Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Koboh Part 2 Walkthrough

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★ Make sure to get all the BD-1 Upgrades to help in combat!
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Jedi Survivor Koboh Pt.2 Template

This is a walkthrough of the second visit to Koboh in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Learn how to research Tanalorr via the Stone Spires in Koboh, how to reach the Igneous Fissure area, how to solve the Devastated Settlement puzzles, and location maps and walkthroughs for Koboh part 2 objectives!

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Koboh Part 2 Walkthrough

Koboh Part 2 Objectives

Koboh Part 2 Objectives
1 Research Tanalorr on Koboh Via the Stone Spires

Research Tanalorr on Koboh Via the Stone Spires

How to Research Tanalorr on Koboh
1 Travel to Igneous Fissure
2 Reach the Devastated Settlement
3 Solve the Devastated Settlement Puzzles
4 Fight Tague Louesh in the Grand Courtyard

Travel to Igneous Fissure

How to Travel to Igneous Fissure
1 Jedi Survivor - Riding Nekko to Riverbed Watch
Your goal is to travel from the Outpost, pass through Southern Reach and Riverbed Watch, and finally reach the Igneous Fissure area.
Check the map and make your way to Riverbed Watch.
2 Jedi Survivor - Riverbed Watch Door
When you reach the Riverbed Watch area, you'll see a giant door guarded by droids. You won't be able to open this door, so continue on the path to the left.
3 Jedi Survivor - Riding Relter to Igneous Fissure
At the end of this path, there will be a waterfall, where there is a Relter nearby. Fly with the Relter to the other side to reach the Igneous Fissure Area. Climb the vines to reach the Igneous Fissure meditation point.

Reach the Devastated Settlement

How to Reach the Devastated Settlement
1 Jedi Survivor - Riding Relter to Devastated Settlement
Continue on the path, where you'll ride another Relter through the ravine. You'll arrive in the Devastated Settlement area.
2 Jedi Survivor - Vs Korej Lim
While riding the Relter, you'll get attacked by Korej Lim. After defeating him, a cutscene will play with Caij, which unlocks Bounty Hunting.
3 Jedi Survivor Devastated Settlemtent Caij
Go up to where Caij is, then climb to the vines behind her, where you'll encounter some enemies.
4 Jedi Survivor Devastated Settlement Relter
Defeat the enemies here, then find the Relter in the area and fly to the other side of the ravine to reach the Devastated Settlement meditation point.
5 Jedi Survivor Devastated Settlement Grapple
After crossing with the Relter, grapple to the ledge to your left, then climb around to the top to pull yourself onto the platform.
6 Jedi Survivor Where to Go Devastated Settlement
Upon climbing to the platform and after Cal remarks about the destination, head to the adjacent platform to your right, where you'll be solving three laser puzzles to progress.

Solve the Devastated Settlement Puzzles

Devastated Settlement Puzzle Solutions
First Laser Second Laser Third Laser

Devastated Settlement Puzzle Solution

Devastated Settlement First Laser Puzzle

First Laser Puzzle Solution
Use Force Push twice to spin the contraption in the middle of the room. This will move the laser on the other side.
Go to the other room by squeezing through the small gap at the center.
3 4 force pull the cube.png
Use Force Pull to bring down the large cube.
(Note that there is a bug here wherein you will not be able to pull the large cube down. You can fix this by loading a previous save file)
Head back to the other side of the small gap and Force Push the contraption again to make the laser go all the way and destroy the vines blocking the orb slot.
Head back to the other side again, then Force Pull the orb from the laser slot and throw it to the new orb slot.
Head to the outer room again and use Force Pull to grab the orb from the slot, then bring it outside.
Force Push/throw the orb towards the laser contraption outside on the ledge across the room you just exited from.
Aim the laser at the vines on your lower left to open the geyser. This will release an updraft that can lift you higher when mounted.

Devastated Settlement Second Laser Puzzle

Second Laser Puzzle Solution
1 Jedi Survivor Devastated Settlement Fly
Using the vent updraft, you can now glide toward the ledge behind it.
Head to the new accessible room/chamber then jump on the platform to trigger its collapse. Fight the Gorocco enemies below.
After defeating all of the enemies, grab the purple orb.
Throw the purple orb into the slot inside the destroyed wall. This will open up a gate right beside it.
Head to the new path and drop down. Here, you will be able to find the BD-1 upgrade Koboh Grinder.
Using the Koboh Grinder, draw a line from the laser toward the vines on your right to destroy them.
Head back to the previous room and pick up the purple orb from the slot inside the destroyed wall.
Return the purple orb to its original slot to fire up the laser.
Draw a line from the laser to the vines on your right to open a new path.
Draw another line from the laser to the vines on your left to remove them from the wall.
Use the grappling hook to your right and climb the ledge.
Pick up the purple orb below you and throw it in the slot on the second floor.
Head back to the opposite side by performing a wall run.
Pick up the orb again. Head outside and place it on the slot.
Aim the laser at the other geyser covered in vines to release more updraft.

Devastated Settlement Third Laser Puzzle

Third Laser Puzzle Solution
Ride your mount again and use the updraft to reach the final section.
Head inside and explore the area. Pull the large cube inside the main room.
Place the large cube on the opening to prevent it from closing.
Get the purple orb inside and bring it back to the main room.
Place the purple orb in the slot in the main room.
Pull the large cube and block the laser from shooting outside.
Draw a line from the large cube to the vines on your right.
Grab the purple orb again and place it on the slot outside.
Point the final laser on the geyser right below you.

Fight Tague Louesh in the Grand Courtyard

How to Get to the Grand Courtyard
1 Jedi Survivor - Grand Courtyard
Use the steam exhaust to climb up to the very top and onto the Grand Courtyard. Save up on the meditation spot before going inside.
2 Jedi Survivor - Tague Louesh
Go inside the building to face Tague Louesh. This boss uses a double-bladed lightsaber but can easily be overwhelmed by a flurry of attacks.
3 Jedi Survivor - Broken Device
After beating Tague Louesh go into one of the rooms and interact with the desk to find out what happened in the courtyard. After seeing the fate of the Jedi, Cal can exit through the roof and ride the Relter to the starting point.

How to Beat Tague Louesh

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# Story Chapter Unlockables
1 Coruscant Walkthrough ・Double-Bladed Stance
・Dual Wield Stance
2 Koboh Walkthrough ・Rumors
・Jedi Chambers
3 Jedha Walkthrough ・Blaster Stance
・The Archive
4 Shattered Moon Walkthrough ・Crossguard Stance
5 Koboh Part 2 Walkthrough ・Koboh Grinder
6 Jedha Part 2 Walkthrough ・Dash Ability
7 Koboh Part 3 Walkthrough ・Lift and Slam Ability
8 Shattered Moon Part 2 Walkthrough ・Upgraded Ascension Cable
9 Koboh Part 4 Walkthrough ・Electro Dart
10 Jedha Part 3 Walkthrough -
11 Nova Garon Walkthrough ・Dark Side Ability
12 Koboh Part 5 Walkthrough -
13 Tanalorr Walkthrough -


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