Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Rayvis Actor and Main Villain Profile

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Rayvis is a Gen'Dai Bedlam Raiders and the villain of Star Wars: Jedi Survivor. Read on to learn Rayvis's role in the story, character profile, and more!

Rayvis Character Profile

Occupation Marauder
Bedlam Raiders
Affiliations Bedlam Raiders
Race Gen'Dai (Male)
Voice Actor D.C. Douglas

Who is Rayvis?

Main Antagonist

Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Rayvis Role Main Antagonist

Rayvis is the main antagonist in Jedi Survivor. He feels a personal vendetta against all Jedi, believing that they should be extinct as Order 66 intended. He's now hunting Cal all over the galaxy to end the last Jedi survivor.

Leader of the Bedlam Raiders

Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Rayvis Role Bedlam Raider Leader

Rayvis is also the leader of the Bedlam Raiders, a mercenary group intent on hunting down rogue Jedi and other traces of the fallen Order.

Rayviss Skills

Expert Combatant

Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Rayvis Skills Expert Combatant

Rayvis is an expert combatant easily holding his own against a much more experienced and seasoned Jedi Knight Cal. He exhibits knowledge in fighting and killing Jedi in his tactics. He shows signs of training against Jedi mind tricks as well as a certain resistance against the Force.

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