Star Wars Jedi Survivor

All Perk Locations and Effects

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Jedi Survivor - List of All Perks
Star Wars: Jedi Survivor added the Perk system in the game which gives you bonuses that you can mix and match to personalize your build. Read on to see the full list of Perks with locations and maps for each of them, and the effects of each Perk.

Perk Guides
Best Perks to Get Perk Slot Locations Perk Locations

All Perk Locations and Effects

Perk Cost / Effect How to Get
Resilience Icon - Star Wars Jedi Survivor Resilience 1 slot
Increases your block meter.

Rewarded after completing Chamber of Duality (Koboh)
Flux Perk Icon - Star Wars Jedi Survivor Flux 1 slot
Regenerate a small amount of Force Meter over time, but maximum Force Meter is reduced.
Bought from Zee for 5 Datadiscs on the 2nd floor of Pyloon's Saloon (Koboh)
Steadfast Perk Icon - Star Wars Jedi Survivor Steadfast 1 slot
Allows you to absorb one hit without being interrupted while you're sprinting.
Bought from Zee for 5 Datadiscs on the 2nd floor of Pyloon's Saloon (Koboh)
Unflinching Perk Icon.pngUnflinching 1 slot
Absorb one hit when charging the blaster without being interrupted.

Found at the back of the Cavern in the Golden Skriton's area in Desert Ridge (Jedha)
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Shatter Perk Icon.pngShatter 2 slots
Attacks are more effective at breaking enemies' guard.

Found at the end of the Finding Missing Prospectors Rumor after defeating the Rancor (Koboh)
Dexterity Perk Icon - Star Wars Jedi Survivor Dexterity 2 slots
Lightsaber throws deal more damage.

Rewarded after completing the Chamber of Reason (Koboh)
Perplexity Perk Icon.pngPerplexity 2 slots
Increases damage dealt by characters affected by Confusion.

Reward after defeating Dagan Gera during the Koboh Part 4 story chapter in Mountain Observatory (Koboh)
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Centered Perk Icon.png Centered 2 slots
Enemies in a small area are staggered when Cal is healing. Can can take one hit and not be interrupted.

Reward after beating Rayvis at the end of Shattered Moon Part 2 (Shattered Moon)
Elixir Perk Icon.pngElixir 2 slots
Healing Stims also fill a small amount of the Super Meter.
Bought from Zee for 5 Datadiscs on the 2nd floor of Pyloon's Saloon (Koboh)
Persistence Perk Icon.pngPersistence 2 slots
Each enemy killed during Slow gives a small amount of Life.

Reward after beating Anoth Sera in the Chamber of Fortitude (Koboh)
Gambler Perk Icon.pngGambler 4 slots
Increase to Experience gained, but you may no longer Restore after death.

Reward after beating the Sutaban Alpha in the Crypt of Uhrma (Jedha) Note: Must have learned Dash in Jedha Part 2
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Fortitude Perk Icon.pngFortitude 4 slots
Increases lightsaber damage, but incoming damage is also increased.

Found in the Fogged Expanse after defeating the Vile Bilemaw Legendary Enemy (Koboh)
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Fellowship Perk Icon.pngFellowship 4 slots
BD-1 carries an extra stim for Cal. Stims will not refill to max until Cal rests.

Reward for completing the Chamber of Clarity in Untamed Downs (Koboh)
Precision Perk Icon - Star Wars Jedi Survivor Precision 2 slots
Parry Timing is shorter but Cal deals more stamina damage to enemies when he parries.

Found behind the gunk that can be removed using the Koboh Grinder in the Devastated Settlement area (Koboh)
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Ambidexterity Perk Icon.pngAmbidexterity 3 slots
Shooting targets temporarily increases lightsaber damage.

Rewarded for completing the Final Jedi Chamber in the Devastated Settlement (Koboh)
Marksmanship Perk Icon - Star Wars Jedi Survivor Marksmanship 3 slots
When in blaster stance, Cal's blaster shots do more damage.

Found on the roof of the mansion at the Grand Courtyard meditation point, after defeating Tague Louesh in the Koboh Part 2 story chapter (Koboh)
Versatility Perk Icon - Star Wars Jedi Survivor Versatility 3 slots
Deal extra damage temporarily after switching lightsaber stances.
Bought from Zee for 5 Datadiscs on the 2nd floor of Pyloon's Saloon (Koboh)
Recuperation Perk Icon - Star Wars Jedi Survivor Recuperation 3 slots
The minimum level that the Force Meter automatically regenerates to is increased.

