Star Wars Jedi Survivor

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Jedi Survivor All Characters

Cal Kestis, Cere Junda, and the Mantis crew all return for Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Find out who are the main characters, villains, and new characters in the sequel!

List of All Characters

All Stinger Mantis Crew
CalCal Kestis Jedi Survivor Icon BD-1BD-1 Cere JundaCere Junda
Jedi Survivor Icon MerrinMerrin Jedi Survivor Icon Greez DritusGreez Dritus Jedi Survivor Icon Bode AkunaBode Akuna
All Antagonists
Jedi Survivor Icon RayvisRayvis
New Characters
Jedi Survivor Icon Bode AkunaBode Akuna Grand Inquisitor
High Republic Jedi.pngHigh Republic Jedi

Main Characters

Cal Kestis

Cal Kestis
Cal Kestis
Occupation Jedi Knight
Stinger Mantis Crew
Affiliations Jedi Order, Galactic Republic, Scrapper Guild, & Stinger Mantis crew
Race Human (Male)
Voice Actor Cameron Monaghan

Cal is the protagonist of Star Wars: Jedi Survivor ans is also the Padawan of Jedi Master, Jaro Tapal. Cal survived after the purge of all Jedi and lived in exile as a scrapper until he was found by Cere Junda. With her help, they rebuilt the Jedi Order.

Cal Kestis Character Profile


Occupation BD Droid
Stinger Mantis Crew
Affiliations Jedi Order & Stinger Mantis Crew
Race Droid (Male Coded)
Voice Actor Ben Burtt

BD-1 is a Droid that originally followed Jedi Master Eno Cordova, but after Order 66 they ended up in the company of Cal Kestis. Since then they have accompanied Cal on their advantures and have not strayed from his side!

Cere Junda

Cere Junda
Cere Junda
Occupation Jedi Knight
Stinger Mantis Crew
Affiliations Jedi Order, Galactic Republic, Grand Army of the Republic, & Stinger Mantis crew
Race Human (Female)
Voice Actor Debra Wilson

Cere Junda is a former Jedi Knight who cut herself off from the Force after Order 66. During the events of Star Wars: Fallen Order, she not only discovered Cal and helped him rebuild the Jedi Order, but her padawan was also the main antagonist of the game.

Cere Junda Character Profile

Nightsister Merrin

Nightsister Merrin
Nightsister Merrin
Occupation Nightsister
Stinger Mantis Crew
Affiliations Nightsisters & Stinger Mantis crew
Race Zabrak (Female)
Voice Actor Tina Ivlev

Merrin is the last Nightsister, and now member of the Stinger Mantis Crew. After joining forces with Cal and defeating Malicos, she has been helping them on their quest to fight the Empire and restore the Jedi Order.

Nightsister Merrin Character Profile

Greez Dritus

Greez Dritus
Greez Dritus
Occupation Pilot
Stinger Mantis Crew
Affiliations Stinger Mantis crew
Race Latero (Male)
Voice Actor Daniel Roebuck

Captain Greez Dritus was the pilot and captain of the Mantis, helping Cal and the team get from place to place during the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. He later opened a saloon that became the base of operations for Cal and the team.

Greez Dritus Character Profile



Occupation Marauder
Bedlam Raiders
Affiliations Bedlam Raiders
Race Gen'Dai (Male)
Voice Actor D.C. Douglas

Rayvis is the main antagonist in Jedi Survivor. He feels a personal vendetta against all Jedi, believing that they should be extinct as Order 66 intended. He's now hunting Cal all over the galaxy to end the last Jedi survivor.
Rayvis Actor and Main Villain Profile

New Characters

Bode Akuna

Bode Akuna
Bode Akuna
Occupation Mercenary
Stinger Mantis Crew
Affiliations Stinger Mantis Crew
Race Human (Male)
Voice Actor Noshir Dalal

Not much is known about Bode Akuna, aside from his disdain towards the Empire. As a mercenary, he allies himself with Jedi Knight Cal Kestis and uses his exemplary skills as a gunslinger to help fight against the forces of the Empire.

Bode Akuna Character Profile

Possibly The Grand Inquisitor

The Grand Inquisitor
Occupation Grand Inquisitor
Affiliation The Inquisitors
The Empire
Race Pau'an

The absence of The Grand Inquisitor in the recent trailers of the game may suggest that he will not be making an appearance, but his significant role as the leader of the Inquisitors should enable the character to be included in the narrative.

Is The Grand Inquisitor in Jedi Survivor?

High Republic Jedi

High Republic Jedi
High Republic Jedi
Occupation Jedi
Affiliation Currently Unknown

The man from the bacta tank can later be seen wearing robes bearing the High Republic Crest in the Official Story Trailer. It is later confirmed that the man freed by Cal was a Jedi from the High Rebuplic Era, which explains his contempt towards Cal for letting the galaxy fall in the hands of the Empire.

Who Is in the Bacta Tank?

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