Star Wars Jedi Survivor

How to Beat Fractured Determination

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How to Beat Fractured Determination - Star Wars Jedi Survivor

This is a guide on how to beat the Fractured Determination Force Tear in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Learn all the tips on how to complete it and what the reward is for beating it!

How to Beat Fractured Determination

Be Patient if the Barriers are Rotating

Fractured Determination Rotating Barriers - Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Wait for the rotating barriers to face down or ahead of you before attempting to Dash through it. The barriers will be too high for you to reach if you do not wait for it to face down.

First Set of Rotating Barriers

At the beginning, wait for the rotating barrier to face down before jumping and dashing through it so that the next barrier is low enough for you to reach.

Second Set of Rotating Barriers

For the second rotating barrier, wait for it to face ahead of you before jumping and dashing through it. You can hang on the pole as long as you like, so be patient and wait for the proper timing.

Third Set of Rotating Barrier

Lastly, wall jump to the top of the wall and wait for the rotating barrier to face down before dashing through. Keep wall jumping to stay on the top of the wall. The other barriers will be too high if you try to dash through in any other direction.

Use Double Jump Before Dashing

It might be tempting to use dash immediately while you platform, but make sure to not use Dash first while platforming. Try to jump or double jump first to get higher and closer then use dash to get to the barrier or wall.

Passing Through Green Barriers Reset Your Dash and Jump

Passing through Green Barriers will reset the dash and jump you used. This means that you are able to use dash and jump as soon as you pass through it. Use this reset to get through the course.

Fractured Determination Location

Map Location In Game View
Jedha - Desert Ridge
How to Get Fractured Determination Force Tear
First, you'll need the Dash upgrade unlocked in the Jedha Part 2 story chapter to get this.
The Fractured Determination Force Tear can be found in the Desert Ridge area. You can get there quickly by riding a Spamel through the Arid Flats.
As you enter the Desert Ridge, there will be a cave protected by a green barrier. Dash through to get inside, and the force tear will be there. Complete the platforming sections to get a Skill Point

All Force Tear Locations

Fractured Determination Rewards

Skill Point

After completing Fractured Determination, players will earn a full skill point that they could use in the skill tree.

All Skill Point Locations

Progress for Achievement

Achievement Unlock Condition
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Bronze TrophyBlood, Sweat, and Tears Complete all Force Tears
All Force Tear Locations

Completing this Force Tear will also help in achieving the Blood, Sweat, and Tears trophy once you complete all other Force Tears.

All Achievements and Trophies

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Fractured Endurance Fractured Determination
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Fractured Delusion Fractured Duality
Fractured History Fractured Resolve
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Fractured Burden Fractured Tradition


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