Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Raz Bounty Location and How to Beat

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Jedi Survivor - How to Beat Raz
Find Raz is a Bounty found in Forrest Array on Koboh in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Find out where to find Raz, and how to defeat them.

Raz Bounty Location

Forrest Array

Raz Location

In Forrest Array, enter the area where you encounter a Mogu for the first time. Raz will be in the circular area before the Mogu.

How to Beat Raz

Double Dodge Unblockable Attacks

Raz is capable of doing multiple unblockable attacks, often consecutively. It's best to double dodge your way out of these attacks and wait for an opening or deflect a normal melee attack.

Deflect Melee Attacks

When in close range, Raz will use its arms to attack you. Parry these attacks to deplete its stamina and strike them when it's open.

Use the Double-Bladed Stance Against Projectiles

The Double-Bladed stance is perfect against Raz as it does a rapid-fire blaster attack. This allows you to reflect all shots back at them similar to a heavy trooper.

Do not Push Raz Off the Area

Raz Koboh Dust
If you push Raz off the area it will not be able to climb and you will not be able to attack it because of the Koboh dust.

Who is Raz?

Former Bunker Buster

Jedi Survivor - RazRaz RZ-12 - 'Raz' - began their career as a bunker buster for a small insurgent cell on Ruusan, but when the coffers ran empty, Raz betrayed and collected bounties on several of their companions. Sorc Tormo used this as leverage to pull Raz into his employ.

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