Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Coruscant Walkthrough

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Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant Walkthrough
This is a walkthrough of planet Coruscant in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Read on for a detailed walkthrough of Coruscant, location maps for the main objectives, tips and strategies on how to finish every goal and puzzle, and a list of all obtainable items, enemies, and bosses!

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Coruscant Walkthrough

Coruscant Objectives

1 Pursue the Senator's Yacht
2 Reunite with Your Crew at the Yacht
3 Board the Senator's Yacht
4 Gain Access to the Senator's Terminal
5 Extract the Senator
6 Escape Undercity Meats
7 Get to the Hangar
8 Rendezvous with Bravo and Bode

Pursue the Senator's Yacht

Pursuing the Senator's Yacht
1 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
After regaining your lightsaber from the senator, he will send out stormtroopers to kill you. The game will give you a set of instructions that can help you get familiarized with the combat mechanics, serving as a sort of tutorial for the player.
2 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
After a cutscene of the senator's yacht crashing down, you will find yourself grabbing on for dear life to a metal ledge. Head towards left and grab onto the brown vented surface above you to climb towards the top.
3 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
When you reach the top of the vented surface, grab onto the metal ledge above you and head towards right. At a certain point, stormtroopers will begin to shoot at you with their signature blasters.
4 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
After a surprising and accurate shot made by a stormtrooper, you will lose your grip on the metal ledge and fall on an isolated building compartment. Head towards the damaged metal gate near you and trigger the command prompt to force push the metal gate out of your way.
5 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
Once you head outside, you will find two stormtroopers at the edge of a rooftop below you. Dispose of them, and proceed towards left. You will need to jump towards the other rooftop across you.
6 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
After sticking the landing, head towards the vented surface located at the left of the blue neon sign near you and climb it. When you reach the top, you will see two large pipes on your right with a vented surface attached on them.
7 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
Jump towards the vented surface above and proceed towards the path laid out after climbing it. You will see a metal pipe at the end of your path, which you will have to cross so you could proceed towards the next area.
8 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
You will find a meditation circle on the area following your balancing act on the metal pipe. Proceed towards right of the meditation circle and jump onto the metal platforms that will lead to a metal vented surface above you. Climb it and kill the stormstroopers at the top.
9 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
Proceed towards the area with electrical cords hanging down the entrance. Follow the path and trigger the command prompt to force push a metal surface down towards your path. Head below the platform and cross the metal pipe in front of you.
10 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
When you reach the end of the metal pipe, grab the vented surface above you and drop down to the area below it. Dispose some stormtroopers, and jump towards the rooftop with a vertical neon sign across you.
11 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
After landing, enter the small opening beside the neon sign and proceed to mop the floor with stormtroopers roaming the area. Continue along the path and swing across the horizontal pole to reach the platform across you.
12 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
A stormtrooper will attempt to shoot at you as you continue your path. Deflect the oncoming blaster projectiles with the Double-Bladed stance. When succesful, trigger the command prompt across you to force push a metal vented surface that will enable you to traverse.
13 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
Continue traversing through the vented surface until you reach the end. A cutscene will play out, which will reveal Bode Akuna as an ally to Cal.

