Star Wars Jedi Survivor

How to Beat the Spawn of Oggdo

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How to Beat the Spawn of Oggdo
The Spawn of Oggdo is a legendary enemy located in Fort Kah'lin in Koboh in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Read on to learn more about tips for the Spawn of Oggdor fight, the Spawn of Oggdo's location, and rewards from beating it!

How to Beat the Spawn of Oggdo

How to Beat the Spawn of Oggdo

Unblockable Bite Attack
Unblockable Belly Flop
Unblockable Tongue Attack (Instant Death)

Defeat Droids Before Falling to Lair

Jedi Survivor - Defeat Droids Spawn of Oggdo
At the metal hatch on top of the Spawn of Oggdo's lair, there are droids guarding the area. Don't enter the hatch until you defeat all the droids so you don't have to deal with them along with the boss.

Dodge Its Unblockable Attacks

Unblockable Bite Attack

The Spawn of Oggdo has a few bite attacks that can be blocked, but sometimes its bites are unblockable. Stay alert and dodge to the side when it bites while glowing red.

Unblockable Belly Flop

The belly flop attack happens after the boss jumps in the air; dodge it and double jump away as well to avoid the AOE damage.

Unblockable Tongue Attack

The unblockable tongue attack is an attack that you should avoid at all costs, since you'll instantly be killed when you get hit by it!

Watch out when it begins this attack; a second after it pulls out its tongue, dodge or jump to the side to avoid it.

Utilize Slow Time as Much as Possible

Using the Slow Time ability gives you an opening to attack the Spawn of Oggdo safely, as well as give you a breather when you're having trouble with its flurry of unblockable attacks.

Use Exploit to Easily Defeat It

This boss is certainly one of the most difficult bosses in the game. Fortunately, there is an exploit that allows you to lose aggro and freely attack it without it attacking back.

Go Behind Supply Crate in Cave

Jedi Survivor - Oggdo Fight - Hide Behind Crate
To do the exploit, squeeze yourself behind the yellow supply crate at the back of the cave. You'll have to find the spot where the boss can't damage you.

It might take a while, and you'll get attacked a few times; just heal up when you're low. You found the spot when it stops trying to attack you, and the boss UI and soundtrack disappears.

Keep Using Saber Throw Until it Dies

After the boss stops attacking, you're now free to damage it; it won't fight back. You can use the Saber Throw (Single Lightsaber Stance) attack repeatedly on it until it dies.

You won't be able to see its health bar while performing this exploit, but you'll know you're damaging it if its block meter is visible.

List of Exploits

Where to Find the Spawn of Oggdo

Fort Kah'lin

Spawn of Oggdo Location Walkthrough
1 Jedi Survivor - Go to the Untamed Downs.png
Go To the Untamed Downs
The Spawn of Oggdo is located in Fort Kah'lin. This area is near the Rambler's Reach Outpost.
Start by crossing the broken bridge beside the Stables in Rambler's Reach Outpost to reach the Untamed Downs area. If you haven't unlocked it yet, the climbable wall is just to the right of the bridge.

You can visit the Spawn of Oggdo as an optional objective upon your first visit to Koboh.
2 Jedi Survivor - Traverse the Untamed Downs.png
Traverse the Untamed Downs
Continue through the path in the Untamed Downs, through the valley.
3 Jedi Survivor - Go Towards the Upper Road in the Fork.png
Go Towards the Upper Road in the Fork
While travelling through the path, you'll encounter a fork on the road. Go left, then turn right towards the upper ground. Your direction should be the ancient structure that you can see from the distance.
4 Jedi Survivor - Find the Fort Entrance.png
Find the Fort Entrance
Continue through the path and enter the actual entrance of the fort: walls decorated with spikes and Stormtrooper armor. There will be a lot of droids here; defeat them. You'll see the meditation point upon entry.
5 Jedi Survivor - Go Up the Fort Towers.png
Go Up the Fort Towers
From the meditation point, you'll see a tower with round openings on the second floor. Approach the one that you can use a grappling hook to climb to.
6 Jedi Survivor - Find the Metal Hatch.png
Find the Metal Hatch
Go from tower to tower until you reach the open area with a round metal hatch on it.
7 Jedi Survivor - Fall into the Spawn of Oggdo
Fall into the Spawn of Oggdo's Lair
Go to the middle of the metal hatch, which will open and make you fall. You'll encounter the Spawn of Oggdo in its lair immediately.

Spawn of Oggdo Rewards

Poncho Chest

Poncho Chest
At the back of the Spawn of Oggdo's lair, you'll be able to find a chest that contains the chest that contains the Poncho outfit.
How to Get the Poncho

Priorite Shard and Force Echo

Jedi Survivor - Spawn of Oggdo Lair Force Echo
Along with the Poncho, you'll also find a Priorite Shard and a Force Echo in the lair as well, both just beside the exit door.

Part of Legendary Enemy Achievement

Achievement Unlock Condition
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Silver TrophyI’m a Living Legend Defeat all legendary adversaries
All Legendary Enemy Locations

Killing the Spawn of Oggdo is required to complete the I’m a Living Legend achievement, which is obtained by defeating all Legendary Enemies.

All Legendary Enemy Locations

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