Star Wars Jedi Survivor

All BD-1 Scan Locations

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Star Wars Jedi Survivor - All BD-1 Scan Locations

In Star Wars Jedi Survivor, BD-Scans are collectibles that provide XP and information about Eno Cordova's studies and other lore-related information. Read on to learn all the BD-1 Scan locations in Star Wars Jedi Survivor, what they are, their rewards, and if they are missable.

All BD-1 Scan Locations

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Coruscant Koboh
Jedha Shattered Moon
Nova Garon Tanalorr

All Coruscant BD-1 Scan Locations

All Coruscant BD Scan Locations
Rooftops Renovation Site 4733 Industrial Stacks
Undercity Meats Skylane Regulation Station Hangar 2046-C
Freight Handling Depot


Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Squatter Camp
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Rooftops
Where to Find: Past the first Meditation point you encounter as you progress the introduction.
Information: The underworld of Coruscant is an unforgiving place, but a refuge for the destitute and dispossessed. Hovels and camps in the streets and alleys are not uncommon, and a sign of the inequality that yet festers

Renovation Site 4733

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Desi's Noodles
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Renovation Site 4733
Where to Find: You will come across this as you go through Renovation Site 4733. A droid will be patrolling the nearby area.
Information: Desi's Noodles, a popular chain in the Coruscant underworld. There are few legitimate reasons to venture down to the lower levels, but popular opinion declares that Desi's is one of them.
Collectible: Local Directory
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Renovation Site 4733
Where to Find: Found near the Renovation Site 4733 Meditation Point, to the left of the stairs.
Information: Directories help organize and visualize the flow of goods through the planet. Currently, Imperial expansion has impacted the import business, resulting in shortages throughout the Coruscant underworld.

Industrial Stacks

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Stolen Treasures
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Industrial Stacks
Where to Find: Can be scanned behind the Senator Seja's table when you capture him in his Yacht

Undercity Meats

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Laser Gate
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Undercity Meats
Where to Find: You wil first encounter this laser gate when you reach past the Meditation Point in the Undercity. Unfortunately you will not be able to pass through it for now.
Information: A barrier of energy, similar to ray shields utilized extensively in the Clone Wars. They are resistant to nearly all forms of matter, making it almost impossible to break through them without destroying or deactivating their power source.

Skylane Regulation Station

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Gonk Droid
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Skylane Regulation Station
Where to Find: You can scan this droid in the room past the Meditation Point after defeating the Ninth Sister.
Information: The GNK-series power droid is renowned as an excellent portable battery unit. They are nicknamed “Gonk” droids both in reference to their series classification, and their signature, baritone vocalization.

Hangar 2046-C

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Air Traffic Control Perch
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Hangar 2046-C
Where to Find: You can scan this terminal as you make your way through Hangar 2046-C.
Information: Skylane perch used by Coruscant Security Forces to monitor traffic flow and enforce regulations.

Freight Handling Depot

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Turbo Dogs
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Freight Handling Depot
Where to Find: From the Freight Handling Depot Meditation Point, drop to the bottom of the section where you can wall run.
Information: Turbo Dogs, a local favorite. Several exposes have attempted to shed light on the popular product's meat sourcing, but this has done nothing to dampen its appeal.

All Koboh BD-1 Scan Locations

All Koboh BD Scan Locations
Gorge Crash Site Derelict Dam Sodden Grotto
Hunter's Quarry Chamber of Duality Fort Kah'lin
Rambler's Reach Outpost Forest Array Nekko Pools
Yurt Barracks Smuggler's Tunnels Pyloon's Saloon
Riverbed Watch Devastated Settlement Diagnostics Corridor
Loading Gantry Viscid Bog Generator Underbelly
Observatory Understructure Diagnostics Corridor Observation Deck
Imperial Post 8L-055 Flooded Bunker Fogged Expanse
Untamed Downs Marl Cavern Bygone Settlement
Mountain Ascent Summit Ridge Foothill Falls
Basalt Rift

Gorge Crash Site

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Koboh Tar
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Gorge Crash Site
Where to Find: Found when you first encounter the Koboh Tar
Information: The tar pits of Koboh are vast, and numerous. Presumably, they existed long before any prospector first settled on Koboh, as their crude dams and reservoirs exist primarily to funnel tar awy from potential prospecting sites.
Collectible: Crushed Prospector
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Gorge Crash Site
Where to Find: Can be scanned by the skeleton in the Gorge Crash Site Mining Cave
Information: At least one prospector - perhaps searching for priorite amongst the rubble- was crushed by failing rocks in a hastily dug and improperly secured cave.
Collectible: Broken Mining Droid
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Gorge Crash Site
Where to Find: Found at the dead end to the right of the Gorge Crash Site Meditation Point
Information: Droids are commonly used for manual labor across the galaxy, aiding the toil of organic workers, and Koboh is no exception. Nor isi t any exception that, when the work is finished, they are left ignominiously to rust

