Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Koboh Part 3 Walkthrough

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This is a walkthrough of the third visit to Koboh in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Learn how to rescue Zee from the Lucrehulk and how to get through the Loading Gantry, Lucrehulk Core, Yurt Barracks, and Forward Control Tower areas!

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Koboh Part 3 Walkthrough

Koboh Part 3 Objectives

Koboh Part 2 Objectives
1 Rescue Zee from the Lucrehulk

Rescue Zee from the Lucrehulk

How to Rescue Zee from the Lucrehulk
1 Travel to the Viscid Bog
2 Cross the Swamps of Viscid Bog
3 Enter the Lucrehulk Through the Loading Gantry
4 Traverse the Hangar Rafters
5 Get Across the Lucrehulk Core
6 Fight Through the Yurt Barracks
7 Climb the Generator Underbelly
8 Rescue Zee in the Forward Control Tower

Travel to the Viscid Bog

How to Travel to the Viscid Bog
1 Jedi Survivor - Fast Travel to Devastated Settlement
Upon landing on Koboh, you'll be assigned the objective to Rescue Zee from the Lucrehulk. Fast travel to the meditation point near the objective in the Devastated Settlement.
2 Jedi Survivor - Climbing Devastated Settlement Rock Pillar
You'll need to cross the ravine to the objective's direction. Climb the rock pillar beside the meditation point.
3 Jedi Survivor - Devastated Settlement Relter
Jump through the rock platforms to reach the Relter. Cross the ravine by riding the Relter.
4 Jedi Survivor - Devastated Settlement Cave Narrow Gap
Cross the green laser gate. Then, in the cave, find the narrow gap and cross it. Outside, you'll encounter Bode.
5 Jedi Survivor - Relter to Viscid Bog
Ride the Relter nearby to cross the swamp and reach the next area, the Viscid Bog.

Cross the Swamps of Viscid Bog

How to Get Through the the Viscid Bog
1 Jedi Survivor - Viscid Bog Zipline Map
In this swamp island in the Viscid Bog, you need to find the activatable zipline that starts from a cave below the island. Check the map to find where to go down.
Make sure not to fall into the swamp; you'll sink and die in a few seconds if you do.
2 Jedi Survivor - Viscid Bog Ziplining
Activate the zipline and cross to the pillar across the swamp.
3 Jedi Survivor - Viscid Bog Pillar Climbing
Climb the pillar, then cross through the three ziplines and land on a rock island. There are some enemies here and an activatable zipline that will lead back to a previous area.
4 Jedi Survivor - Loading Gantry Rock Islands
Cross the rock islands towards the destination. You'll reach the Loading Gantry area and get reunited with Bode. The meditation point for the area will be nearby.

Enter the Lucrehulk Through the Loading Gantry

How to Get Through the Loading Gantry
1 Jedi Survivor - Gantry Narrow Gap
From the Loading Gantry meditation point, enter the next area through the narrow gap.
2 Jedi Survivor - Fighting Droids in Gantry
Proceed through the path, defeating the droids along the way with Bode's help.
3 Jedi Survivor - Gantry Coupling Wreckage
Keep climbing and jumping over all the wreckage. Your direction should be upwards, so always look for areas where you can reach higher.
4 Jedi Survivor - Hangar Rafters Area
At the end of all the jumping and climbing, you should arrive in the Hangar Rafters meditation point.
5 Jedi Survivor - Hangar Rafters Entrance
Enter the Lucrehulk through the door near the meditation point.

Traverse the Hangar Rafters

How to Get Through the Hangar Rafters
1 Jedi Survivor - Cross Over Lucrehulk Core
Upon entering the Hangar Rafters, you'll fight some raiders with Bode. After Bode leaves you, cross to the other side into the green laser gate.
2 Jedi Survivor - Electric Current Gate
Inside, continue to the other green laser gate blocked with the pulsing electric current.
Watch out for the timing and jump when the current is inactive; if you touch the electric currents; you'll get paralyzed and fall!
3 Jedi Survivor - Lucrehulk Core Shortcut
Continue climbing and jumping up the path. At some point, you'll encounter a shortcut that you can activate. Near this shortcut, there's a powerful Magnaguard guarding a door.
4 Jedi Survivor - Above Luchrehulk Core Raiders
Proceed to the hanging machinery to the left of the door. Climb and jump through all the hanging machinery and continue until you find an area where you can drop down and land by some raiders.
5 Jedi Survivor - Raiders Guarding Lucrehulk Core Door
Defeat the raiders and continue on to the path; look out for the green laser gate, where there are some more raiders guarding a door.
6 Jedi Survivor - Bode in Lucrehulk Core
Enter this door to get reunited with Bode; defeat the Magnaguard attacking him.
7 Jedi Survivor - Fighting with Bode in Lucrehulk Core
Continue on the path with Bode, fighting a lot of enemies along the way. At the end of the path, you'll reach the Lucrehulk Core area.

