Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Kip Ostar Bounty Location and How to Beat

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Jedi Survivor - How to Beat Kip Ostar
Find Kip Ostar is a Bounty found in Derelict Dam on Koboh in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Find out where to find Kip Ostar, how to defeat Kip Ostar

Kip Ostar Bounty Location

Derelict Dam

Fast Travel to Derelict Dam

In Derelict Dam, enter the cave with the roller mines. Proceed further until Kip Ostar attacks you from the left.

How to Beat Kip Ostar

Force Pull Then Parry

Defeat Kip Ostar

Kip Ostar has a shield that blocks blaster fire. It's best to go for close range combat by Force Pulling him then parry right away as he gets near you. This breaks his stamina, which leaves him open for a barrage of attacks.

It's also possible to lure him closer to the roller mines area, where you can Force Push roller mines at him.

Who is Kip Ostar?

Unclear Origins

Jedi Survivor - Kip OstarKip Ostar Imperial records - now suspected to be doctored - hold that Kip star's body count exceeds that of the Imperial campaign on Subterrel. Doctored or not. what is not in dispute are Kip star's vicious tendencies and the violent streak they've carved across the galaxy.

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