Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Devastated Settlement Laser Puzzle Solution

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Jedi Survivor Devastated Settlement
In the Devastated Settlement, you need to turn on 3 lasers using purple orbs in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Learn how to solve the Devastated Settlement puzzle, how to destroy Koboh Matter using the Koboh Grinder in Devasated Settlement, and how to turn on the lasers in Koboh.

Devastated Settlement Guides
Devastated Settlement Walkthrough Devastated Settlement Puzzle Page

Devastated Settlement Puzzle Solution

Koboh Matter Goo Puzzles
Laser 1 Laser 2 Laser 3

How to Activate Laser 1

Devastated Settlement Laser 1 Puzzle Solution
Use Force Push twice to spin the contraption in the middle of the room. This will move the laser on the other side.
Squeeze through the small crevice in the yellow wall to get into the inner room.
Force Pull the large cube down from the platform.
(Note that there is a bug here wherein you will not be able to pull the large cube down. You can fix this by loading a previous save file)
Head back through the crevice in the wall and Force Push the contraption, in order for the laser to make it all the way across the room. This will destroy the Koboh Matter from blocking a slot for an orb.
Go through the crevice again and Force Pull the orb from the laser contraption. Force Push/throw the orb to the new orb slot on the wall.
Head through the crevice in the wall one last time to get into the outer room. Use Force Pull to grab the orb from the slot on the wall, then bring the orb with you to the outside.
Force Push/throw the orb towards the laser contraption on the ledge across the room you just exited from.
Aim the laser at the vines on your lower left to open the geyser. This will release an updraft that can lift you higher when mounted.

How to Activate Laser 2

Devastated Settlement Laser 2 Puzzle Solution
1 Jedi Survivor Devastated Settlement Fly to 2nd Laser
From the 1st laser, you can now use the new vent updraft to glide to the 2nd laser.
Head inside the new chamber, where you can get the 2nd orb. Jump onto the platform and it will collapse. Fight the Gorocco enemies below. You can Force Confuse them so that they fight each other.
Force Pull the purple orb on the wall after defeating all the enemies.
Force Pull the cracked wall for it to break. Force Push the purple orb into the slot inside the destroyed wall. This opens a new adjacent area.
Head to the new area, then drop down. There's a chest at the end containing the BD-1 upgrade Koboh Grinder. You need this for story progression.
Open up the Koboh Grinder and use it to draw a line directly from the laser toward the corrupted vines on your right. The Koboh Grinder can destroy these vines when connected to the laser's heat.
Head back to the previous room by wall jumping on the wall behind the destroyed vines. Pick up the purple orb from where you last placed it.
Force Push the purple orb to its original slot in the wall to your left to fire up the laser.
Use the Koboh Grinder to draw a line from the laser to the vines on your right to open a new path.
Use the Koboh Grinder again to draw another line from the laser to the vines on top of the wall that you can run on.
Head to the wall on the right and use the grappling hook to get back to the second floor.
From the second floor, you can Force Pull to pick up the orb. Place it on the orb slot to your left.
Head back outside by running on the wall to cross over the gap.
From the other side of the gab, Force Pull to get the orb again. Head outside with the orb and place it on the laser slot.
Aim the laser at the geyser covered in vines directly in front of the platform you're on.

How to Activate Laser 3

Devastated Settlement Laser 3 Puzzle Solution
Use the mount and the new geyser updraft to reach Laser 3 across the Devastated Settlement.
Head inside the cavern, then pull the large cube you'll immediately see in front of you in the main room.
Force Push the large cube to the door gap on your left, as you'll need it later to prevent the door from closing.
Head inside that room and Force Pull the purple orb and bring it outside into the main room.
Force Push the purple orb into the laser slot inside the main room.
Move the large cube in front of the laser to block the laser beam from shooting outside.
Using the Koboh Grinder, draw a line from the large cube to the vines to the right.
Force Pull the purple orb and head outside through the new passageway. Place the orb in the third and final Devastated Settlement laser.
Point the final Devastated Settlement laser to the geyser directly in front of you.

Koboh Part 2 Walkthrough

Devastated Settlement Puzzle Location

First Laser Puzzle Location

Map Location In-Game Location
Koboh - Devastated Settlement

Second Laser Puzzle Location

Map Location In-Game Location
Koboh - Devastated Settlement

Third Laser Puzzle Location

Map Location In-Game Location
Koboh - Devastated Settlement

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