Star Wars Jedi Survivor

All Stim Upgrade Locations

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In Star Wars Jedi Survivor, Stim Upgrades are collectibles that increase the number of times you can replenish your health. Read on to learn all the Stim Upgrade locations in Star Wars Jedi Survivor, their rewards, and if they are missable.

All Stim Upgrade Locations

▼ Jump to a planet!
Coruscant Koboh Jedha Shattered Moon

All Coruscant Stim Upgrade Locations

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible Type: Upgrade
Area: Undercity Meats
Where to Find: Found on an elevated platform that can be accessed through a Marked wall in front of the Undercity Meats save point.

All Koboh Stim Upgrade Locations

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible Type: Upgrade
Area: Basalt Rift
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, go past the archway and take the road up past the rock blocking the path. Take a left past the Mogu and wall run your way up the wall. You'll find the chest on your right by the cliff.
Collectible Type: Upgrade
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Have BD-1 slice open the door to Doma's right using the mysterious keycode. You can purchase the Mysterious Keycode for 10 Priorite Shards in Doma's Outpost Commodities on the planet Koboh.
Collectible Type: Upgrade
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: On the edge of the cliff where you have to beat the Legendary Enemy - Gorocco Matriarch.
Collectible Type: Upgrade
Area: Observatory Understructure
Where to Find: After crossing the rotating Ascension Cable with an electric wall in the way, enter the narrow pathway and throw a High Altitude Research up top and grapple your way to the second floor. You'll find the chest nearby.
Collectible Type: Upgrade
Area: Foothill Falls
Where to Find: Destroy the door inside the Bedlam Raiders house using the exploding droid. The chest will be on the other side of the door
Collectible Type: Upgrade
Area: Viscid Bog
Where to Find: Cross the bog by force pulling pillars. Drop down to the arena where you'll face the Mire Terror.

All Jedha Stim Upgrade Locations

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible Type: Upgrade
Area: Sheltered Hollow
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, walk down the path and you'll find it on your left by the wall.
Collectible Type: Upgrade
Area: Crypt of Uhrma
Where to Find: Solve the Crypt of Uhrma puzzle and you'll find the chest across.

All Shattered Moon Stim Upgrade Locations

Assembly Staging

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible Type: Upgrade
Area: Assembly Staging
Where to Find: Past the three ziplines and a series of wall runs, grapple on to the zip and drop down. Enter the building, grapple on to the ledge on your right, and take the zipline across. You'll find the chest at the end of the path.

Stim Upgrade Collection Rewards

Increase Stim Charges

Stim Upgrade - Increase Max Charge

When acquired, stim upgrades permanently increase the number of times you can replenish your health without resting. Resting in a Meditation Circle will replenish both your health and your stim charges.

Are Stim Upgrades Missable?

Return to Planets for Missed Stim Upgrades

In the first game, Jedi: Fallen Order, you can use the Mantis to return to planets to reexplore them during the playthrough and after the main story. You can retrieve any Stim Cannisters you missed when you revisit planets. Players can expect the same for the sequel, Jedi Survivor.

Stim Upgrades Don't Carry Over to New Game Plus

In the first game, Jedi: Fallen Order, if you start a New Game Plus playthrough, all the Stim Cannisters will have to be collected again. This was a feature that received a lot of feedback from players, but it hasn't been confirmed if it will change or not.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Related Guides

Jedi Survivor Partial Banner Collectibles


All Collectibles

All Collectible Types
Chests Stim Upgrades
Perks Skill Points
Perk Slots BD-1 Scans
Force Echoes Seeds and Plants
Priorite Shards Datadiscs
Jedha Scrolls Essences
Force Essences Health Essences
Treasures Fish
Recruits Force Tears
BD-1 Upgrades -

Collectibles by Planet

All Planets
Coruscant Koboh
Jedha Shattered Moon
Nova Garon Tanalorr


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