Reward for completing the Chamber of Connection in Viscid Bog (Koboh)
Equilibrium Perk Icon - Star Wars Jedi Survivor Equilibrium 3 slots
Using a Force ability increases the damage of the next lightsaber attack.
Bought from Zee for 5 Datadiscs on the 2nd floor of Pyloon's Saloon (Koboh)
Fortification Perk Icon.pngFortification 3 slots
Life regenerates up to a minimum amount.

Found inside a narrow pathway in the Forest Array (Koboh)
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Patience Perk Icon.pngPatience 3 slots
Using Slow also refills some Life.

Reward for completing the Chamber of Detachment in Mountain Ascent (Koboh)
Wisdom Perk Icon - Star Wars Jedi Survivor Wisdom 3 slots
Gain more experience from defeating enemies.
Bought from Zee for 5 Datadiscs on the 2nd floor of Pyloon's Saloon (Koboh)
Purity Perk Icon.pngPurity no slots
Increases all damage dealt by Cal, companions, and enemies.
Unlocked in New Game Plus Unavailable in non-New Game Plus files.
Warrior Perk Icon.pngWarrior no slots
Modifies encounters with tougher enemies.
Unlocked in New Game Plus Unavailable in non-New Game Plus files.
Trendsetter Perk Icon.pngTrendsetter no slots
Randomizes all equipped cosmetics when you die.
Unlocked in New Game Plus. Unavailable in non-New Game Plus files.

Hard-to-Find Perk Detailed Locations

These Perks are more complicated to find than others, so a more specific description of the location is needed to find them.

Unflinching Location

On Jedha, start from the Anchorite Base meditation point and head towards Desert Ridge. Go straight across to the far end to reach the enclosure shown on the map. You'll then fight the Golden Skriton Legendary Enemy. Upon winning, claim this Perk on the far end of the room.

Perplexity Location

After defeating Dagan Gera at the end of Koboh Part 4, go down the elevator in the room. In the next small room, you'll find this Perk.

If you missed it and need to come back later, start from the Observation Deck meditation point to easily reach the room, which is at the very top of the tower.

Gambler Location

Step Description
1 To get this perk, you'll need to first unlock the Dash ability in the Jedha Part 2 story chapter.
Then, complete the Crypt of Uhrma Puzzle. To get there, start at the Crypt of Uhrma meditation point in Jedha and follow the arrows in the map above (or, click the link in the last sentence to see full details of the puzzle and how to get there).
On the far side of the Crypt of Urhma, use Force Pull on the four pillars shown to open the door. You'll find a Stim Canister and a Fish inside.
4 Continue ahead and you'll find a green laser door which you need to Dash through. Through the door, you'll fight the Sutaban Alpha Legendary Enemy. Defeat it and you'll find the Gambler Perk in the room.

Fortitude Location

From the Fogged Expanse meditation point, follow the path in the map above. In the last section, you'll reach a cliff where several Roller Mines will spawn all around you. Jump down off the cliff to a mudslide, where the Vile Bilemaw Legendary Enemy is waiting. Defeat it and grab the Fortitude Perk hidden in the nearby grass.

Precision Location

Close View
Wide View

This Perk is located in the Devastated Settlement, during the section of the Koboh Part 2 story chapter where you need to redirect three lasers and use the Koboh Grinder.

Step Description
1 Perk Precision Step 1.png
In the temple on the island with the third laser, once the light beam is firing into the entrance room through a pane of glass, look to the left and go through the crack in the wall.
2 Perk Precision Step 2.png
Then, in the entrance room, use the Koboh Grinder to fire Koboh Matter at the vines on the wall, revealing the Precision Perk.

Fortification Location

Step Description
From the Forest Array meditation point on Koboh, follow the arrows above until you see an Essence above on a ledge. This is the Perk, but you can't reach it so easily.
2 Forest Array Fortification Hole in the Wall.png
Head back in the direction of Forest Array and to your left, you'll see a very subtle hole in the wall. Slip inside and you'll find a platforming challenge on the other end. Make your way through and you'll reach the Fortification Perk.

What Are Perks?

Game Modifiers

Perks act as game modifiers that you can mix and match to change your gameplay. Perks can alter specific skills or actions that provide advantages and disadvantages when equipped.

Note that there are only a limited number of Perk slots and each Perk varies on how much space they can take in your slots.

Best Perks to Get

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor Guides

Jedi Survivor Partial Banner Collectibles


All Collectibles

All Collectible Types
Chests Stim Upgrades
Perks Skill Points
Perk Slots BD-1 Scans
Force Echoes Seeds and Plants
Priorite Shards Datadiscs
Jedha Scrolls Essences
Force Essences Health Essences
Treasures Fish
Recruits Force Tears
BD-1 Upgrades -

Collectibles by Planet

All Planets
Coruscant Koboh
Jedha Shattered Moon
Nova Garon Tanalorr


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