Star Wars Jedi Survivor

New Features and Differences from First Game

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Jedi Survivor - New Features
Here's a list of the new features and differences in Star Wars: Jedi Survivor. Read on to learn what's new and see all changes made in the game!

New Features

List of New Features in Star Wars: Jedi Survivor
Fast Travel
New Creatures - Mounts
Grappling Hook
Side Missions and NPCs
Merchants and Currencies
New Force Ability - Force Confusion
Resetting Skills
Companions and Combo Takedowns
New Weapon - Blaster
New Enemy Type - Droids
Timed Trials and Jedi Chambers

Fast Travel Has Been Added

The game director of Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order has confirmed that they will be adding Fast Travel in the game to help players traverse the game world in a faster and more efficient way.

This addresses one of the biggest complaints that the prequel had in terms of backtracking and traveling.

New Creatures - Mounts

Jedi Survivor - Mount
Along with fast travel, mountable creatures are also confirmed to be in the game as seen in the trailers.

There are a variety of creatures on each planet that allow players to traverse it in unique ways provided by the creature they have tamed.

All Trailers and Gameplay Footage

New Traversing Feature - Grappling Hook

Jedi Survivor - Grappling Hook
To add fluidity to a Jedi's moveset, the Grappling Hook has been added to Cal's tools to help him traverse far places to reach. This greatly helps players who are not a fan of climbing and parkour from the prequel.

Side Missions and NPC Interaction

Jedi Survivor - NPCs
With bigger and more vibrant worlds, Cal can now interact with other characters in the game and receive quests from them.

Some of these quests may yield various rewards such as cosmetic items, weapon parts, or key items.

Merchants and Currencies are Added

Jedi Survivor - Merchants
With the addition of interactable NPCs, some of them may be available as a merchant from meeting them or doing their quests.

Merchants sell a variety of items including cosmetics for Cal and BD-1.

New Force Ability - Force Confusion

Force Confusion is a new ability added in the game which allows Cal to force confuse an enemy or creature into attacking their allies.

Force Confusion will have its skill tree much like Force Push and Force Pull.

Resetting Skills

Skills can now be reset if a player chooses to do so. The first skill reset will have no cost, while the following ones will have a cost of 1 Skill Point each.

Companions and Combo Takedowns

Jedi Survivor - Companions
Cal can now travel and battle enemies with his companions. Confirmed companions from the trailers are Bode Akuna and night sister Merrin.

New Weapon - Blaster

Jedi Survivor - DL-44
A Blaster is now added to Cal's arsenal and will receive its own Lightsaber Stance. With this weapon, addition Cal can now take out enemies at a distance while swinging his Lightsaber at enemies in close range.

New Enemy Type - Droids

Jedi Survivor - Droidrekas
Droid enemies are coming Star Wars: Jedi Survivor, the ones from Clone Wars!

Among the confirmed droids coming to the game are B1s, Droidekas, and Commando Droids.

Dismemberment on Organic Life

Jedi Survivor - Dismemberment
Yes, creature and human dismemberment are now possible, although it does not show blood as the heat from the Lightsaber cauterizes the wound as it is cut.

Dismemberment will also play a huge part in combat mechanics, particularly for boss fights; removing a limb from a large creature will disable it from making certain moves.

Timed Trials and Jedi Chambers (Dungeons)

Jedi Survivor - Puzzle
Timed Trials and Jedi Chambers are coming into the game, these hidden areas require the player to either solve puzzles, do platforming, or take out some enemies.

These areas reward the player Skill Points or Perks to improve Cal's overall power.

Revamped Features

List of Differences from Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order
Character Customization
Lightsaber Customization
Lightsaber Stances

Character Customization

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor now offers in-depth customization for Cal and BD-1. Cal's hair, beard, shirt, and jacket can be replaced by other items bought from merchants or found in loot boxes, while BD-1 will be available for part swapping without changing the Droid's model.

Lightsaber Customization

Lightsabers will also have in-depth customization on their handles which includes their Kyber crystals that produce the Lightsaber's glow color.

Lightsaber Stances

There are now five Lightsaber stances available in the game and the player can equip two stances at the same time. Players can swap from each equipped stance to the other while changing a stance requires the player to meditate.

Single Blade Stance

Cal uses a single-bladed Lightsaber in his main hand while his off-hand is free. This stance provides the most balanced gameplay in terms of combat, allowing players to attack and defend effectively.

Double Blade Stance

Cal uses a double-bladed Lightsaber in his main hand while switching to a two-handed grip. This stance is great for area of effect damage and deflecting multiple projectiles, allowing players to clear enemy groups that surround them.

Dual Wield Stance

Cal uses a single-bladed Lightsaber in each hand allowing for faster attacks. This stance is great for fast offensive strikes but it takes a toll in terms of receiving damage.

Crossguard Stance

Cal uses a two-handed grip on a long single-bladed Lightsaber with crossguards. This stance provides slow and powerful strikes that deal massive damage.

Blaster Stance

Cal uses a single-bladed Lightsaber in his main hand while using a Blaster in his off-hand. This stance provides versatile gameplay that allows players to take out enemies at a distance with the blaster while deflecting attacks and slashing enemies with the lightsaber.

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor News

Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Sample 2-b.png

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