Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Find Gorge's Secret Rumor Walkthrough

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Jedi Survivor - Find the Gorge
Find the Gorge's Secret is a Rumor that can be found at Rambler's Reach on the planet of Koboh in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Read on to see a detailed walkthrough of Find the Gorge's Secret, its rewards, and its location!

How to Unlock Find the Gorge's Secret and Location

Starting Location at the Back of Pyloon's Saloon

The Find the Gorge's Secret rumor can be found at the back of Pyloon's Saloon on the planet of Koboh.

Speak to the Prospector to Begin

Speak to the Prospector behind Pyloon's Saloon. Be sure to complete the conversation with them to unlock the Rumor!

Find the Gorge's Secret Walkthrough

1 Jedi Survivor - Find Gorge
Approach the Torontoshell in Derelict Dam
The Derelict Dam is an area you have already passed through, so you can fast travel to the meditation point to get there. At the meditation point, you'll see the gigantic Torontoshell; cross the oil field to approach it.
2 Jedi Survivor - Find Gorge
Focus the Torontoshell and Climb Its Tusk
Use Focus on the Torontoshell (the same button you use to call a Nekko). Once it lowers its head, jump and climb towards its right tusk which is covered by vines. Hold on until it moves its head to the higher area.
3 Jedi Survivor - Find Gorge
Proceed Through the Winding Ravine
Proceed through the path, where you'll reach the Winding Ravine area.
4 Jedi Survivor - Find Gorge
Go to the Right Road in the Fork
As you proceed through the Winding Ravine, you'll encounter a fork on the road. The correct way is towards the right road of the fork.
Note: The left road has a ton of enemies, but has a Force Essence reward if you're willing to get sidetracked.
5 Jedi Survivor - Find Gorge
Pass Through the Cave
In the right road, enter the cave, wall run to the left side and proceed to the outside of the cave.
Note: If you turn back after you reach the other side of the gap, wall run to the left and you'll find a Priorite Shard.
6 Jedi Survivor - Find Gorge
Wall Run and Swing to Cross the Gap
Here in the next area, wall run toward the nearby wall, then proceed to wall run to two more walls. Then, Force Pull the rope to swing to the other side.
7 Jedi Survivor - Find Gorge
Defeat the Gorocco
You'll encounter a Gorocco here in this next area. Defeat it to proceed.
8 Jedi Survivor - Find Gorge
Ride the Relter
Find the Relter in the area, and ride it to cross the gap to the next area by the cliffside.
9 Jedi Survivor - Find Gorge
Open the Chest
Defeat the enemies and open the chest to unlock the Hunter Lightsaber cosmetic!

Find the Gorge's Secret Rewards

Hunter Lightsaber

Lightsaber Hunter

Completing Find the Gorge's Secret gives no rewards, but opening the chest to complete the rumor rewards the Hunter Lightsaber cosmetic!

Lightsaber Customization Guide | All Lightsaber Parts

Force Essence

If you take the left road at the fork in the Winding Ravine, there are a bunch of enemies. Defeat them and push the metal crate in the area towards the ledge to climb and get the Force Essence.

This reward isn't necessary to complete the Rumor, but you might as well take it while you're at the area.

All Force Essence Locations

Priorite Shard

At the right road at the fork in the Winding Ravine, you can wall run to cross the gap. Turn back and wall run at the other wall; up here you'll get a Priorite Shard.

This reward isn't necessary to complete the Rumor, but you might as well take it while you're at the area.All Priorite Shard Locations

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All Rumors

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