Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Find the Musician and Their Droid Rumor Walkthrough

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Find the Musician and Their Droid is a Rumor that can be found in Pyloon's Saloon on the planet of Koboh in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Read on to see a detailed walkthrough of Find the Musician and Their Droid, its rewards, and its location!

How to Unlock Find the Musician and Their Droid and Location

Starting Location in Pyloon's Saloon

Find the Musician Rumor Start Location

Find the Musician and Their Droid can be found at the Rambler's Reach Outpost on the planet of Koboh.

Speak to Monk

Speak to Monk

Speak to Monk in Pyloon's saloon and he will give you the rumor. Note that it's easier to progress the rumor once you've finished the Forrest Array and unlocked the ability to tame Nekkos.

Koboh Planet Walkthrough

Find the Musician and Their Droid Walkthrough

1 Pyloon
Talk to Monk
Enter Doma's Store, located across the Saloon.
2 Go to Harvest Ridge
Go to Harvest Ridge
Go to Harvest Ridge then speak to Ashe Javi and Cal will persuade them to go to Pyloon's Saloon. Be sure to finish their dialogue!
3 Finding the Musician and their droid Reward
Return to Pyloon's Saloon
Return to the saloon and speak to Ashe again. Finish the dialogue to complete the rumor!

Find the Musician and Their Droid Rewards

Music Choice

Completing the Find the Musician and Their Droid rumor does not give a reward, but it allows you to choose the music you wish to play inside Pyloon's Saloon. Music tracks can be bought from Doma's shop.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Related Guides

Rumors Jedi Survivor

List of Rumors and Side Quests

All Rumors

Koboh Rumors
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Find Missing Prospectors Visit Doma's Shop
Visit Zee's Shop Visit the Saloon's Garden
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Find the Musician and Their Droid Check on the Jawa Settlement
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Explore the Ruins in the Southern Desert Explore High Republic Chamber on the Mountain


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