Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Nightsister Merrin Character Profile

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Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Merrin
Merrin is a returning, non-playable character in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Read on to learn more about Merrin's role, voice actor, affiliation, backstory, and more.

Nightsister Merrin Character Profile

Nightsister Merrin
Nightsister Merrin
Occupation Nightsister
Stinger Mantis Crew
Affiliations Nightsisters & Stinger Mantis crew
Race Zabrak (Female)
Voice Actor Tina Ivlev

Who is Merrin?

Dathomir Survivor

Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Merrin Profile

Merrin was a former member of the Nightsisters of Dathomir, a clan devoted to employing the dark and occult nature of the Force. She is one of the few surviving members of the clan after most of the Nightsisters were believed to have been slain by General Grievous.

Became Ally to Cal During Fallen Order

After Talon Malicos tried to recruit Cal Kestis to join his family, Merrin realized that Talon used the same familiar offer she took when joining him. When she realized that Talon had lied to her about the involvement of the Jedi in the Nightsisters massacre, she began to turn on him.

As Talon was about to kill Cal Kestis, Merrin interfered and prevented what could have been the last breath of the surviving Jedi. After Talon was defeated at the hands of the Jedi Knight, Merrin imprisoned him in the surface depths of Dathomir.

Joined Mantis Crew Afterward

Nightsister Merrin Jedi Survivor.jpg

As a member of the Mantis crew, Merrin allies herself with Cal Kestis and all those who want to rid the Empire's influence and control over the galaxy.

What Happened to Merrin?

Wandered the Galaxy

During the five-year time skip between Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor, Merrin is revealed to be traveling the galaxy to see it from her point of view, without the influence of Cal who has seemingly been focused on taking the empire down, thus only showing Merrin the corrupted side of the galaxy.

Nightsister Merrin Companion Skills

Adept Force-User

There is little to no information about Merrin's overall involvement in the gameplay of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. It should be noted that Merrin is a capable user of the Force, as established during the previous game Star Wars Jedi; Fallen Order.

As a viable NPC support, she can greatly help Cal breeze through enemies faster with her knowledge of the Force and combat ability.

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