Star Wars Jedi Survivor

How to Get Shatter Perk and Location

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Jedi Survivor Shatter Perk
The Shatter Perk can be acquired after completing the Finding Missing Prospectors Rumor in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Learn how to get the Shatter Perk, where to get the Shatter Perk, and what effects the Shatter Perk has.

How to Get Shatter Perk

Complete the Finding Missing Prospectors Rumor

Enter the Mine
From the Prospector, go across the way and climb up the ledge to find the mine. Enter by climbing the pipe at the entrance.
Clear the Path
Use the Force to clear the path!
Take the Upper Path
Once the path is clear, take a left and stay on the upper path. You can also take the lower path to grab a Priorite Shard!
Clear the Path
Clear the path once more with the Force and follow the tunnel!
Lower the Bridge
Follow the path until you reach the stone structure. Use the Force to lower the bridge.Cross and follow the path.
Take the Right Path
When the path splits, take the right path to continue. Taking the left will lead to a Sense Echo. Simply follow the path from here.
Take the Right
In following the path, you will have to squeeze through a tight space. Turn right to continue forward, or go left to collect a chest at the end of the dark path.
Unlock the Shortcut
Keep following the path until you find a zipline spot. Unlock the shortcut before proceeding.
Prepare Before Jumping In
At the end of the path is a drop. You'll have a chance to snag a Sense Echo and save beforehand so do so before jumping down!
Defeat the Rancor
Jumping down will trigger the fight with the Rancor. This is a Legendary Enemy so be sure you're ready to fight it. Defeating it will finish the Rumor and enable you to collect the Shatter Perk.

Find Missing Prospectors Rumor Walkthrough

Where to Get Shatter Perk

Head to Southern Reach on Koboh

Finding Missing Prospectors Map Location
Finding Missing Prospectors can be found at the Southern Reach in the planet of Koboh.
On Jedha, start from the Anchorite Base meditation point and head towards Desert Ridge. Go straight across to the far end to reach the enclosure shown on the map.

Shatter Perk Effects

Perk Cost / Effect
Shatter Perk Icon.pngShatter 2 slots
Attacks are more effective at breaking enemies' guard.

The Shatter Perk is a great advantage for players who want to power through the battlefield with nothing but pure offensive power. The perk can help you breeze through Shield Troopers or Bedlam Raiders reliant on their defenses.
Best Perks to Get

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Shatter Perk Unflinching Perk
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Fortification Perk Ambidexterity Perk
Marksmanship Perk -


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