Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Devastated Settlement Collectibles and Walkthrough

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Devastated Settlement is one of the areas in Koboh you can visit and explore in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Read on to learn more about the collectibles, meditation chamber, force tear, and possible bugs in this area!

Devastated Settlement Guides
Devastated Settlement Walkthrough Devastated Settlement Puzzle Page

All Devastated Settlement Collectibles

All Devastated Settlement Collectibles
Chests BD-1 Scans Force Echoes
Priorite Shards Force Essences -


In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Hard Leather
Type: Weapon Cosmetic
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Grand Courtyard Meditation Point, take the Reltor and fly towards the rock with a pond in the middle. Dive in and you'll find the chest at the bottom.
Collectible: Full Goatee and Mustache
Type: Cal Cosmetic
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Grand Courtyard Meditation Point, head for the cave across the gap to the right and enter the cave at the lower platform. You'll find the chest across the gap.
Collectible: Harmony
Type: BD-1 Cosmetic
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: Once you unseal the second updraft, use it to fly towards the area with small ground spaces.

BD-1 Scans

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Thermal Vent
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: Found in the one of the central platforms in the middle of the Devastated Settlement accessible only by Relters.
Databank Entry: In the wake of Koboh's catastrophe, thermal activity surged. The surface cracked and lava flowed freely. Pressure vented through naturally-formed fissures, only to be held back by now-untamed Koboh matter.
Collectible: Chamber Mural
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: Scan the mural on one of the platforms in the area. From the Meditation Point, take a Relter and glide towards the central thermal vent to push you upward. Steer to the right and the scannable wall will be there.
Databank Entry: A mural across the exterior wall of a meditation chamber, reading: ^ ^“Those who ask find answers, ^Those who combat falsehoods find the truth, ^And those who see inside themselves will know the path ahead.”
Collectible: Devastated Remains
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Grand Courtyard Meditation Point, enter the building infront and you'll find the Scan to the left past the door.
Databank Entry: Although some structures were spared total annihilation, nothing survived intact. Strewn debris and overgrown nature speak to a world first devastated, then abandoned.
Collectible: Central Manse
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Grand Courtyard Meditation Point, take the alleyway left and you'll find the Scan by the wall.
Databank Entry: The settlement's structure served as a central point for the Jedi on Koboh, its spires deliberately calling back to the disctinctive towers of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
Collectible: Training Courtyard
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Grand Courtyard Meditation Point, enter the building infront and you'll find the Scan on your left by the door.
Databank Entry: The manse was built around a large central courtyard, clearly intended for Jedi training. Ample room was provided for sparring, meditation, or simple yet productive discussion between peers.
Collectible: Theses of Yaddle
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: Found infront of a shelf past the door.
Databank Entry: A tome by Jedi Master Yaddle, detailing little known Jedi arts. Unfortunately, her notes on both are incomplete and - perhaps deliberately - vague.
Collectible: Fallen Padawan
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Grand Courtyard Meditation Point, take the Reltor and fly around towards the left into the cave below across another island. You'll find the Scan inside.
Databank Entry: The Emergence on Koboh devastated the planet, and the High Republic settlement was no exception. As the ground beneath them gave way, many were caught in the erupting earth and crushed beneath the mighty masonry erected for their own betterment.

Force Echoes

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: An Instruction
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: After defeating Korej Lim, grapple up the ledge and enter the small temple. You'll find the Force Echo on your right by the corner.
Databank Entry: The Jedi saw oppoturnities in all things - even a harsh world like Koboh. To truly understand the ever-expanding Republic, the Jedi needed to absorb all they could, and teach their Padawans the same.
Collectible: Technological Deficit
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, grapple up on your left, climb the wall and jump across. You'll find the Force Echo inside the cave infront guarded by a BX Droid (Hybrid).
Databank Entry: As the centuries passed since the Republic abandoned Koboh, so too did the knowledge of its specialized technology. To newcomers, such objects were unknowable.
Collectible: A Patient Master
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, grapple up on your left, climb the wall and jump across. Head inside the cave, past the narrow passageway, and use the large cube to climb on the platform. You'll find the Force Echo on your left by the corner.
Databank Entry: A Padawan asks to be excused from training. They do not explain themselves, but the master displays restraint and allows them to go.
Collectible: Idle Talk
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: After unlocking the Koboh Grinder, bring the orb with you and head back past the waterfall opening. Place the Orb on the nearby Coupler and use the Koboh Grinder to trace it and destroy the Koboh Matter. Climb the wall up and you'll find the Force Echo on your right just by the edge.
Databank Entry: A Padawan brings some news they've overheard to their master, who dismisses it and chides them for engaging in idle gossip.
Collectible: The Seeds of Concern
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: After opening the second updraft, use the mount to fly across towards the next objective and you'll find the Force Echo on your left by the corner.
Databank Entry: Though bound to Koboh by purpose, the Jedi nevertheless begin the harbout misgivings about the ways in which their mission is proceeding.
Collectible: A World Away
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: At the third objective, use the large cube to block the door from closing and enter the narrow passageway. Bring the Orb outside and place it on the Coupler. Go through the narrow passageway and use the Koboh Grinder to trace and destroy the Koboh Matter. You'll find the Force Echo inside on top of a ledge.
Databank Entry: The rigors of daily training exact a toll on Padawan, who seek for themselves islands of peace and leisure, away from their master's watchful eyes.
Collectible: Dagan's Decent
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: After defeating Tague Louesh, follow the path towards the objective and interact with the table.
Databank Entry: Two Jedi destroy a device as Dagan Gera arrives, too late to stop them. In a fit of rage and revenge, Dagan kills both Jedi in cold blood.
Collectible: Cataclysm
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: After obtaining the "Dagan's Decent" Force Echo, unlock the door and follow the path. Just before grappling up, you'll find the Force Echo on your left.
Databank Entry: When struck by calamity, the evacuation of Koboh began swiftly. Some, however, thought first to defend their work. Despite their efforts, such attempts were ultimately futile.

Priorite Shards

There are currently no known Collectible of this type within this given location.

Force Essences

There are currently no known Essences of this kind within this given location.

How to Get to Devastated Settlement Chamber

Fast Travel to Grand Courtyard in Koboh.
2 Jedi Survivor Bygone Settlement
Look for the nearby Relter, and mount to fly.
3 Jedi Survivor Bygone Settlement Rumor
Make a 180° turn to the left and fly through the narrow path where you'll see a tight cliff.
3 Jedi Survivor Bygone Settlement Rumor
Land on the cliff to find the opening to the Devastated Settlement Meditation Chamber.

Final Jedi Chamber Puzzle Walkthrough

Devastated Settlement Force Tear Location

Cliff Above Meditation Chamber

Map Location In Game View

From the Grand Courtyard meditation point, go left and look down past the cliff to find a giant cube (note that this happens to be above the cliff leading to the Devastated Settlement Meditation Chamber).

Jump down and go into the cube to find the Force Tear. Defeat the enemies to get a Skill Point.

All Force Tears Locations

How to Fix Devastated Settlement Bug

Force Pull Not Working

A puzzle in Devastated Settlement will require you to Force Pull a large cube. However, a bug in the game may cause this mechanic to malfunction. You can fix this bug by exiting the game and loading a previous save file.

All Bugs, Performance Issues, and Known Glitches

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