Star Wars Jedi Survivor

List of All Hairstyles

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Jedi Survivor Hairstyles Banner

In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, hairstyles are cosmetic items you can equip on Cal Kestis to change his appearance. Find out all the different hair cosmetics available and if they offer any perks!

List of All Hair Styles

Hair Cosmetics

Cosmetic How to Get
Jedi Survivor - Bun Cosmetics

Planet: Koboh | Area: Riverbed Watch
From the Riverbed Watch Meditation Point, head inside the building and climb up to the very top and defeat the group of droids and climb the building infront. You'll find the chest on your right by the edge.
Jedi Survivor - Buzzcut Cosmetics

Planet: Koboh | Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Can be bought from Doma's Shop inside the building at the center of the area.
Cost: 5 Priorite Shards
Jedi Survivor - Center Part Cosmetics
Center Part

Planet: Koboh | Area: Forward Control Tower
From the Lucrehulk Core Meditation Point, use Life and Slam to bring the platform down infront and climb up. Follow the path up the stairs into the elevator and you'll find the chest up top.
Jedi Survivor - Choppy Forward Cosmetics
Choppy Forward

Planet: Koboh | Area: Bygone Settlement
Found in one of the spaces above the area, accessed after force pulling and swinging on a rope.
Jedi Survivor - Crew Cut Cosmetics
Crew Cut

Planet: Koboh | Area: Basalt Rift
From the Meditation Point, head past the archway and down into the group of Stormtroopers. You'll find the chest nearby next to some crates.
Jedi Survivor - Hawk Cosmetics

Planet: Koboh | Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Can be bought from Doma's Shop inside the building at the center of the area.
Cost: 6 Priorite Shards
Jedi Survivor - Headband Cosmetics

Planet: Koboh | Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Can be bought from Doma's Shop inside the building at the center of the area.
Cost: 7 Priorite Shards
Jedi Survivor - Mullet Cosmetics

Planet: Koboh | Area: Derelict Dam
Head to the right far side of the area with the tar past the platforms until you find a scalable wall. Climb the wall.
Jedi Survivor - Scrapper Cosmetics

Planet: Koboh | Area: Water Treatment Works
Head to the high point at the center of Southern reach until you find a tunnel.
Jedi Survivor - Shag Cosmetics

Planet: Koboh | Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Can be bought from Doma's Shop inside the building at the center of the area.
Cost: 6 Priorite Shards
Jedi Survivor - Slicked Back Cosmetics
Slicked Back

Planet: Koboh | Area: Foothill Falls
Found behind the shack to the right after going up the zipline.
Jedi Survivor - Undercut Cosmetics

Planet: Jedha | Area: Halls of Ranvell
Jedi Survivor - Windswept Cosmetics

Planet: Koboh | Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Can be bought from Doma's Shop inside the building at the center of the area.
Cost: 6 Priorite Shards

List of All Beards

How to Equip Hair Styles

Customization Tab in Pause Screen

Jedi Survivor Customization

You can change Cal's facial appearance any time during the game. In the pause menu, go to the customization tab. Here, you'll be able to change his hair and beard along with his apparel with the cosmetics you already collected.

Are There Perks From Hair Styles?

Cosmetics Have No Perks

Hair and Beard cosmetics in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor do not offer any perks or stat benefits. This means that players can freely customize and personalize their characters since it does not affect gameplay!

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Related Guides

Jedi Survivor Outfits and Cosmetics

Outfits and Cosmetics

All Outfits and Cosmetics

All Hairstyles All Beards
All Jackets All Shirts
All Pants All Materials

All Sets

Survivor Outfit Tactical Outfit
Bomber Outfit Scrapper Outfit
Frontier Outfit Outrider Outfit
Commander Outfit Wanderer Outfit
Hunter Outfit Jedi Outfit
Hermit Outfit Rebel Hero Outfit
ISB Outfit -

Jacket Only

Mountaineer Corsair
Bandolier Pilot
Poncho Exile
Drifter Duelist

Shirt Only

Training Shirt -


Headband Mullet
Scrapper Undercut
Crew Cut Hawk
Windswept Shag
Buzzcut Slicked Back
Choppy Forward Bun
Center Part -


Short Beard Full Beard
Full Goatee and Mustache Goatee and Mustache
Short Goatee Soul Patch
Extended Mustache Light Mustache
Mustache and Patch Goatee
Light Mustache and Patch -


1 Anonymousalmost 2 years

You can get the center part hairstyle on Koboh, after you get to the top of the forward control tower using the elevator. It's double sided elevator so easy to miss. It's in a crate you need to slam.


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