Reunite With Your Crew at the Yacht

Reuniting With Your Crew
1 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
Follow Bode until you reach the area where he stops. An indicator near the area will prompt you to use Bode to cut down a hanging metal container across you. After that, interact with the machinery using BD-1 to launch a metal cable that will help you reach the building across.
2 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
After reaching the area, cross the next one by running across the vertical surface on your right. Proceed to the next area by running across the glowing billboard on your left.
3 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
Once you have ran across the billboard, you will reach an area where the metal path leading upwards will only result to the player slipping down. You will need to head towards the right wall opposite the slippery path, and ran across it in an upward direction. Jump from the wall, and hang onto the vented surface that leads to the elevated platform.
4 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
Scout the area and you will see a command prompt directing Bode to lower a cable for Cal to climb on. Head downwards until you near the end of your slide and jump across the platform swarmed with stormtroopers.
5 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
After dispatching the stormtroopers, activate the lift that will help you cross. Continue disposing more stormtroopers and proceed towards the next area. Trigger the command prompt directing Bode to push the billboard that will enable you to run across.
6 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
You will see a meditation circle in the area. From there, follow Bode and traverse through the area. Continue towards the path and you will reach a metal pipe that you need to cross. Unfortunately, the pipe will be shot down by stormtroopers below you, resulting to your fall and continued disposal of stormtroopers.
7 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
Explore the area and you will find a command prompt that will result to Bode folding down a vented surface. In order to climb it, you will need to force push a large box container located opposite the folded vented surface. Push the box below the vented surface and continue along the path.
8 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
Continue navigating along the path until you reach an area where you will need to cut a metal cable and use it to swing across a vented surface. Climb it until you reach the end.
9 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
Proceed towards the area and kill some stormtroopers along the way. Continuing your path will result to an encounter with one of the first enemy bosses of the game, designated K-405. Dispatch the droid and proceed with your mission.
▶︎ How to Beat K-405
10 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
After your battle with the droid, explore the area and trigger a command prompt located above a bunch of scattered scrap. The command prompt will initiate a cutscene that will explore a bit of backstory for Bode Akuna.
11 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
After the cutscene, you will now acquire a grappling ho ascension cable to reach towering platforms. Continue navigating along the area with your new ascension cable and follow Bode.
12 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
After reaching a certain point in your path, a cutscene will trigger that would introduce the other allies of Cal Kestis during his fight against the Empire.

Board the Senator's Yacht

Boarding the Senator's Yacht
1 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
Continue towards the path and navigate along the area while following the command prompts. The objective is to rid the yacht of any environmental hazards to enable your crew to board the vessel.

Gain Access to the Senator's Terminal

Gain Access to the Senator's Terminal
1 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
Board the yacht and follow the path below to lead you to Senator Sejan. During this part of the game, Cal will utilize a Jedi mind trick on the senator. The game will prompt you to choose between Trust or Reward. Both choices lead to the same outcome.

A cutscene will follow, revealing that the Empire continues to grow despite years of conflict with rebelling forces.

Trust or Reward? Jedi Mind Trick Choice

Extract the Senator

Extracting the Senator
1 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant
Heading out the yacht will result to the objective being accomplished. Before that, you may choose to interact with the rest of the crew to learn more about them. When you leave the yacht, a cutscene will play out.

Escape Undercity Meats

Escaping Undercity Meats
1 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Corruscant
Dispose some enemies along the way. During your progress, you will see a Meditation Circle located at Undercity Meats.
2 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Corruscant
After traversing the area and killing some Imperial forces, you will encounter the Ninth Sister. You acquire the Dual Wield Stance after your battle.

How to Beat Ninth Sister Boss Fight

Get to the Hangar

Getting to the Hangar
1 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Corruscant
Traverse towards the hangar and interact with Bode and Bravo. A cutscene will play out. When the scene ends, you will need to head towards the Mantis and meet up with Bravo and Bode.

Rendezvous with Bravo and Bode

Meeting Up With Brave and Bode
1 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Corruscant
After dispatching numerous droids and stormtroopers, proceed towards the location of the main objective. The Mantis will be somewhere at Hangar 2046-C. When you find Bode and Bravo, interact with them to initiate a cutscene.

Head to Next Planet

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# Story Chapter Unlockables
1 Coruscant Walkthrough ・Double-Bladed Stance
・Dual Wield Stance
2 Koboh Walkthrough ・Rumors
・Jedi Chambers
3 Jedha Walkthrough ・Blaster Stance
・The Archive
4 Shattered Moon Walkthrough ・Crossguard Stance
5 Koboh Part 2 Walkthrough ・Koboh Grinder
6 Jedha Part 2 Walkthrough ・Dash Ability
7 Koboh Part 3 Walkthrough ・Lift and Slam Ability
8 Shattered Moon Part 2 Walkthrough ・Upgraded Ascension Cable
9 Koboh Part 4 Walkthrough ・Electro Dart
10 Jedha Part 3 Walkthrough -
11 Nova Garon Walkthrough ・Dark Side Ability
12 Koboh Part 5 Walkthrough -
13 Tanalorr Walkthrough -


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