Star Wars Jedi Survivor

All BD-1 Components Locations

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Jedi Survivor - All BD-1 Components

BD-1 components allow you to customize BD-1's appearance in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Learn all available BD-1 customization options, all BD-1 part locations, and where to find all photoreceptors, heads, audio sensors, bodies, and legs!

List of All BD-1 Parts and Components

All BD-1 Parts and Components
BD-1 Assembly Scrapyard Geonosian
Swooper Industrial Solar Kaminoan
Nocular Rugged BD-Astro -


Default Components at the Start

BD-1 BD-1

The BD-1 component set is the default parts attached to the BD-1 at the start of the game. This includes the photoreceptor, head, audio sensor, body, and legs.

BD-1 Default Components


BD-1 Assembly

The Assembly BD-1 component set is available as soon as you encounter your first workbench at the Mantis. This includes the photoreceptor, head, audio sensor, body, and legs.

Assembly BD-1 Components


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Scrapyard Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Gorge Crash Site
On top of a ledge near the first Meditation Point.
Jedi Survivor - Scrapyard Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Sodden Grotto
Just after the Shiverpede, enter the small passage on his left and you'll find the chest at the end of the dark path on your right.
Jedi Survivor - Scrapyard Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Derelict Dam
To the right after going down the vines.
Jedi Survivor - Scrapyard Cosmetics

(Audio Sensor)

Planet: Koboh | Area: Mountain Ascent
Near the door that you have to force push a wheel to open, turn around and wall run through on the left. You'll find the chest up top that requires you to use Lift and Slam.

Scrapyard BD-1 Components


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Geonosian Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Bygone Settlement
In the area where the Jawa helps you cross, drop down to a zipline below and cross it. Wall run your way through and you'll find the chest at the end of the path next to a Reltor.
Jedi Survivor - Geonosian Cosmetics

(Audio Sensor)

Planet: Koboh | Area: Untamed Downs
Found at the end of the path that begins with a cave you'll need a mount to access.
Jedi Survivor - Geonosian Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Lucrehulk Core
Jedi Survivor - Geonosian Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Bygone Settlement
From the Meditation Point, wall run on the side and climb up. Keep following the path and then a Jawa will help you cross to the other side. Cross it and head for the room on the left, you'll find the chest inside.
Jedi Survivor - Geonosian Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Yurt Barracks
From the Lucrehulk Core Meditation Point, head down to the barracks and from the large gap, jump and dash towards the platform on your right. You'll find the chest inside.

Geonosian BD-1 Components


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Swooper Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Forest Array
Head to the right past the Heavy Assault Trooper across a cut bridge and you'll see a narrow passageway to your right. Enter it and you'll find the chest just across.
Jedi Survivor - Swooper Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Nekko Pools
After acquiring the Nekko Mount, head on over to a nearby locked door. On your right, you'll find a high ledge you can double jump on. You'll find the chest inside the area to your right by the edge.
Jedi Survivor - Swooper Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Pyloon's Saloon
Bought from Zee's Shop in the second floor of Pyloon's Saloon.
Cost: 2 Datadiscs
Jedi Survivor - Swooper Cosmetics

(Audio Sensor)

Planet: Koboh | Area: Pyloon's Saloon
Bought from Zee's Shop in the second floor of Pyloon's Saloon.
Cost: 2 Datadiscs
Jedi Survivor - Swooper Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Untamed Downs
Located inside the locked door in the elevated ridge in between Untamed Downs and Harvest Ridge. Head to the right of the door then use the Electro Dart on the machine inside. Head inside the door and open the chest.

Swooper BD-1 Components


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Industrial Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: Path of Persistence
From the Anchorite Base Meditation Point, head east towards the zipline at the edge and cross it. Grapple up the Ascension Cable Droid and you'll find the chest on your left by the corner.

Industrial BD-1 Components


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Solar Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: Desert Passages
From the Meditation Point, head up the path and take the elevator on your left. Follow the path down and enter the first red door you see. You'll find the chest to the right of the door.

Solar BD-1 Components


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Kaminoan Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: Buried Refuge
Found at the bottom of the end of the path underwater just before rising up the last time.
Jedi Survivor - Kaminoan Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Desert Ridge
Found beside the Desert Ridge Meditation Point.
Jedi Survivor - Kaminoan Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Pyloon's Saloon
Bought from Zee's Shop in the second floor of Pyloon's Saloon.
Cost: 2 Datadiscs
Jedi Survivor - Kaminoan Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Pyloon's Saloon
Bought from Zee's Shop in the second floor of Pyloon's Saloon.
Cost: 2 Datadiscs
Currently Unavailable

(Audio Sensor)

Planet: Jedha | Area: Narkis Highlands
From the Arid Flats Meditation point, zipline down to Narkis Highlands then follow the path past the Skriton until you reach the room with the moveable wall. The chest itself is behid the moveable wall.

Kaminoan BD-1 Components


Lightsaber Part Unlock Condition
Jedi Survivor - Nocular Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: Monastery Walls
Past the "Pilgrims, Lost" Force Echo, slide the down platform and grapple up as soon as you can. Walk across the beam then wall run through and you'll find the chest infront.
Jedi Survivor - Nocular Cosmetics


Planet: Koboh | Area: Pyloon's Saloon
Bought from Zee's Shop in the second floor of Pyloon's Saloon.
Cost: 2 Datadiscs
Jedi Survivor - Nocular Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: Penitent Chambers
From the Meditation Point, head down the bridge below and climb the ledges on the right. Follow the path til the fork and you'll find the chest across the gap on your right.
Jedi Survivor - Nocular Cosmetics

(Audio Sensor)

Planet: Jedha | Area: Monastery Walls
From the Meditation Point, head for the entrance on the east side below the workbench. You'll find the chest inside by the wall.
Jedi Survivor - Nocular Cosmetics


Planet: Jedha | Area: Monastery Walls
On a platform above the workbench. Climb the nearby pillars to reach it.

Nocular BD-1 Components


Fallen Order - Rugged BD-1 Cosmetic Cosmetics
Rugged BD-1 Cosmetic
Purchase the Deluxe Edition of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Rugged BD-1 Components


Fallen Order - BD Astro BD-1 Cosmetic Cosmetics
BD Astro BD-1 Cosmetic
Purchase the Deluxe Edition of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

BD-Astro BD-1 Components

How to Change BD-1 Parts

Customize BD-1 on Workbenches

BD-1 Workbench

You can customize the different parts and colors of BD-1 in any workbench you encounter. The easiest workbench to find is the one the backroom of the Mantis.

Materials Change BD-1's Colors

BD-1 Material

The materials customization grants players the option to change what the BD-1 is made out of. This essentially changes the color scheme of the components of BD-1. Similarly, you can find BD-1 materials by looting chests.

Do BD-1 Parts Have Perks?

BD-1 Parts Have No Perks

Cosmetics in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor including BD-1 parts do not offer any perks or stat benefits. This means that players can freely customize and personalize their characters since it does not affect gameplay!

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