Star Wars Jedi Survivor

How to Get Dexterity Perk and Location

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Jedi Survivor Dexterity Perk
The Dexterity Perk can be acquired after completing the Chamber of Reason Puzzle in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Learn how to get the Dexterity Perk, where to get the Dexterity Perk, and what effects the Dexterity Perk has.

How to Get Dexterity Perk

Complete the Chamber of Reason Puzzle

Chamber of Reason Puzzle Solution
Climb down the rope onto the platform. You should see 3 devices in the center.
Use the device that allows the first device to move along the track. To continue, you will need it on the second position.
Grab the orb in the far back pedestal. Bring it to the first device near the entrance.
Grab the second orb and cross the newly formed bridge on the other side. You'll find another Orb behind a wall. Take it back with you.
Use the device at the center to form a new bridge. Cross the bridge with the second orb. You can obtain a Sense Echo on the other side.
Place the orb on the first device. Keep in mind that this bridge mechanism is broken and it is not stable.
Similar to the previous section, use the switch to move the mechanism over and form a new bridge that you need to cross.
8 Jedi Survivor Chamber of Reason Take the Original Orb
While crossing the bridge, you can see the first orb on the platform. Take that orb from the slot and bring it with you.
Bring the Orb to the platform and place it on the mechanism to reveal a new bridge. Take the Sense Echo at the end.
Once you have returned, stand on the platform and interact with the switch to raise the platform.
Pick up the orb and throw it into the hole on your upper right side to open a hidden gate inside the tunnel.
Go inside the tunnel and pick up the Diligence Emitter - Lightsaber Part. After that, you can pick up the orb again and head outside.
Force-Push the orb and aim it on the other side to create a bridge.
While on the platform, turn to the left to receive your reward (Dexterity Perk).
You can use the switch on the wall to craete a bridge to exit the area. Once you complete the Chamber of Reason, you will be able to acquire the Dexterity Perk.

Chamber of Reason Puzzle Walkthrough

Where to Get Dexterity Perk

Head to the Mogu Enemy Spawn

How to Get to the Chamber of Reason
1a Jedi Survivor Chamber of Reason How to Get to Chamber of Reason
If progressing from the Basalt Forest meditation circle, head straight towards the area past the collapsed tree trunk (not the area with Stormtroopers).
1b Jedi Survivor Chamber of Reason Rumor
If progressing through the Basalt Forest for the first time, you'll encounter Toa at a campsite in the forest. Speaking to Toa triggers the Explore the High Republic Chamber in the Forest Rumor, which has you complete the Chamber of Reason.
2 Jedi Survivor How to Find Chamber of Reason
Turn left upon entering the area after her campsite, then head up the slope (past the fallen debris).
3 Jedi Survivor Chamber of Reason Location
You'll find the Chamber of Reason across the gap in front of the Mogu enemy spawn. You'll need to Force Pull the vine to swing towards it.

Dexterity Perk Effects

Perk Cost / Effect
Dexterity Perk Icon - Star Wars Jedi Survivor Dexterity 2 slots
Lightsaber throws deal more damage.

The Dexterity Perk is perfect for most lightsaber stances that involve the throwing of lightsabers. If anything, the Dexterity Perk allows you to be a master of long-range lightsaber combat.
Best Perks to Get

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