Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Nova Garon Walkthrough

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Jedi Survivor - Nova Garon Walkthrough
This is a walkthrough of the planet Nova Garon in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Read on to learn how to locate Bode and Commander Denvik, how to get to the Hangar, and location maps and walkthroughs for Nova Garon objectives!

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Nova Garon Walkthrough

Nova Garon Objectives

Nova Garon Objectives
1 Locate Bode
2 Go to Bode's Quarters
3 Pursue Bode

Locate Bode

Get to the Hangar

How to Traverse the Hangar Bay
1 Jedi Survivor - Nova Garon Hangar Bay Exterior Entrance
Upon landing, you'll be at the Hangar Bay Exterior Area. Find the meditation point, then open the door by activating the blue mechanism above it.
2 Jedi Survivor - Nova Garon Steep Drop
Turn left to find a steep drop. Cling to the wall to drop to the lower floor safely.
3 Jedi Survivor - Nova Garon Hangar Bay Entrance
Proceed to the path through the red laser gates. You can dash through the electron wall using Merrin's Charm. Exit by activating the blue mechanism for the door to arrive at the Hangar Bay area.
►Electron Wall Puzzle Solution
4 Jedi Survivor - Nova Garon Hangar Bay Room
Keep passing through the different Hangar Bay rooms, disabling the ISB officer you encounter, until you get outside.
5 Jedi Survivor - Swing Across Nova Garon
Activate the blue mechanism, then swing towards the red laser gate. Proceed through the path to the outside.
6 Jedi Survivor - Nova Garon Hangar Blue Mechanism
Back in the outside again, go upwards to activate the blue mechanism. Swing and jump to another red laser gate at the other side of the hangar.
7 Jedi Survivor - Nova Garon Terminal
Keep going from room to room in the Hangar Bay, defeating all the enemies along the way. Eventually, you'll come across a terminal where you'll find out that Bode has a place somewhere in the quarters.
8 Jedi Survivor - Arriving to Central Command
The door to the next room will open, full of enemies. Defeat them and proceed to the next door to arrive to the Central Command area.

Go to Bode's Quarters

Find Commander Denvik in Central Command

How to Find Denvik in Central Command
1 Jedi Survivor - Nova Garon Central Area
Your next goal is to find Commander Denvik, so you can find out where Bode is staying. Drop down towards a lower floor and attempt to operate the terminal.
2 Jedi Survivor - Discovered as Intruder in Nova Garon
You'll be discovered as an intruder. The enemies in the central area will attack you; you'll have to fight through all of them.
3 Jedi Survivor - Blue Mechanism in Nova Garon Central Area
In the central area, find the blue mechanism and activate it, then swing towards the opening that appears.
4 Jedi Survivor - Infiltrating Nova Garon Central Command
Infiltrate to the next area. After dropping down, there will be a shortcut elevator nearby that can take you back to the start area.
5 Jedi Survivor - Nova Garon Central Command Narrow Gap
Find the narrow gap, then go up and arrive into a new open area.
6 Jedi Survivor - Nova Garon Spinning Red Laser Gate
At the middle of this area, you'll find a spinning red laser gate. Go into it, defeat the enemies, then swing up into the higher floor and defeat the enemies there as well.
7 Jedi Survivor - Nova Garon Moving Red Laser Gate
In this higher floor, activate the shortcut elevator nearby, then enter the next path where you'll find a moving red laser gate. Defeat the enemies here and proceed.
8 Jedi Survivor - Central Command Ceiling Blue Mechanism
Find the blue mechanism in the room at the end of the path, and go up the opening that appears on the ceiling.
9 Jedi Survivor - Denvik
Proceed through the path and drop down the opening where you'll encounter Commander Denvik. After the cutscene, Cal will then be wearing Denvik's clothes, with the goal of infiltrating into Bode's quarters.

Infiltrate Bode's Quarters

How to Infiltrate Bode's Quarters
1 Jedi Survivor - Elevator in Denvik
In the room, take the elevator down to get back into the central area.
2 Jedi Survivor - Nova Garon Terminal Again
Go back to the terminal that you attempted to operate earlier. You'll now be able to operate it and open the door.
3 Jedi Survivor - ISB Officer Guarding Officer
Walk through the path, passing by all the troops and officers. At the end of the path, talk to the ISB Officer guarding the room, using Mind Trick to trick him into opening the door to the Officer's Quarters.
▶︎ Nova Garon ISB Officer Choices Guide
4 Jedi Survivor - Door into Bode
In this room, proceed towards the room with a machine with red lights outside. Slice it and enter the door into Bode's Quarters. There are a lot of points of interest in the room.
5 Jedi Survivor - Datadisc in Bode
To progress, find the datadisc in the bedroom, then check its contents in the machine at the middle of the room. A lengthy cutscene will play where you'll confront Bode and meet his daughter, Kata.

Pursue Bode

Get to the Hangar

How to Pursue Bode
1 Jedi Survivor - Pursue Bode
After the cutscene, Bode will run away with Kata. Follow him out of the room, where you'll get surrounded by enemies.
2 Jedi Survivor - Embrace Darkness Prompt
You'll get prompted to press a button to have Cal embrace his darkness. Press the button to proceed; you have no choice but to do it.
Your Slow Time ability will get upgraded to the Dark Side ability.
▶︎ Should You Embrace the Darkness?
3 Jedi Survivor - Dark Side Ability
Keep advancing through the path; your goal here is to get to the Hangar. there will be a lot of enemies that you'll have to pass through. Use the Dark Side ability when necessary.
4 Jedi Survivor - Force Open Locked Doors
Traverse the Officer's Quarters Area, the Central Command Area, and the Hangar Bay. Just keep finding all the locked doors that can be interacted with; Cal will be able to force them open.
5 Jedi Survivor - Merrin in Hangar Bay
At the Hangar Bay, you'll find Merrin. Keep advancing through the hordes of enemies to reunite with her.
6 Jedi Survivor - Nova Garon Denvik Cutscene.png
After you defeat all enemies in Hangar Bay, a cutscene will play with Merrin and Commander Denvik.

Return to the Mantis

How to Return to the Mantis
1 Jedi Survivor - Hangar Bay Elevator
After the cutscene, enter the door nearby and ride the elevator up, back to the Hangar Bay Exterior. Enter the Mantis with Merrin. Your next destination after Nova Garon is Koboh.

Can You Get the ISB Outfit?

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# Story Chapter Unlockables
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・Jedi Chambers
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・The Archive
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8 Shattered Moon Part 2 Walkthrough ・Upgraded Ascension Cable
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11 Nova Garon Walkthrough ・Dark Side Ability
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