Star Wars Jedi Survivor

How to Beat Bode Akuna

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Jedi Survivor - How to Beat Bode Akuna
Bode Akuna appears as a teaser boss and the final boss of Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Read on to learn how to beat Bode and his rewards!

How to Beat Bode Akuna (First Encounter)

Bode Fight First Encounter

Parry His Attacks

Parry Bode
Bode has a tricky attack pattern with his lightsaber. Watch out for his delayed combos and parry as much as you can to deplete his stamina and land some hits.

How to Parry

Avoid his Grenades and Unblockables

Bode can throw grenades that stick to the ground to maintain distance from you. Watch out for the yellow glows that indicates his grenade and move away from its blast radius.

Bode can also has an unblockable attack where he grabs you; move away as soon as you see Bode glow red.

You Cannot Beat Bode in the First Encounter

Cal Loses to Bode
As hard as you may try, you cannot beat Bode in the first encounter. Once you drop him to a certain health percentage, a cutscene plays out where Cal loses to Bode.

Jedha Part 3 and Cere Level Walkthrough

How to Beat Bode Akuna Final Encounter

Bode Fight First Encounter

First Phase

Parry His Attacks

Parry Bode 1st Phase
Bode's first phase has the same moveset as your first encounter with him. Parry the same attack pattern to deplete his stamina and damage his health.

Avoid his Grenades and Unblockable Attacks

Avoid Bode Grenades
Bode can still throw grenades and grab you with an unblockable attack. Watch out for yellow glows that indicate his grenades, and dodge away when Bode glows red.

Use Merrin's Help

Use Merrin
With Merrin's help, you can lock down Bode, leaving him open for a few hits. Make sure to utilize Merrin's help to breeze through Bode's first phase.

Second Phase

Same Attacks from the First Phase

Bode will have the same moveset for the first phase, the only difference is that he can now Force Pull you, and Merrin will no longer join the fight.

Prepare to Parry When he Pulls You

Whenever Bode pulls you close to him, prepare to parry his attacks to deplete his stamina and avoid damage.

Final Phase

Watch Out for Consecutive Unblockable Attacks

Bode's final phase is the hardest point of the fight, as Bode can do consecutive unblockable attacks that cover a lot of range. We recommend jumping and dashing through the area to move away from Bode's attacks and move near him to attack.

How to Unlock Dash

Use Dark Side Ability

Use Dark Side
Use the Dark Side ability to amplify your damage and force abilities to match Bode's tenacity for the final phase.

Should You Embrace the Darkness?

Bode Akuna Rewards

Story Completion and NG+

Beating Bode completes the story of Star Wars: Jedi Survivor and unlocks New Journey Plus (NG+) for players who complete the game for the first time.

New Game Plus Rewards and What Carries Over

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Guides

Bosses Jedi Survivor

List of All Bosses

All Bosses in Star Wars: Jedi Survivor

Story Bosses
K-405 The Ninth Sister
Zeik Dagan Gera
Skriton AT-ST
Reprogrammed Magnaguard Drya Thornne
Tague Louesh Rayvis
Rick, The Door Technician Urgost, Fist of Rayvis
Bode Akuna Darth Vader
Final Boss
Legendary Enemies
Rancor Spawn of Oggdo
D-L1T Frenzied Jotaz
Masiff The Mire Terror
Beetu Deetu E3-VE3
Vile Bilemaw Golden Skriton
Sutaban Alpha Gorocco Matriarch
Optional Bosses
Sebb Eshan Prince Patren
Urjef Mekor Vashtan Wolfe
Hytho Pixx Mads Gresh and San Dersen


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