Derelict Dam

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Gorocco Nest
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: Head further into the lair of the Gorocco after slaying it in battle.
Information: The gorocco - a large, easily incensed predator - found plentiful prey in the prospectors and raiders that came to their hunting grounds. Scattered remains, though impossible to identify fully, indicate that the gorocco are not short on meals.
Collectible: Crumbling Dam Wall
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: This can be scanned as you make your way to Greez in the Derelict Dam past the Meditation Point.
Information: A lack of maintenance, and the relentless creep of time, has visiblyt worn many of the gorge's dams down to a dangerous state - cracks and leaks can be seen everywhere across their aging surfaces.
Collectible: Dam Flow Pipes
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: This can be scanned to your right when you make up to the elevated platform past the Meditation Point in the Derelict Dam.
Information: The positioning of this flow pipe across two reservoirs indicates that it was used to control the movement of tar between the dams, in order to maintain a safe level for prospectors to work.
Collectible: Abandoned Encampment
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: Once you've blown a hole in the cave, lure the Roller Mine towards the road to the right past the broken elevator and throw it to the tarred wall below. Follow the path, climb the rope, walk forward a bit, and you'll find the Scan infront by edge.
Information: The scattered debris of a rudimentary encampment. Whoever was here possessed some mechanical ability, but no evidence of their work remains.
Collectible: Creature Bones
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: Once you've blown a hole in the cave, lure the Roller Mine towards the road to the right past the broken elevator and throw it to the tarred wall below. Follow the path and you'll find the Scan at the end before ziplining up.
Information: The bones of some ancient creature partially exposed by excavation. It must date back several centuries.
Collectible: Destroyed Dam
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head down the vines and you right by the edge and you'll find the Scan on your right.
Information: As a result of what looks like deliberate sabotage, the dam wall has split, allowing huge amounts of tar to spill through the breach and onto whatever lies below.
Collectible: Dead Bedlam Raider
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Derelict Dam
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head down the path in the middle and you'll find the Scan by the dead body.
Information: The body of a long-dead Bedlam Raider, clearly killed by blaster bolts, which mark the body indiscriminately.

Sodden Grotto

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Dead Gorgers
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Sodden Grotto
Where to Find: You can scan this dead gorger on a catwalk platform as you explore the depths of the Sodden Grotto.
Information: A string of gorgers, all of which were felled in an orderly manner, suggesting the intervention of prospectors and not some hungry beast.
Collectible: Massive Ribcage
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Sodden Grotto
Where to Find: Head deeper into the cave system of the Sodden Grotto. The ribcage will be near the area where you must face the Rancor.
Information: The exposed ribcage of an enormous creature. Markings on the bone structures indicate this was picked clean by some ravenous predator.

Hunter's Quarry

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: A New Beginning
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Hunter's Quarry
Where to Find: Head to the far end of the Hunter's Quarry guarded by several droids and Bedlam Raiders. The item to be scanned will be on one of the tables.
Information: A Datapad entry, detailing a prospector's fresh arrival on Koboh:

“Planetside at last. I was eager ot land, but tried to stay patient - he couldn't sit still at all, though. I suppose it is understandable; we have come from nothing - less than nothing - and this 'Koboh is certainly a gamble. The planet is unusual, but the potential is exciting. We are ready to see what there is to offer!”
Collectible: A Mechanical Touch
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Hunter's Quarry
Where to Find: Found inside the building on top of the scalable wall on the far side of Hunter's Quarry.
Information: “The outpost is small, but continuing to grow. The development means my knack for mechanics has attracted attention - I was asked to help. He did not want me to, but I did. I think by automating some of the spherical grenades, we could figure something out. ”
Collectible: A Gift Revoked
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Hunter's Quarry
Where to Find: Found inside the building on top of the scalable wall on the far side of Hunter's Quarry.
Information: “The others dig too much. They damage the cubes. Enough. Enough. The spheres will stop them. They will stay away from the cubes. Or else.”
Collectible: The Wise Hunters
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Hunter's Quarry
Where to Find: This item can be found inside a cavern in the Hunter's Quarry.
Information: Gorgers scour in packs, a strategy that has seved them well the often desperate and hapless prospectors came to Koboh. A single Hunter poses no problem to a prospector with a blaster, but when lured into a nest full of the beasts, the situation rapidly deteriorates.
Collectible: Gorocco Sanctuary
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Hunter's Quarry
Where to Find: Found in the Gorocco nest just by the wall.
Information: Gorocco construct nests in the most advantageous areas - protected from the harsh elements, and with as wide and visible an approach as possible. Typically, only the female gorocco remains in the nest, to rest and protect any young, while the male spends time hunting for food.
Collectible: The Koboh Emergence
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Hunter's Quarry
Where to Find: From inside the ruins, bring the Orb towards the Coupler in the other room and you'll find the Scan nearby.
Information: An entry from Jedi Master Pyt'r Stevar:
“The Sky is aflame. The moon, I think, was destroyed. It is hard to tell. The shuttles are leaving, but we are trapped. The Padawans are afriad, and I cannot leave them. Whatever out fate on Koboh may be, we entrust it now to the Force.”

Chamber of Duality

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Disaster
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Chamber of Duality
Where to Find: Can be scanned near the end of the platforming route of the Chamber of Duality.
Information: Huge masses of rock fell through the roof and slammed into this subterranean sanctuary, indicating intense seismic activity above ground.

