Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Check on the Jawa Settlement Rumor Walkthrough

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Check on the Jawa Settlement is a Rumor that can be found outside Pyloon's Saloon on the third visit to the planet of Koboh in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Read on to see a detailed walkthrough of Check on the Jawa Settlement, its rewards, and its location!

How to Unlock Check on the Jawa Settlement and Location

Starting Location Outside of Pyloon's Saloon

Jawa Rumor Start
Check on the Jawa Settlement can be found at the Rambler's Reach Outpost on the planet of Koboh.

Speak to the Prospector

Speak to Prospector outside in Pyloon's Saloon and he will give you the rumor. Note that you can only access this rumor on your third visit to Koboh!

Koboh Part 3 Walkthrough

Find the Check on the Jawa Settlement Walkthrough

How to Reach the Bygone Settlement Rumor

To reach the Jawas in Bygone Settlement, you need to have the Dash Ability, which is unlocked in Jedha Part 2.

Fast Travel to Bygone Settlement
Fast travel to Bygone settlement and traverse the parkour section until you reach the Jawa being interrogated. Dash is needed for this section.
2 Jedi Survivor Bygone Settlement
Climb Through Bygone Settlement
From the Bygone Settlement meditation circle, head straight, then wall run to jump onto the climbable wall.
3 Jedi Survivor Bygone Settlement Rumor
Climb up to the top then climb to the ceiling above.
4 Jedi Survivor Bygone Settlement Jawas
Climb to the next area then Force Push this metal wall, so you can wall run it to the next climbable wall.
Climb the wall until you reach the fan. Air Dash through the fan to the climbable wall on the other side. You can't progress to the Jawas without Dash.
▶︎How to Get Past Bygone Settlement Fan
6 Jedi Survivor Bygone Settlement How to
Jump right then air dash to the climbable wall in front of you.
7 Jedi Survivor Bygone Settlement Guide
Drop down then air dash to the platform below.
8 Follow these platforms and climb up to the room with the Jawas. 1 Jawa will lower a platform that you can Force Pull closer to climb and cross the gap.
9 Jedi Survivor Bygone Settlement Walkthrough
Across the gap, head right until you reach these 2 hanging platforms that you must alternately Force Pull to reach the other side.
Reach the Sandcrawler and Defeat the Raiders
On the other side, drop to the leftside of the shortcut to encounter raiders terrorizing some Jawas at a Sandcrawler.
Talk to the Jawa
Speak with the Jawa to complete the rumor and collect the Priorite Shard behind it!

Check on the Jawa Settlement Rewards

Opens Ramblers Reach Roof Puzzle

Jedi Survivors Rambler

Recruiting the Jawa at the end of this Rumor will open up a boarded house in Rambler's Reach Outpost. Behind the boads is a generator, which you can shoot with an Electro Dart to unlock the Swooper blaster cosmetic and a Skill Point.

Rambler's Reach Roof Puzzle Solution

Jawa Recruit

Completing the Check on the Jawa Settlement rumor rewards you with the Jawa Recruit for Pyloon's Saloon! The Jawa is one of the eleven recruits you can find to get the Max Capacity Achievement.
How to Recruit All Cantina Members

Priorite Shard

Behind the Jawa in the Sandcrawler is a priorite shard. You can use the priorite shard to buy items from Doma's Shop!
All Priorite Shard Locations

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