Star Wars Jedi Survivor

All Skill Point Locations

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Here's a list of all Skill Points you can acquire by interacting with an Essence marker in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Read on to learn more about each Skill Point location and more!

Skill Point Guides
Skill Point Locations How to Farm Skill Points

Skill Point Locations

Sometimes Skill Points can be picked up by interacting with what appears to be Force or Health Essences. These Essence markers will give you 1 full Skill Point.

Coruscant Skill Point Locations

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Freight Handling Depot
Where to Find: Pass through the green laser gate in the area with the moving crates.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Undercity Meats
Where to Find: Use the Electro Dart to open a door in the area containing the Skill Point.

Koboh Skill Point Locations

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Smuggler's Tunnels
Where to Find: After jumping past the falls, on the left side of the green laser gate, you'll find a tunnel. Go through the tunnel and the essence can be found on the lower ground.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Could be found in the basement of Soont Madas' shop. You will need Merrin's Charm and Force Lift to reach his shop. Talk to Soont to gain access to the basement and it will be past the corpse.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Fort Kah'lin
Where to Find: Get to the elevated towers in Fort Kahlin and eliminate the droids and Bedlam Raiders there. You will be rewarded a Skill Point upon beating the third tower.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Shoot an Electro Dart at the generator in Rambler's Reach Outpost, then reattach the rope to the adjacent house's generator. You need to complete the Jawa Rumor first.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Yurt Barracks
Where to Find: After climbing a blue wall in the area, look back to see the room containing the Skill Point.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: Near the cliff after crossing the ledge using the Ascension Cable Balloons.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Gorge Crash Site
Where to Find: Use Lift on the sunken ship to bring it out of the tar pit. You'll find the Essence on the platform.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head down the vines and your left and follow the path forward. Swing and wall run across and you'll find the Essence on your left.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: After defeating the Gorocco Matriarch, head past the balloons and you'll find the Essence at the area above.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Southern Reach
Where to Find: Head to the far east of the area past the cave and you'll find the Essence by the edge near a large rock.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Lucrehulk Core
Where to Find: Found at the end of a hallway where you'll need to Force Lift a door.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Yurt Barracks
Where to Find: Found on the right side of the room after Force Lifting a door.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Viscid Bog
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head towards the long elevator and take it. Go through the hole midway and take the first set of balloons. Use the Reltor to fly across hugging your left side until you reach some balloons you can grapple on. Take the series of balloons and you'll find the Essence at the end by a platform.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Hunter's Quarry
Where to Find: From inside the ruins, bring the Orb towards the Coupler in the other room and you'll find the Essence nearby.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Observation Deck
Where to Find: When you reach the end of the Observation deck that requires a wall jump, climb the wall. At the top, head to the left to find a long room with the Skill point.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Fogged Expanse
Where to Find: After wall running from the meditation point, look back and use the same structure after it moved to wall run again to a small isolated area. Look down to find the essence along with a shard.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Marl Cavern
Where to Find: After wall running to the two structures in the cavern, wall run back to reach the essence.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, cross to the platform and you'll find the Essence on your left behind the waterfall.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Bygone Settlement
Where to Find: On the room of the platform where you recruit the Jawas, you will have to access the back of the crawler and up the roof to get the essence.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Summit Ridge
Where to Find: Once you reach the area where you can force pull a balloon, don't drop down. Force pull a balloon and turn back. Use the balloon to reach a high point on the wall to the right.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Forest Array
Where to Find: On the walkway where you face a Mogu, find the narrow beam by the end of the walkway. Jump towards under the bridge. The essence will be on the other side. Climb and cross through the underceiling of the bridge.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: Found inside a small room after defeating E3-VE3.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the area where you fight the Grocco and Bramlik, jump-climb to the opening to the right of the large green gate. There you will find a Koboh orb, use the Force to take it back to the starting level, go down and you will find a small room where you can place the orb. Another room will open up and you will be able to get the Skill Point.

Jedha Skill Point Locations

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: From the Monastery Walls Work Bench, look to the wall opening to the right and you'll see wall-climbable pillars. Jump Dash towards the 2nd pillar then turn around until you face a broken bridge that you will need to jump on to. Walk until the end of the bridge to find an opening.

Shattered Moon Skill Point Locations

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Automated Forge
Where to Find: Found in the large area with multiple electrified ziplines. The Skill Point can be seen from the top most zipline.
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Array Channel
Where to Find: Found at the very end of the beam's path through a green laser gate.

Nova Garon Skill Point Locations

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Skill Point
Area: Officer's Quarters
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, follow the path forward and you'll see a door on your left by the corner. Enter it and you'll find the Essence inside.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Related Guides

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All Collectible Types
Chests Stim Upgrades
Perks Skill Points
Perk Slots BD-1 Scans
Force Echoes Seeds and Plants
Priorite Shards Datadiscs
Jedha Scrolls Essences
Force Essences Health Essences
Treasures Fish
Recruits Force Tears
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Collectibles by Planet

All Planets
Coruscant Koboh
Jedha Shattered Moon
Nova Garon Tanalorr


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