Fort Kah'lin

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Bandit Camp
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Fort Kah'lin
Where to Find: Look for the broken droid inside a shack to the right of the Meditation Point.
Information: Before the Bedlam Raiders came to prominence, Koboh's locals were bothered by various bandit groups. Though not as unified and organized as Rayvis' army-to-be, it was nevertheless advisable to stay away from their territory.
Collectible: Past Signs of Life
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Fort Kah'lin
Where to Find: Look for the broken droid inside a shack to the left of the Meditation Point.
Information: The evidence suggests that Fort Kah'lin was once a hub of activity for a local bandit gang. Although now it is still occupied by Bedlam Raider soldiers and battle droids, these abandoned items speak to a more active base, made sparse by some past incident.
Collectible: A House Divided
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Fort Kah'lin
Where to Find: Found inside a building at the top floor.
Information: A datapad entry from a leader of the bandit camp, detailing growing discontent: “The offer was brought to us by the Gen'Dai, but not every corner of the camp seemed pleased. Some accuse us of trading our freedom for just another hand around our throats. If they won't come willingly, then I'll have no choice but to force them...”

Rambler's Reach Outpost

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Turgle's Shiny Shell
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Found by a bridge when you go straight then veer to the left from the landing pad.
Information: Outpost residents will wearily attest to Turgle's elation at having found a particularly remarkable shell, and his subsequent despair at having lost it. This appears to be that shell, though it is by no means provable, nor worthy of further investigation.
Collectible: Forever Curious
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Could be found in Soont Madas' shop. You will need Merrin's Charm and Force Lift to reach his shop.
Information: “These monoliths...I cannot figure them out, which is always compelling. The locals say some ancient treasure is hidden inside, but nobody has been able to crack them. He is much more interested than I am, however, which is becoming something of a concern.”
Collectible: Obsession
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Could be found in Soont Madas' shop. You will need Merrin's Charm and Force Lift to reach his shop.
Information: “I will crack them. I will dig in. Find their treasures. No matter what. I will get in.”
Collectible: Relter Egg
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Rambler's Reach Outpost
Where to Find: Climb the vines of the Pyloon's Saloon past the rooftop garden. Jump and dash to the platform overlooking the landing pad. The eggs can be scanned nearby the cave.
Information: Typically, relters do not leave their eggs unguarded for long. However, with the rise of the Bedlam Raiders on Koboh, the valley ecosystem has caused relters to fly further, and longer, in search of food.

Forest Array

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Central Rotaional Apparatus
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Forest Array
Where to Find: Found at the middle of the area surrounded by Koboh Matter.
Information: The complexity of the subterranean mechanisms operating the Array's above-ground ionic beams is difficult to imagine. While the apparatus has clearly not been moved in years, a way to control it must still exist.
Collectible: Orb Amplifier
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Forest Array
Where to Find: Story-related databank entry. This can be scanned when you use the Koboh orb to clear the Koboh material to the Meditation Point.
Information: A curious fixture of High Republic-era Jedi technology that stabilizes, focuses, and magnifies the erratic potential energy stored in Koboh orbs.
Collectible: Indomitable
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Forest Array
Where to Find: Scan the shield by the wall located in the area where you fight multiple Stormtroopers near the Bilemaw Den Meditation Point.
Information: These reinforced shields - dispensed to Imperial riot forces - were designed to sustain heavy, destructive assaults and have even proven resistant to lightsaber strikes. The standard armor of the trooper wielding this shield, however offered no such additional benefits.
Collectible: Epic Moltings
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Forest Array
Where to Find: Found under the area where the giant bird is perched when you first arrive in the Forest Array. It is also accessible from the Forest Array Meditation Point through platforming to the indicated location.
Information: The piasa reigns over the skeis and plains as one of Koboh's apex preadators - a terror to any creature caught in its sights. The nomadic creature rarely perches, and its temporary habitation of the Forest Array may indicate either injury or distress.
Collectible: Auxiliary Array Telescope
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Forest Array
Where to Find: Found just before the scalable wall that will allow you to reach the Orb Amplifier on the way to the Meditation Point.
Information: The generators charge the air with highly-excited energy currents, similar in both power and danger to interstellar ionic storms. From the looks of the structure's rampant rust and overgrowth, it hasn't been put to use in several decades.

Nekko Pools

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Nekko Scratches
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Nekko Pools
Where to Find: Found in a swampy section of the area you'll need a Nekko to access.

Yurt Barracks

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Bedlam Raider Yurt
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Yurt Barracks
Where to Find: Found in one of the shacks in the area.

Smuggler's Tunnels

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: No Way Out
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Smuggler's Tunnels
Where to Find: Can be scanned as you progress through the tunnel system under the Pyloon's Saloon.
Information: One of several tunnels routing beneath Pyloon's Saloon. Proximity to the landing pad would have made the passage ideal for smuggling goods in and out of the cantina, hidden from prying and curious eyes.

Pyloon's Saloon

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Hallikset
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Pyloon's Saloon
Where to Find: Can be scanned in the basement of the Pyloon's Saloon near the Meditation Point in your resting area.
Information: This seven-stringed hallikset once belonged to the Jedi Cere Junda, who composed music with it. Using psychimetry, Cal was also able to play it, which is perhaps why Cere left it with him after she departed the Mantis.
Collectible: Moran's Possessions
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Pyloon's Saloon
Where to Find: Talk to Moran 7 times to gain access to his room. Exit the saloon every time a conversation ends.

