Star Wars Jedi Survivor

How to Beat Urjef Mekor

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Jedi Survivor - How to Beat Urjef Mekor
Urjef Mekor is an optional boss found in Phon'Qi Caverns on Koboh in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Read on to learn where to find Urjef Mekor, how to open Urjef Mekor's door, how to beat Urjef Mekor, and his rewards!

Urjef Mekor Location

Phon'Qi Caverns Magnaguard Area

Urjef Mekor Location
Urjef Mekor is located inside a door in the Magnaguard area of Phon'Qi Caverns. This can be easily seen as it's the only electric door in the Magnaguard area.

Phon'Qi Caverns Location and Walkthrough

How to Open Urjef Mekor's Door

Use the Orange Exploding Plant

From the ledge of the climbable wall that you scaled to reach the Magnaguard area, look down and pull an orange exploding plant then throw it at Urjef Mekor's door.

How to Beat Urjef Mekor

Urjef Mekor Fight Strategy

Dodge Sideways Against His Unblockables

Urjef Mekor Unblockable
Urjef Mekor can do unblockable attacks that always move forward. Dodge these attacks sideways to avoid its entire hitbox and close your distance with him.

Break His Stamina

Break his Stamina
The Urjef Mekor fight follows the rhythm of his flurry attacks that you need to parry, and idle moments for you to attack him to break his stamina gauge.

Parry and Attack simultaneously to drain his stamina and open him for health damage.

How to Parry

Watch Out For His Fake Attacks

Urjef Mekor can fake his attacks by turning off his lightsaber, this can mess up your parry timing and open you for a hit. If you blocked during his fake attack, immediately dodge away to avoid damage!

Urjef Mekor Rewards

Duelist Grip Lightsaber Part

Jedi Survivor Phon
You can obtain the Dueslist Grip - Lightsaber Part after opening the door where can find Urjef Mekor. Note that once you open the door, you will need to pass through a Green Laser Gates to get the chest.

How to Get the Duelist Lightsaber Parts

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Guides

Bosses Jedi Survivor

List of All Bosses

All Bosses in Star Wars: Jedi Survivor

Story Bosses
K-405 The Ninth Sister
Zeik Dagan Gera
Skriton AT-ST
Reprogrammed Magnaguard Drya Thornne
Tague Louesh Rayvis
Rick, The Door Technician Urgost, Fist of Rayvis
Bode Akuna Darth Vader
Final Boss
Legendary Enemies
Rancor Spawn of Oggdo
D-L1T Frenzied Jotaz
Masiff The Mire Terror
Beetu Deetu E3-VE3
Vile Bilemaw Golden Skriton
Sutaban Alpha Gorocco Matriarch
Optional Bosses
Sebb Eshan Prince Patren
Urjef Mekor Vashtan Wolfe
Hytho Pixx Mads Gresh and San Dersen


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