Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Best Stance and All Lightsaber Stances Ranked

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Jedi Survivor Best Stance
The Single stance is the best stance as it is the most mobile among all other stances, making it great for new and seasoned players. Learn what the best stance and best secondary stances are, how to upgrade the best stances, and all lightsaber stances ranked!

Best Lightsaber Stance

Single Stance

Single Stance - Star Wars Jedi Survivor.jpg

The Single stance is the best lightsaber stance because of its mobility and overall versatility.

High Mobility

This stance has the highest mobility among all the stances since it has three mobile skills; Lunging Strike, Dash Strike, and Aerial Dash Strike. These skills allow you to surprise the enemy by quickly closing the distance. They also deal significant block damage.

Best Versatility

It is also the most versatile stance because it can be used in almost any situation. It can be used to fight against bosses thanks to it being decently quick and dealing respectable damage. The skills Charged Throw and Twofold Reflection also offer reasonable damage against large groups of enemies.

Despite its lack of specialty, it is competent in all areas and players can complete the game with just this stance. The Single stance is a jack of all trades, master of none, but usually better than a master of one.

Best Upgrades For Single Stance

Best Single Skills

Skill Effect & Reason
Jedi Survivor - Improved Footwork Icon Improved Footwork Effect: Lunging Strike now reaches further.
Reason for Unlocking:
・Closes a large distance between you and your enemy
・Useful against stronger enemies or bosses where you need to keep distance
・Lunging deals good block damage
Jedi Survivor - Cyclone Slash Icon Cyclone Slash Effect: Hold Attack button after a basic attack to perform a powerful overhead swing.
Reason for Unlocking:
・Increases overall basic combo damage
・Useful tool to break the enemy's guard
Jedi Survivor - Dash Strike Icon Dash Strike Effect: Hold Parry/Block button and press Attack button to dash and strike a target out of normal melee range.
Reason for Unlocking:
・Allows you to quickly attack when enemy is recovering
・Excellent for extending combo with your basic combo or with Lunging Strike

All Lightsaber Stances Ranked

S Rank
Single Stance Lightsaber - Star Wars Jedi SurvivorSingle Blade
A Rank
Blaster Lightsaber Stance - Star Wars Jedi Survivor Blaster Dual Wield Lightsaber Stance - Star Wars Jedi Survivor Dual Wield Crossguard Lightsaber Stance - Star Wars Jedi Survivor Crossguard
B Rank
Double Bladed Lightsaber Stance - Star Wars Jedi SurvivorDouble Blade

All Lightsaber Stances

Lightsaber Stances Ranking Criteria

The team considered the following factors below for the creation of this ranking list. Please do note that this tier list is very subjective since it is based on the team's experience with the game.

① Ease of Use
Some stances take more effort to learn to use effectively. Stances that are easy to use and just as effective in battle are ranked higher.
② Overall Versatility
Another important factor we considered for this list is a Stance's overall versatility. The stance's skills and passives that are useful for both single target enemies and large groups are ranked higher.
③ Damage & Survivability
Stances should let you deal the highest amount of damage in the safest way possible. Therefore, stances that are efficient in dealing damage while also helping the player survive throughout the fight are ranked higher.

Best Secondary Stance

Blaster Stance

Blaster Stance - Star Wars Jedi Survivor.jpg

The Blaster stance is the perfect secondary stance for the single stance since it has a long range that can synergize well with the single stance's mobility. After whittling down the enemy's block meter with blaster shots, you can switch to the single stance to close the gap and deal a lot of damage.

It is also a good defensive stance since it lets you shoot your blaster from a safe distance while blocking.

Best Blaster Stance Skills

Skill Effect & Reason
Jedi Survivor - Blaster Cooldown Icon Blaster Cooldown Effect: Gain additional ammunition each time you strike an enemy with the lightsaber.
Reason for Unlocking:
・Excellent synergy with the Single stance
・Naturally gain ammo as you fight in any stance
Jedi Survivor - Improved Clip Icon Improved Clip Effect: Increases Maximum Blaster Ammunition by three.
Reason for Unlocking:
・Allows you to shoot more blaster shots
・Stay in a safer distance for longer
Jedi Survivor - Efficient Heat Transfer Icon Efficient Heat Transfer Effect: Reduces time required to fully charge a blaster shot.
Reason for Unlocking:
・Shoot charged blaster shots quicker
・Use charged blaster shots against bosses and enemies with strong ranged attacks without getting interrupted

Best Force Abilities to Use With Stances

Jedi Concentration

The Single stance uses a lot of Force for its skills. It is recommended to upgrade the Jedi Concentration tree to increase your Force meter and Force regeneration.

Best Jedi Concentration Skills
Skill Effect & Reason
Jedi Survivor - Channelled Energy Icon Channelled Energy Effect: Cal regains more Force when he defeats an enemy, and regains some Force when he hits a blocking enemy.
Reason for Unlocking:
・Great tool for regenerating your Force Meter quickly
・Single stance skills can regain some Force back as you use them
Jedi Survivor - Enlightened Attunement Icon Enlightened Attunement Effect: Cal's Maximum Force is further increased.
Reason for Unlocking:
・Can create longer combo chains with Single stance skills that use Force

All Force Abilities

How to Change Lightsaber Stances

Go to a Meditation Point

Players can change Cal's lightsaber stance by going to a meditation point. While meditating, select the Stances option and you will be able to change your primary and secondary stances through the menu.

Best Stance Combo

Dual Wield and Crossguard Stance

Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Best Stance Combo
The Dual Blade stance allows you to play aggressively and deal as much damage as possible when you have the opportunity because of its speed. It is best paired with the Crossguard stance to make up for the lack of defensive capabilities and shield penetration of the Dual Blade stance.

How to Get Crossguard Lightsaber Stance

Crossguard to Destroy Shields

Even though the Dual Blade stance is the best offensive stance available, it can be difficult to break enemy shields and barriers. But with the Crossguard stance, you can easily destroy these shields with just one swoop. You can switch out your Dual Blade stance mid-combo to reflect incoming attacks or to penetrate shields.

How to Disable Droideka Shields

More Stamina for Parrying and Blocking

If you have the Dual Blade stance equipped, you only have 4 bars of stamina for parrying and blocking enemy attacks. But if you are using any other stance, you will have 5 bars of stamina. It is best that you switch out your Dual Blade stance if you are playing defensively to avoid taking damage.

Dark Side Ability Uses the Single Blade Stance

Using your Dark Side ability forces you to use the Single Blade stance. This is immediately available once you've completed Nova Garon.

Nova Garon Walkthrough

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor Guides

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

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