Riverbed Watch

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: The Warlord's Standard
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Riverbed Watch
Where to Find: Found just beside the Meditation Point by some crates.
Information: A broken standard, seeming to indicate that this tower was once under the commands of someone known as the 'Warlord of the Tower.' That such a name would belong originally to a Bedlam Raider seems unlikely, given their subservience to Rayvis.

Devastated Settlement

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Thermal Vent
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: Found in the one of the central platforms in the middle of the Devastated Settlement accessible only by Relters.
Information: In the wake of Koboh's catastrophe, thermal activity surged. The surface cracked and lava flowed freely. Pressure vented through naturally-formed fissures, only to be held back by now-untamed Koboh matter.
Collectible: Chamber Mural
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: Scan the mural on one of the platforms in the area. From the Meditation Point, take a Relter and glide towards the central thermal vent to push you upward. Steer to the right and the scannable wall will be there.
Information: A mural across the exterior wall of a meditation chamber, reading:

“Those who ask find answers,
Those who combat falsehoods find the truth,
And those who see inside themselves will know the path ahead.”
Collectible: Devastated Remains
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Grand Courtyard Meditation Point, enter the building infront and you'll find the Scan to the left past the door.
Information: Although some structures were spared total annihilation, nothing survived intact. Strewn debris and overgrown nature speak to a world first devastated, then abandoned.
Collectible: Central Manse
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Grand Courtyard Meditation Point, take the alleyway left and you'll find the Scan by the wall.
Information: The settlement's structure served as a central point for the Jedi on Koboh, its spires deliberately calling back to the disctinctive towers of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
Collectible: Training Courtyard
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Grand Courtyard Meditation Point, enter the building infront and you'll find the Scan on your left by the door.
Information: The manse was built around a large central courtyard, clearly intended for Jedi training. Ample room was provided for sparring, meditation, or simple yet productive discussion between peers.
Collectible: Theses of Yaddle
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: Found infront of a shelf past the door.
Information: A tome by Jedi Master Yaddle, detailing little known Jedi arts. Unfortunately, her notes on both are incomplete and - perhaps deliberately - vague.
Collectible: Fallen Padawan
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Devastated Settlement
Where to Find: From the Grand Courtyard Meditation Point, take the Reltor and fly around towards the left into the cave below across another island. You'll find the Scan inside.
Information: The Emergence on Koboh devastated the planet, and the High Republic settlement was no exception. As the ground beneath them gave way, many were caught in the erupting earth and crushed beneath the mighty masonry erected for their own betterment.

Diagnostics Corridor

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Merciless Rampage
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Diagnostics Corridor
Where to Find: Once you've reunited with Bode, head for the platform above the Lift the opening. You'll fin the Force Echo on your left by the corner.
Information: Dagan Gera spare no foe on his tear towards the Observatory above the clouds.
Collectible: Minor Oculus
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Diagnostics Corridor
Where to Find: Found in the room with the rotating walls that are activated by the Electro Dart.
Information: This rotating oculus is powered by the same Koboh matter as the Forest Array. This larger model indicates that Republic scientists created the prototype for later designs focusing on compactness and efficiency.

Loading Gantry

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Sunken Aat
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Loading Gantry
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, enter through the broken door and the scan will be on the far left.
Collectible: Storage Tanks
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Loading Gantry
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, pass through the broken door. Head straight to the end of the area and walk up the slanted platforms.

Viscid Bog

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Crashed Vulture Droid
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Viscid Bog
Where to Find: On a platform with a chest near the Meditation Point.
Information: Manufactured in the catherdral factories of Xi Char, the Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid was the main starfighter support of the Separatist forces in the Clone Wars. The swamp surround the Lucrehulk is littered with them, suggesting they were thrown clear during the battleship's descent to Koboh.
Collectible: Hastily Abandoned Site
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Viscid Bog
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, turn around and cross the rock platform towards the cave below. You'll find the Scan inside on your right by the wall.
Information: Whatever prospectors were doing her, it seems either the nearby Raider presence of the Swamp tar proved to be too much. This prospective site has been abandoned, and seemingly in a hurry.

Generator Underbelly

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Landing Hydraulics
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Generator Underbelly
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, zipline across the area but drop immediately on the next platform. The scan will be on the right side.
Information: A Lucrehulk-class battleship is designed so the central sphere can detach and land independently. As such, the core is equipped with several massive landing struts, the gigantic hydraulics of which take up a large chunk of the core's interior.
Collectible: Power Generator
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Generator Underbelly
Where to Find: Found in the section with large machines conducting electrical currents.
Information: The lower levels of a Lucrehulk core house landing logistics and power generation. Though they were likely disabled during the ship's landing, it seems that Rayvis - or some resourceful Raider - has coaxed the systems back to life, powering the ship once more.

Observatory Understructure

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Erratic Dust
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Observatory Understructure
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head down the stairs.
Information: Some Republic scientists believed that destabilized Koboh dust housed tremendous potential energy - experiments on the moon facility had already yielded exciting results worth iterating upon.

