Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Pre Order Bonuses: Obi-Wan Kenobi Cosmetic Pack

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Pre-orders are now open for Star Wars Jedi Survivor and comes with the Obi-Wan Kenobi Cosmetic Pack. Read on to find out all pre-order bonuses, where to pre-order Star Wars Jedi Survivor, the differences between each edition available on every platform, and how to claim the bonuses in-game.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Pre-Order Bonuses

Obi-Wan Kenobi Themed Cosmetic Pack

Jedi Survivor Pre-Order Bonuses

Players who will pre-order digitally or physically on any platform will receive the Obi-Wan Kenobi Inspired Jedi Survival Cosmetic Pack which includes cosmetic items based on the look of the iconic character of the franchise.

How to Claim Pre-Order Bonuses

Claimed on a Workbench for the First Game

For Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, pre-order bonuses were claimed in the workbench. Digital purchases had the bonuses installed automatically, while physical purchases came with a code that needed to be redeemed. While the way to claim the pre-order bonuses for Jedi: Survivor hasn't been confirmed, we can expect a similar process.

Different Edition Pre-Order Bonuses

All Editions Have Same Pre-Order Bonus

Standard Edition Digital Deluxe Collector's Edition
Price $69.99 $89.99 $299.99
Base Game ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Pre-Order Bonus ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Digital Deluxe Content ✔️ ✔️
Collector's Box Content ✔️

The Obi-Wan Kenobi cosmetic pack comes as a pre-order bonus for all editions of the game. There are no unique pre-order bonuses for each edition.

Digital Deluxe Exclusives

Jedi Survivor Deluxe Content

The Galactic Hero Cosmetic pack is reminiscent of Han Solo's costume and blaster when we first meet him in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. On the other hand, the New Hero Cosmetic Pack resembles Luke Skywalker's final costume at the end of A New Hope.

BD-1's new cosmetic is also inspired by R2-D2's theme, while the lightsaber cosmetic is inspired by Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber.

Collector's Edition Content

Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Collector

Limited Run, in partnership with Respawn, Lucasfilm Games, and EA, will also release a limited Collector's Edition of Star Wars Jedi Survivor for fans of the Star Wars franchise. The Collector's Edition will include the following:

Collector's Edition Contents
・Physical Copy of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Deluxe Edition
・Full-size Functional Call Kestis Replica Lightsaber Hilt*
・Premium Magnetic Box to hold the Lightsaber Hilt
・Certificate of Authenticity
・Official Steelbook

*The lightsaber blade is sold separately.

Deluxe and Collector's Edition Differences

Where to Pre-Order Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Physical Copies

Avalable Retailer(s) Standard Edition
Deluxe Edition
AmazonAmazon PS5 PS5
Xbox Series X Xbox Series X
Best BuyBest Buy PS5 PS5
Xbox Series X Xbox Series X
WalmartWalmart PS5 PS5
Xbox Series X Xbox Series X

The standard physical version of the game is priced at $69.99 and the deluxe edition at $89.99. Both Editions can be purchased for PS5 and Xbox Series X through the storefronts listed above.

Digital Editions

All Online Retailers
Playstation IconPlaystation Xbox IconXbox
Steam IconSteam EA AppEA App Epic Games Store IconEpic Games

To pre-order the Star Wars Jedi Survivor, head on over to your platform's store page for the game and purchase your preferred edition. On PC, players can choose between one of 4 options: Steam, Epic Games, Xbox App, or the EA App (formerly Origin).

Subscribe to EA Play Pro for Day One Access on PC

Alternatively, PC players can opt to subscribe to EA's game subscription service called EA Play Pro. This grants access to the Deluxe Edition of Star Wars: Jedi Survivor on launch day.

Collector's Edition Pre-Order (Sold Out as of 12/04)

The Collector's Edition available for PlayStation 5, PC, and Xbox Series X can be purchased exclusively from the Limited Run Games for $299.99.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Collector's Edition

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