangeable depending on which chest you acquired first.

How to Equip Jackets

Customization Tab in Pause Screen

Jedi Survivor Customization

You can change Cal's facial appearance any time during the game. In the pause menu, go to the customization tab. Here, you'll be able to change his hair and beard along with his apparel with the cosmetics you already collected.

Colors Can Be Changed

Customization Color Change

Aside from being able to customize Cal's clothes, you can also customize the color scheme of each piece of clothing in the same customization screen if you have found the material cosmetic for it. Items you haven't acquired the material for will have the options appear as Locked.

Are There Perks From Jackets?

Cosmetics Have No Perks

Jacket cosmetics in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor do not offer any perks or stat benefits. This means that players can freely customize and personalize their characters since it does not affect gameplay!

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Related Guides

Jedi Survivor Outfits and Cosmetics

Outfits and Cosmetics

All Outfits and Cosmetics

All Hairstyles All Beards
All Jackets All Shirts
All Pants All Materials

All Sets

Survivor Outfit Tactical Outfit
Bomber Outfit Scrapper Outfit
Frontier Outfit Outrider Outfit
Commander Outfit Wanderer Outfit
Hunter Outfit Jedi Outfit
Hermit Outfit Rebel Hero Outfit
ISB Outfit -

Jacket Only

Mountaineer Corsair
Bandolier Pilot
Poncho Exile
Drifter Duelist

Shirt Only

Training Shirt -


Headband Mullet
Scrapper Undercut
Crew Cut Hawk
Windswept Shag
Buzzcut Slicked Back
Choppy Forward Bun
Center Part -


Short Beard Full Beard
Full Goatee and Mustache Goatee and Mustache
Short Goatee Soul Patch
Extended Mustache Light Mustache
Mustache and Patch Goatee
Light Mustache and Patch -


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