Diagnostics Corridor

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Merciless Rampage
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Diagnostics Corridor
Where to Find: Once you've reunited with Bode, head for the platform above the Lift the opening. You'll fin the Force Echo on your left by the corner.
Information: Dagan Gera spare no foe on his tear towards the Observatory above the clouds.
Collectible: Minor Oculus
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Diagnostics Corridor
Where to Find: Found in the room with the rotating walls that are activated by the Electro Dart.
Information: This rotating oculus is powered by the same Koboh matter as the Forest Array. This larger model indicates that Republic scientists created the prototype for later designs focusing on compactness and efficiency.

Observation Deck

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Grand Oculus
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Observation Deck
Where to Find: Once outside of the Observation Deck, before grappling to go higher, look to your left to see a small area where you'll find the scan.
Information: High Republic-era scientists constructed the Grand Oculus to not only observe the Koboh Abyss, but to track and predict spikes in its energy fields. Its last calibration tracked a seismic shift in Koboh's stratosphere.

Imperial Post 8L-055

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Abandoned Prospector Equipment
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Imperial Post 8L-055
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, make your way through the next 2 platforms.
Information: By the time of the Empire, prospectors had long left the mountain, due either to failure or Raider insistence. Their equipment, however, remains scattered across the peaks.
Collectible: Docking Clamp Overrides
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Imperial Post 8L-055
Where to Find: After ziplining to the Imperial Post, take the next left on the path to find the scan.
Information: Release controls for docked imperial fighters is granted by operational control. However, they can also be released via manual override console, situated next to the clamp mechanism. Such controls require specific clearance codes.

Flooded Bunker

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Damage Assessment
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Flooded Bunker
Where to Find: Found in a corner after entering the bunker.
Information: A databank entry of Domo Dendra assessing the damage to the old water treatment shed: 'That backup from Dredger Gorge has shot the whole system. Burst pipes, collapsed's all no good. We'll have to get our water from the river now. Folks'll have to get used to it tasting a little strange, I suppose...'
Collectible: Abandoned Water Filtration System
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Flooded Bunker
Where to Find: Found in the next room in the bunker
Information: The early prospectors built complex systems to provide the outpost and their prospecting sites with fresh water. However, after the supply became contaminated, and their prospecting efforts began to falter, such systems were abandoned to time and the elements.

Fogged Expanse

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Monitoring Equipment
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Fogged Expanse
Where to Find: Look for an orange light in the fog and follow it.
Information: A seismic detector that used small pulses to locate hidden objects. It also had the unfortunate side effect of agitating and attracting local wildlife. Time and the elements have since rendered it inoperable.

Untamed Downs

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Warning Sign
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: Found just across the Meditation Point.
Information: A crude sign that attempts to ward off any who would seek to delve further into the cave: “Stay out! Danger within! No priorite!”
Collectible: An Ecological Study
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: Found just below the Meditation Point by the pond.
Information: A datapad from a curious Koboh local, studying the interior of this cave: “I cannot progress further without specialized equipment. I should turn back, but the sounds from within draw me further. What manner of cave is home to such myriad noises? My curiosity cannot be so easily satisfied.”
Collectible: The Deep Caverns
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: Found at the end of the small hangar past the green laser wall.
Information: Ambitious, but ill-fated, the gondola carts were intended to plumb deep into Koboh's subterranean network in search of priorite and other treasures. The cost, however, proved too exorbitant, and when the roller mines bega bizarrely malfunctioning, the operation was seized and abandoned.
Collectible: The Truth
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: Found on your right after defeating E3-VE3. no implicit conversion of SyntaxError into String
Collectible: Gift of Fire
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: Found inside a small room after defeating E3-VE3.
Information: “I brought the new roller mines to the others, and they were delighted. He has become interested in the planet's strange cubes, however, so I will need to split my attention. I admit, they are compelling...”
Collectible: Mogu Den
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: Found inside a cave above a high ledge.
Information: Generally, though not always, a mogu will incapacitate its prey before dragging it back to its den, where they can be preserved and devoured at the mogu's leisure. The mogu of this cave has clearly hunted well.
Collectible: Bilemaw Burrow
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Untamed Downs
Where to Find: Inside a cave by the Harvest Ridge lake.
Information: The bilemaw can be a vicious creature, but mostly in defense of its territory. They find shelter from the elements, but only build nests in order to give birth and rear their young. Any interloper who would intrude on that space is therefore fair game.

Marl Cavern

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Storage Tanks
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Marl Cavern
Where to Find: When you reach the cavern with wall run platforms, look to the right to find the scan.
Information: Long-rusted and abandoned, the storage tanks that dot the mountain were used for storing water, and pumping out of flodded areas via myriad connected pipes.

