Star Wars Jedi Survivor

All Coruscant Collectibles

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Coruscant is one of the planets you can roam and visit in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Read on to learn more about all the collectibles that can be found on this planet, and more!

Planet Walkthrough Planet Collectibles
Coruscant Walkthrough Coruscant Collectibles

All Coruscant Collectibles

All Coruscant Collectibles
Chests Stim Upgrades BD-1 Scans
Force Echoes Priorite Shards Essences


In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Patience
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: Rooftops
Where to Find: Chest can be found on the platform you land on when you arrive on the Rooftops of Coruscant.
Collectible: Patience
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: Rooftops
Where to Find: Chest can be found on one of the platforms you reach as you move away from the first Meditation Point..
Collectible: Coruscant Paint
Type: BD-1 Cosmetic
Area: Renovation Site 4733
Where to Find: From the bottom of the sliding platform, climb up on the side and enter the door infront, you'll find the chest inside.
Collectible: Stim Upgrade
Area: Undercity Meats
Where to Find: Found on an elevated platform that can be accessed through a Marked wall in front of the Undercity Meats save point.
Collectible: Patience
Type: Lightsaber Cosmetic
Area: Renovation Site 4733
Where to Find: Head past the area where you fall into a group of Stormtroopers and climb the cube. Follow the path past the first wall run then, turn around and wall run again above. You'll find the chest in the corner.
Collectible: Coruscant Paint
Type: Weapon Cosmetic
Area: Freight Handling Depot
Where to Find: From the Freight Handling Depot Meditation Point, turn around and wall run across. You'll find the chest by the edge.
Collectible: Slice: DT Sentry
Area: Hangar 2046-C
Where to Find: Found in the room where you'll need the Electro Dart to open.

Stim Upgrades

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Stim Upgrade
Area: Undercity Meats
Where to Find: Found on an elevated platform that can be accessed through a Marked wall in front of the Undercity Meats save point.

BD-1 Scans

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Squatter Camp
Area: Rooftops
Where to Find: Past the first Meditation point you encounter as you progress the introduction.
Databank Entry: The underworld of Coruscant is an unforgiving place, but a refuge for the destitute and dispossessed. Hovels and camps in the streets and alleys are not uncommon, and a sign of the inequality that yet festers
Collectible: Desi's Noodles
Area: Renovation Site 4733
Where to Find: You will come across this as you go through Renovation Site 4733. A droid will be patrolling the nearby area.
Databank Entry: Desi's Noodles, a popular chain in the Coruscant underworld. There are few legitimate reasons to venture down to the lower levels, but popular opinion declares that Desi's is one of them.
Collectible: Stolen Treasures
Area: Industrial Stacks
Where to Find: Can be scanned behind the Senator Seja's table when you capture him in his Yacht
Collectible: Laser Gate
Area: Undercity Meats
Where to Find: You wil first encounter this laser gate when you reach past the Meditation Point in the Undercity. Unfortunately you will not be able to pass through it for now.
Databank Entry: A barrier of energy, similar to ray shields utilized extensively in the Clone Wars. They are resistant to nearly all forms of matter, making it almost impossible to break through them without destroying or deactivating their power source.
Collectible: Gonk Droid
Area: Skylane Regulation Station
Where to Find: You can scan this droid in the room past the Meditation Point after defeating the Ninth Sister.
Databank Entry: The GNK-series power droid is renowned as an excellent portable battery unit. They are nicknamed “Gonk” droids both in reference to their series classification, and their signature, baritone vocalization.
Collectible: Air Traffic Control Perch
Area: Hangar 2046-C
Where to Find: You can scan this terminal as you make your way through Hangar 2046-C.
Databank Entry: Skylane perch used by Coruscant Security Forces to monitor traffic flow and enforce regulations.
Collectible: Turbo Dogs
Area: Freight Handling Depot
Where to Find: From the Freight Handling Depot Meditation Point, drop to the bottom of the section where you can wall run.
Databank Entry: Turbo Dogs, a local favorite. Several exposes have attempted to shed light on the popular product's meat sourcing, but this has done nothing to dampen its appeal.
Collectible: Local Directory
Area: Renovation Site 4733
Where to Find: Found near the Renovation Site 4733 Meditation Point, to the left of the stairs.
Databank Entry: Directories help organize and visualize the flow of goods through the planet. Currently, Imperial expansion has impacted the import business, resulting in shortages throughout the Coruscant underworld.

Force Echoes

In-game Location Map Location
Collectible: Abandoned Shop
Area: Renovation Site 4733
Collectible: Abandoned Squatter Site
Area: Rooftops
Where to Find: On the second platform past the first Meditation point you encounter as you progress the introduction.
Databank Entry: The scattered debris of a squatter's camp; just one of many found in the recesses of the Coruscant underworld, populated by refugees displaced by Imperial expansion, as well as abandoned veterans of its wars.
Collectible: Bloody Negotiations
Area: Industrial Stacks
Where to Find: Found inside Senator Sejan's Yacht.
Databank Entry: Daho Sejan, the senator from Utapau, was notorious for bending rival politicians to his will by any means necessary.

Priorite Shards

In-game Location Map Location
Area: Renovation Site 4733
Where to Find: After falling down the pipe into group of Stormtroopers, go up the stairs and cross the gap on the left. You'll find the Shard at the end.
Area: Renovation Site 4733
Where to Find: This shard can be found on the left side of the slippery ramp after meeting up with Bode.
Area: Renovation Site 4733
Where to Find: You can find this shard under a ramp as you follow your objective towards the Yacht.
Area: Hangar 2046-C
Where to Find: At the start of the area by a door after climbing the rope and crossing two ziplines.
Area: Undercity Meats
Where to Find: Found underneath the elevator platform that requires you to pass through a green laser gate to reach. Dash out of the elevator once it starts rising.
Area: Rooftops
Where to Find: From the Rooftops Meditation Point, use the nearby wall to climb up and go around the area to reach the shard.
Area: Hangar 2046-C
Where to Find: Can be found on a digging droid near the Mantis that you'll have to kill.


Map Location In-game Location
Area: Undercity Meats
Where to Find: At the Mediation point, follow the path forward past 2 Probe Droids and you'll find it inside a room full of meat at the left side.
Area: Freight Handling Depot
Where to Find: Pass through the green laser gate in the area with the moving crates.
Area: Undercity Meats
Where to Find: Use the Electro Dart to open a door in the area containing the Skill Point.

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Jedi Survivor Partial Banner Collectibles


All Collectibles

All Collectible Types
Chests Stim Upgrades
Perks Skill Points
Perk Slots BD-1 Scans
Force Echoes Seeds and Plants
Priorite Shards Datadiscs
Jedha Scrolls Essences
Force Essences Health Essences
Treasures Fish
Recruits Force Tears
BD-1 Upgrades -

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