Get Across the Lucrehulk Core

How to Get Through the Lucrehulk Core
1 Jedi Survivor - Lucrehulk Core Hanging Green Gates
From the Lucrehulk Core area, your next destination is the Yurt Barracks. After examining the area with Bode, proceed to the door in the area and continue on to the hanging green gates.
2 Jedi Survivor - Lucrehulk Core Moving Cargo
You'll see some moving cargo in the area. When one is near you, jump and climb towards it, then land on the next area.
3 Jedi Survivor - Lucrehulk Core Meditation Point
Proceed to the path and go down an elevator to reach the Lucrehulk Core meditation point.
4 Jedi Survivor - Lucrehulk Core Shielded Ceiling Drones
Proceed further to the path; there will be a lot of shielded drones in the ceilings, so watch out!
5 Jedi Survivor - Lucrehulk Core Hammer Raider
Along the way, you'll encounter a powerful Raider with a hammer weapon guarding a door. Defeat it to get reunited with Bode.
6 Jedi Survivor - Jump Trick on Lucrehulk Core Cargo
Enter the door, where you'll see some moving cargo. Jump trick on one when it is near, then use the grappling hook to the next area.
7 Jedi Survivor - Arriving to Yurt Barracks
Proceed to the path and keep following Bode until you reach the Yurt Barracks.

Fight Through the Yurt Barracks

How to Get Through the Yurt Barracks
1 Jedi Survivor - Yurt Barracks Half Open Door
Upon arriving in the Yurt Barracks, you'll discover a lot of enemies. Fight through them with Bode, then proceed to the half open door in the area.
2 Jedi Survivor - Lower Yurt Barracks
Explore the area; your next destination will be jumping across to some more barracks at a lower part of the ship. Defeat the enemies in this area, then climb to the next area with a cable.
3 Jedi Survivor - Yurt Barracks Droid Army
You'll encounter an army of droids and a hammer-wielding raider in this next area. Defeat them to proceed. Enter the next few doors, where a cutscene will play and you'll get split from Bode again.
4 Jedi Survivor - Yurt Barracks Narrow Gaps
Proceed through the path. You'll have to squeeze through many narrow gaps and areas along the way. Find your way until you trigger a cutscene where you'll get ambushed.
5 Jedi Survivor - Reaching the Generator Underbelly
After the cutscenes, you'll learn the Lift and Slam ability, which you can use to destroy those shielded drones in the ceilings. Proceed through the door to reach the Generator Underbelly.

Climb the Generator Underbelly

How to Get Through the Generator Underbelly
1 Jedi Survivor - Generator Underbelly Timed Platform
Proceed to the path from the Generator Underbelly meditation point. You'll be using your newly learned skill a lot to lift or drop platforms; some of them will reset to their original position after a time, so be quick.
2 Jedi Survivor - Lucrehulk Core Meditation Point
Keep looking around for force prompts to progress. Your general direction will be to keep moving up to higher floors. Keep moving up until you return to the Lucrehulk Core meditation point.
3 Jedi Survivor - Lucrehulk Core Broken Bridge
In the area by the meditation point, cross the broken bridge and force pull the lift so you can ride it up.
4 Jedi Survivor - Narrow Gap to Forward Control Tower
Go up, enter the narrow gap and you'll trigger a cutscene. You'll arrive at the Forward Control Tower area. Proceed through the path until you reach the meditation point.

Rescue Zee in the Forward Control Tower

How to Rescue Zee in the Forward Control Tower
1 Jedi Survivor - Zee Koboh Location
In a door not far from the Forward Control Tower meditation point, you'll finally find Zee. Talk with Zee to trigger the cutscene with Dagan Gera.
2 Jedi Survivor - Koboh Dagan Gera Boss Fight
Defeat Dagan Gera in a boss fight after the cutscene.
3 Jedi Survivor - Escort Zee Out of the Lucrehulk
After defeating Dagan Gera, go up to where Bode and Zee are and follow them into the escape pods. Your objective to Rescue Zee from the Lucrehulk is now complete.

How to Beat Dagan Gera

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# Story Chapter Unlockables
1 Coruscant Walkthrough ・Double-Bladed Stance
・Dual Wield Stance
2 Koboh Walkthrough ・Rumors
・Jedi Chambers
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・The Archive
4 Shattered Moon Walkthrough ・Crossguard Stance
5 Koboh Part 2 Walkthrough ・Koboh Grinder
6 Jedha Part 2 Walkthrough ・Dash Ability
7 Koboh Part 3 Walkthrough ・Lift and Slam Ability
8 Shattered Moon Part 2 Walkthrough ・Upgraded Ascension Cable
9 Koboh Part 4 Walkthrough ・Electro Dart
10 Jedha Part 3 Walkthrough -
11 Nova Garon Walkthrough ・Dark Side Ability
12 Koboh Part 5 Walkthrough -
13 Tanalorr Walkthrough -


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