Bygone Settlement

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Ancient Architecture
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Bygone Settlement
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, wall run the follow the platform until you can swing to the other side of the raised platforms. Scan the inside of one of the rooms.
Information: Buildings on the outskirts of the Basalt Forest, partly built directly into the cliffsides. Their construction - a mizture of stone and mud - ages them as older than any other structure on the planet, predating even the Republic settlements. Little is known about that time.
Collectible: Digger Crawler
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Bygone Settlement
Where to Find: On the platform where you recruit the Jawas, scan the crawler.
Information: The enormous crawler vehicles were originally created as a mobile mining and smelting factories, designed to withstand the harsher conditions of frontier planets. Over time, however, they became favorites of the Jawa species native to Tatooine, who used their vast space to store their wares as well as house their entire clan. The Jawas who found their way to Koboh built a crawler in the style of the ones they remebered from their home.

Mountain Ascent

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Mountainside Hut
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Mountain Ascent
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, head to the left and ride the cable if you've already unlocked that shortcut. If not, you can reach the area from the section where you can wall run.
Information: In search of riches, prospectors fanned out, putting down roots across Koboh. As a result, the mountain - now considered the jackpot - soon saw its foothills covered in small but functional homes.
Collectible: Shiverpede Nest
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Mountain Ascent
Where to Find: Found inside the cave where you'll need to force lift the door to gain access.
Information: Shiverpedes hunt in small packs, but nest en masse, performing intricate mating rituals that, shudderingly, involve their sharpened forceps.

Summit Ridge

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: High Altitude Research
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Summit Ridge
Where to Find: The scan is the balloon you can force pull.
Information: These Republic devices were used to read atmospheric pressure patterns unique to Koboh. Their latching mechanisms allowed them to be bundled together, and reeled in during adverse weather.

Foothill Falls

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Cargo Elevator
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Foothill Falls
Where to Find: Found in the large cave near Skoova.
Information: The prospectors envisioned many grand projects for Koboh. Most were never realized, but an elevator for transporting hauls from the mountain summit was somehow completed successfully.
Collectible: Child's Hideaway
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Foothill Falls
Where to Find: After riding the Relter, turn left to a narrow path that will lead to a cave.
Information: This area has clearly been fashioned into a hideaway for a small child, perhaps that they might while away the time as their guardians toiled the nearby caverns.
Collectible: Prospecting Network
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Foothill Falls
Where to Find: After riding the Relter, reach the highest point of the area using a Nekko and the balloon.
Information: Prospectors on Koboh constructed lattice-like series of rafters and buildings, all intricately - and perilously - connecting their network of dig sites. They appear to outsiders to grow from the very rocks.

Basalt Rift

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Basalt Pillars
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Basalt Rift
Where to Find: At the end of the first zipline you'll encounter from the entrance of the Basalt Rift.
Information: Huge pillars of brittle, heavy rock populate the Basalt Forest, Seismic activity deep beneath the planet's crust 'unroots' these stone trees, forcing the structures to erupt in their fully grown form. While the stone is no longer growing, its porous surface provides a scaffolding for rudimentary organic lifeforms to take root. Scholars refer to these structures as “stone sentinels.”
Collectible: Turf Wars
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Basalt Rift
Where to Find: From the Meditation Point, cross the broken bridge on the right.
Information: A drop pod from a Lucrehulk-class battleship, used to transport battle droids and other separatist forces to the filed during the Clone Wars. Destination coordinates typically ensure safe landings, but this pod was overridden and fired in the general area of the Basalt Rift.
Collectible: Bilemaw's Revenge
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Basalt Rift
Where to Find: Found in the same area as the Bilemaw.
Information: Bilemaws have a notoriously bad temper, often trampling, crushing, or pulverizing those caught in their rampage. Even trained imperial soldiers stand little chance against a bilemaw defending its den.
Collectible: Risk and Research
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Basalt Rift
Where to Find: Found in a camp in the area.
Information: There's enough rations and supplies here to sustain a rigorous multi-day journey. Various scientific instruments and cartography tools were also laboriously packed for the trip.
Collectible: The Short Straw
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Basalt Rift
Where to Find: Found past the metal arc and by crossing two narrow logs.
Information: Imperial supplies addressed to Squadron 013. The shipment was meager in the first place - the rations already exhausted. These troops were disorganized, disengaged, and desperate.
Collectible: Bilemaw Pools
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Basalt Rift
Where to Find: Found at a low level of the area where you'll find a Bilemaw sleeping.
Information: The pools are filled with volcanic mud that bubbles up through fissures from deep beneath the surface. Bilemaws frequently lounge in these pools, becoming covered in, and fortified by, the substance. This second skin in very similar to the basalt columns that define the landscape.
Collectible: Koboh Dust
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Basalt Rift
Where to Find: Found in an area with blue dust scattered.
Information: Highly volatile matter unique to this system of the galaxy. Without further analysis, the elements comprising this gaseous substance remain a mystery.

All Jedha BD-1 Scan Locations

All Jedha BD Scan Locations
Trailhead Pantheon Blustery Mesa Crypt of Uhrma
Monastery Walls Halls of Ranvell Arid Flats
Buried Refuge

Trailhead Pantheon

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Ancient Crypt
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Trailhead Pantheon
Collectible: Map of Pilgrim's Path
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Trailhead Pantheon
Collectible: The Path
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Trailhead Pantheon
Where to Find: Can be scanned from the second rectangular stone structure
Information: An ancient script welcomes travelers to the beginning of 'The Pilgrim's Path', a long-walked route for those devoted to the worship of the Force.
Collectible: Meditation Hall
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Trailhead Pantheon
Where to Find: From the Crypt of Uhrma Meditation Point, go to the circular room to find the scan on the walls
Information: An invitation for travelers to find stillness along the Path. Though the journey carries Pilgrims forward, direction can only be found in taking stock of the route.

Blustery Mesa

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Catacombs of the Weary
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Blustery Mesa

Crypt of Uhrma

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Companions of the Caretakers
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Crypt of Uhrma

Monastery Walls

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Communal Space
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: Past the Monastery Walls Workbench, drop down the area with a group of Hardshells. In that area scan the tilted metal pot.
Collectible: Prayer Wheel
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Monastery Walls
Where to Find: From the Monastery Walls Meditation Point, look right to see the Prayer Wheels between two Columns
Information: A tool used by pilgrims to profess their faith by spinning the wheel while repeating an invocation to the Force.

Halls of Ranvell

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Ancient Ruins
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Halls of Ranvell
Where to Find: From the Halls of Ranvell Meditaion point, jump down and continue along the path until you reach down the end of the staircase. Look left and scan the sculpture.
Collectible: Ancient Wars
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Halls of Ranvell
Where to Find: In the Halls of Ranvell Workbench room, scan the wall art with candles
Collectible: Scorch Marks
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Halls of Ranvell
Where to Find: From the room with the Workbench, drop down one level until you see a spiraling platform. Walk down to the end of it to see the Scan
Information: These scars bear the hallmarks of a lightsaber. Perhaps the ancient people succeeded in inviting Jedit to their planet.

Arid Flats

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Cordova's Travel's on Jedha III
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Arid Flats
Where to Find: In the area just before the Path of Conviction, grapple to a drone on the left-hand side to access the ledge above you.
Information: Eno Cordova considers Jedha's mysteries as they relate to his own personal journey.

Buried Refuge

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Hidden Path, Exposed
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Buried Refuge
Where to Find: Look for the skeleton at the left-hand side of the tunnel leading out of the room with water.
Information: In the abrupt evacuation, all manner of personal belongings were left behind, a tableau of the lives that were lived before

All Shattered Moon BD-1 Scan Locations

All Shattered Moon BD Scan Locations
Automated Forge Assembly Staging
Array Channel Republic Research Laboratory

Automated Forge

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Monitoring Station
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Automated Forge
Where to Find: Found near the Force Tear in the Automated Forge.
Information: A station teeming with droid activity must be run efficiently, or...
Collectible: Droid Recharging Station
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Automated Forge
Where to Find: Found in the area with a lot of charging droids.
Information: An entire room was dedicated to the recharging of the facility's myriad maintenance droids. Since the Raider occupation, however, the battery station has been repurposed for battle droid use.

Assembly Staging

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Lifter Droid
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Assembly Staging
Where to Find: After falling down the pit full of Shiverpedes, grapple on to the flying droids and climb up the wall. You'll find the Scan on the corner.
Information: When maintenance droids saw to the regulation of the factory's systems, lifter droids took on the role of manual laborers, heaving construction materials to wherever they were needed.
Collectible: Destroyed Wall
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Assembly Staging
Where to Find: Found after the jumping upward puzzle with moving electric currents.
Information: The calamity that struck Koboh also ripped its moon apart. Racked by quakes and subsidence, sections of the facility were torn from their foundation and strewn about the interstellar flotsam.

Array Channel

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Wavelength Honing Controls
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Array Channel
Where to Find: Once you enter the large area with a beam, the Scan can be found on your right.
Information: As the Array beam reaches the emitter, several checks are initiated to focus the beam, calibrating its wavelength before it is directed at a target.
Collectible: Ionizing Calibrators
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Array Channel
Where to Find: Found after the section where you'll need to wall jump on wall with an electric current.
Information: Although shrouded in some mystery, it is believed the Array displaces Koboh Matter by ionizing energy fired through it. Stations throughout the beam chamber monitor the process.

Republic Research Laboratory

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Laboratory Thermoregulator
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Republic Research Laboratory
Where to Find: Beside the Meditation Point.
Information: To control tests effectively, the inner laboratory's temperature is strictly regulated by a master control unit in the laboratory's atrium.
Collectible: Stabilizer Beam
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Republic Research Laboratory
Where to Find: Found on the lowest platform in the area.
Information: A series of modules ring the laboratory, feeding energy down ito the array's initializing chamber. Maintaining a constant flow of energy is seemingly vital to ensuring the entire array remains stable.
Collectible: Inoperable Console
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Republic Research Laboratory
Where to Find: Found just outside the workbench in the area.
Information: Rendered inoperable by time or sabotage, the proximity of these consoles to the innermost laboratory nevertheless guarantees that whatever information they held was likely of the most sensitive nature.

All Nova Garon BD-1 Scan Locations

All Nova Garon BD Scan Locations
Hangar Bay Exterior Hangar Bay
Officer's Quarters Central Command

Hangar Bay Exterior

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: ISB Base Structure
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Hangar Bay Exterior
Where to Find: Found in the Hangar Bay
Information: Buried in the center of a frozen asteroid cluster, the Imperial Security Bureau established a listening post and operations hub - where better to remain out of sight?

Hangar Bay

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Electron Wall
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Hangar Bay
Where to Find: Found as you drop down to the Hangar Bay.
Information: Used in high security Imperial bases, an electron wall only allows non-organics to pass through unharmed. Anything else is painfully admonished.
Collectible: Back-Up Servers
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Hangar Bay
Where to Find: From the Force Echo in the last room, slash the tubes and drop down from the beam. After eliminating the enemies in the area, you can scan the server at the center of the room.
Information: Security protocols dictate multiple, closed-network abackup servers in case of unexpected power loss or enemy incursion.

Officer's Quarters

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Espionage Data And Tracker
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Officer's Quarters
Where to Find: Found in Bode Akuna's room in the Officer's Quarters.
Information: Evidence of how vast Bode's information collection and espionage missionwas. Information deatilling the Jedha Archive, Koboh, and the Mantis.
Collectible: Audio Message
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Officer's Quarters
Where to Find: Found in Bode Akuna's room in the Officer's Quarters.
Information: An audio message from Bode to Kata, timestamp unknown, where he promises to be home soon with a gift.

Central Command

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Officer's Linens
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Central Command
Where to Find: After the cutscene with Denvik, you'll find the Scan by some lockers.
Information: The outfit of an ISB officer. While known for being terrifyingly formal, Imperial attire is not know for being comfortable.
Collectible: Credential's Checkpoint
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Central Command
Where to Find: Found in the far end room of the Central Command, the central room next to the rotating platform.
Information: Imperial security checkpoints are equipped with security protocol scanners designed to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering.

All Tanalorr BD-1 Scan Locations

All Tanalorr BD Scan Locations
Haven's Edge Verdant Gardens Audience Chamber

Haven's Edge

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Jedi Meditation Spot
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Haven's Edge
Where to Find: Found left of Mantis
Information: Overlooking a natural vista, Jedi of old often frequented this spot to clear their minds and find a calm within themselves.
Collectible: High Republic Droids
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Haven's Edge
Where to Find: Found behind Mantis
Information: A now-obsolete Republic droid, fallen during battle with the Nihil invaders of Tanalorr. The droid gave a valiant defense of the planet.

Verdant Gardens

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Buried Invasion
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Verdant Gardens
Where to Find: Found to the right after entering Verdant Gardens
Information: The unexpected invasion of Tanalorr forced the ORder to flee their new sanctuary. How the Nihil discovered Tanalorr remains a mystery.
Collectible: Ceremonial Fountain
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Verdant Gardens
Where to Find: In front of the Temple Atrium
Information: A tri-pointed water feature, built to symbolize the three core pillars of the Jedi Order - The Force, knowledge and self-discipline. Jedi strive at all times to gain mastery over all three.

Audience Chamber

Map Location In-game Location
Collectible: Jedi Order Edict
Type: BD-1 Scans
Area: Audience Chamber
Where to Find: Facing the entrance on the lower level of the Audience Chamber.
Information: A Jedi edict on the foundation of the temple on Tanalorr: The Jedi stand, ever-ready, watch over the galaxy.

Encrypted Log Collection Rewards

XP and Lore

Scanning relevant objects in Jedi: Fallen Order for BD-1 Scan will always provide XP and a story behind the object or area. The stories are told by Eno Cordova in audio form.

How to Find BD-1 Scans

Follow BD-1 When He Dismounts

In Jedi: Fallen Order, when you're near an object with an Encrypted Log, BD-1 will dismount from your shoulder and call attention to the object by staring at it. If you go near BD-1, a button prompt will appear that will have BD-1 scan a specific area or object to play the log. If you stray away too far away from the area without scanning, BD-1 will return to Cal's shoulder.

Are BD-1 Scan Missable?

Return to Planets for Missed BD-1 Scan

In the first game, Jedi: Fallen Order, you can use the Mantis to return to planets to reexplore them during the playthrough and after the main story. You can retrieve any BD-1 Scan you missed when you revisit planets. Players can expect the same for the sequel, Jedi Survivor.

They Don't Carry Over to New Game Plus

In the first game, Jedi: Fallen Order, if you start a New Game Plus playthrough, all the BD-1 Scan will have to be collected again and will still provide XP. Players can expect the same for the sequel, Jedi Survivor.

What are BD-1 Scans?

Collectibles that Provide Additional Lore

In Jedi: Fallen Order, BD-1 Scan are recordings in BD-1 that contain additional information about the studies of Eno Cordova, Cere Junda's master. In addition, BD-1 Scan also provide the player with XP. They are found all over the different areas of the game and can be found with BD-1's help.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Related Guides

Jedi Survivor Partial Banner Collectibles


All Collectibles

All Collectible Types
Chests Stim Upgrades
Perks Skill Points
Perk Slots BD-1 Scans
Force Echoes Seeds and Plants
Priorite Shards Datadiscs
Jedha Scrolls Essences
Force Essences Health Essences
Treasures Fish
Recruits Force Tears
BD-1 Upgrades -

Collectibles by Planet

All Planets
Coruscant Koboh
Jedha Shattered Moon
Nova Garon Tanalorr


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